
4  When to Input a New Record

Chapter contents

4.1  General Guidelines
4.2  Field-by-Field Guidelines for New Records
   Fixed Field
   0xx  Control Numbers and Code Fields
   1xx  Main Entry Fields
   2xx  Title, Edition, Imprint, etc., Fields
   3xx  Physical Description Fields
   4xx  Series Statement Field
   5xx  Note Fields
   6xx  Subject Access Fields
   7xx  Added and Linking Entry Fields
   8xx  Series Added Entry, Holdings, Location, etc., Fields
   9xx  Local Use Fields

To promote a common basis for decision-making and creation of a useful database, OCLC and its advisory groups established guidelines for inputting new records into WorldCat.

These guidelines should be used when deciding whether to use an existing record or to enter a new record.

As a membership cooperative, OCLC encourages members to share their expertise with the WorldCat community, improving existing cataloging by exercising the same care in editing and replacing an existing record as you would in creating a new record.

OCLC's matching algorithms (including Duplicate Detection and Resolution (DDR) and automated loading of records) are based on these guidelines.

4.1  General Guidelines

Use of guidelines

Although it is impossible to cover every case, these guidelines should help you determine whether an existing record matches the item you are cataloging or whether you should input a new record.

Apply these guidelines to current cataloging and retrospective conversion. These guidelines also describe characteristics of a record that legitimately represent a distinctive bibliographic item.

Basis of guidelines

  • Resource Description and Access (RDA) and Library of Congress-Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Statements (LC-PCC PS)
  • AACR2 (Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition) and the Library of Congress Rule Interpretation (LCRI), the Library of Congress's application of AACR2
  • RDA 1.6 and the Library of Congress Rule Interpretation (LCRI) 1.0 identifies bibliographic differences requiring the creation of separate records for LC. Some LC practices differ from OCLC practices.

When you input new records, you should exercise caution. If you are transcribing retrospective cataloging copy, be especially cautious because the item is not usually in hand. If in doubt, do not create a duplicate record, use an existing record.

Differences Between, Changes Within

Descriptive cataloging instructions are supplemented by the 2007 edition of Differences Between, Changes Within: Guidelines on When to Create a New Record, published by the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). The document provides guidance to the cataloger who has found copy that is a close or near match to the item in hand about whether to use that copy or to create a new bibliographic record.

Differences Between, Changes Within (DBCW) is a valuable supplement to this chapter, but does not replace it. On most major points, the two documents agree. There are, however, several areas in which OCLC has chosen to differ, because of the unique cooperative nature of WorldCat and its application of a single WorldCat record concept. These areas are noted below. Follow OCLC practice in these instances.

Procedure for creating new records

Follow appropriate cataloging instructions and input standards. However, you may apply some local or nonstandard practice (other than a local call number or local note) for your own catalog. To do so:

  1. Create the record according to established standards.
  2. Input the record using the Update command.
  3. Edit, Update, or Export the record for local use.

Parallel records

Records for the same resource but cataloged in different languages are parallel records. For more information, see chapter 2.6, Language of Cataloging.


WorldCat records reflect a variety of input standards, encoding levels, and cataloging instructions.

  • Errors do not justify the creation of a duplicate record
  • Absence or presence of angle-bracketed information does not justify a new record
  • Absence or presence of a field or subfield, whether optional or required, does not justify a new record, except as noted below

To correct errors or add information to a record, edit and replace the record or report the changes to OCLC.

Replace the record. In many cases, you can edit and replace a WorldCat record. For more information, see chapter 5.2, Member Capabilities.

OCLC cataloging users who have a Full Level or higher authorization have the ability to correct or enhance WorldCat records. For more information, see Expert Community: guidelines for experts.

Report errors to OCLC. If your authorization and the coding of the record do not allow you to edit and replace or upgrade the WorldCat record, edit the existing record for your own use and report the errors to OCLC for correction. See section 5.5, Requesting Changes to Records.


When comparing records, closely examine the bibliographic description (fields 245 through 5xx) and important fixed-field elements (e.g., Form, Dates).

Accompanying material

  • Input separate records to represent a resource issued without accompanying material and the same resource issued with substantive accompanying material.
  • You can also catalog accompanying material separately; however, accompanying material should still be noted on the record for the parent item.
  • Records for items reflecting each of these options above may coexist and are not duplicates.
  • If the only record in WorldCat for your resource includes accompanying material but your item does not include accompanying material, use the existing record if it is not certain that the item was also issued without accompanying material.

Analytical versus comprehensive entry

  • A record for a multipart item or serial and records for their individual parts or issues may coexist. If a record for an item as a whole exists, you can create a record for a part and vice versa. This includes the legitimately separate records for musical scores, parts, and scores and parts. You can also create "In" analytic records for items physically contained within other items.
  • In the case of certain sound recordings, cartographic materials, microforms, rare books and other rare materials that lack a collective title, you may choose to describe the resource either comprehensively as a unit or analytically with separate descriptions for parts of the resource. For more information, see RDA 1.5, 2.1 through 2.3, and related LC-PCC PSs, and AACR2 rule 1.1G and related LCRIs.

Cataloging in Publication (CIP)

  • Variations in fields 245, 250, 260, 264, 300, and 490 do not justify a new record when the ELvl is 8.
  • If the CIP record describes the item being cataloged, edit the record to reflect information appearing on the item as published.

Cataloging instructions

  • Variations resulting from use of different cataloging instructions do not justify a new record.
  • Do not create a new record solely because of disagreement with the choice of authorized access point. Generally, do not consider access points (fields 1xx, 7xx, etc.) when deciding to create a new record.

Different editions

  • Input separate records to represent different editions of bibliographic works. See RDA Glossary and AACR2, appendix D, for the definition of an edition.
  • Input separate records to represent different issues of an edition whenever there are significant differences in the description.
  • Supply an edition statement for items known to represent different editions when there are no significant differences in the description.
  • Significant differences are discussed under 250 Edition Statement Subfield ǂa in section 4.2, Field-by-Field Guidelines for New Records.

Library and Archives Canada policy. The Library and Archives Canada (LAC) creates records for Canadian publications.

For the cataloging of microform reproductions, LAC describes the microform in the body of the record and the original in field 534. If an LAC microform record is the only record for a microform item, create a separate record for the item following LC PCC guidelines.

Non-Latin scripts

Do not create a duplicate record in order to include non-Latin script. If you have an authorization that allows you to change the WorldCat record, add the non-Latin script to an existing record. Otherwise, report such additions to OCLC.

Record format

  • A record cataloged with the incorrect code in Type or BLvl does not justify a new record.
  • In some cases, users can edit Type codes. See chapter 5, Quality Assurance, about Type code editing capabilities. When you can't edit the Type code, edit the record for local use and report Type and BLvl code errors to OCLC so the WorldCat record can be changed.
  • Do not create a new record because you disagree about the choice of predominant material (e.g., a set of slides with book versus a book with set of slides). Use of field 006 allows multiple aspects of an item to be recorded and indexed. For information about material characteristics, see field 006. If the resource contains multiple formats that are essentially equal, you may create another record with a different choice of predominant material (e.g., a sheet that contains text on one side and a map on the other side).
  • The coding of certain multiple characteristics of an item can be incorporated into a single record. For instance, nonprint serials should be cataloged using the appropriate nonprint format. Duplicate records for nonprint serials on Serials format are not permitted. See Type when you are uncertain about the choice of predominant material.
  • If you disagree with the choice of format of an existing record, use the existing record and add coding for the additional characteristics in field 006.

Sparse pre-publication records

When the WorldCat record is sparse, consisting only of questionable pre-publication data such as title, publisher, date, and ISBN, variations in fields 245, 250, 260, 264, 300, and 490 do not justify a new record. These records will most often be ELvl M, 3, or 5. Use careful judgment in applying looser criteria for matching such sparse records. If the ISBN matches, there is general agreement on the title and the name of the publisher, and the date is either the same or at most one year off, upgrade the existing record rather than adding a new record.

Guidelines for Continuing Resources and Multipart Items

Changes in title or authorized access point determine if a new serial record should be created. For RDA cataloging, see instruction 1.6.2 and related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rules 21.2A, 21.2C, 21.3B, and related LCRIs. For non-RDA and non-AACR2 cataloging, consult the appropriate instructions.

Change in authorized access point. For successive entry cataloging, create a new record if the person, corporate body, or conference chosen as the authorized access point changes. For RDA cataloging, see instructions,, and related LC-PCC PSs. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.3B and the related LCRI.

Change in title proper. For successive entry cataloging, create a new record for a major title change. Do not enter a duplicate record for minor title changes. For RDA cataloging, see instructions,,, and related LC-PCC PSs. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.2C2 and the related LCRI.

Change of carrier characteristic. For successive entry cataloging, create a new record if the only change in a serial is the carrier characteristic (e.g., from paper to electronic medium). This is not the same as having different formats simultaneously published. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see LCRI 21.3B.

Change of corporate name as qualifier in preferred title. Some RDA and AACR2 records use a corporate name as a qualifier for a preferred title. For successive entry cataloging, create a new record if the corporate name qualifier changes. Do not create a duplicate record if the only difference is a change in a place name qualifier. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 25.5B related LCRI.

Change of publication, publisher, or frequency. If the only difference is a change in the place of publication, publisher, or frequency, do not create a duplicate record. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 24.4C4.

Integrating resources. A change in bibliographic data appearing on the resource resulting from the resource being updated does not justify a new record. For RDA cataloging, see instruction For AACR2 cataloging, see chapter 12.

Latest versus successive entry serial records. Since 1981, all current cataloging for serials affected by major changes in title or preferred access point must be successive entry cataloging. Use the following guidelines to determine cataloging practice for existing records:

  • If you find only a latest entry record, you may use that record or enter a separate successive entry record for each title held by your institution. Treat these successive entry records as current original cataloging.
  • If you find successive entry records for some but not all of the titles that your institution holds, enter separate successive entry records for the titles not already represented
  • If you are transcribing printed cataloging copy that has a latest entry record, and you find successive entry records for all of the titles represented, do not input the latest entry record. Use the successive records for your institution's holdings.
  • If you are transcribing printed cataloging copy that has a latest entry record, and you do not find successive entry records for all the titles represented, you may follow CONSER practice and create a latest entry record.

Multipart items. A change in title among parts of a multipart item does not justify a new record. Catalog a multipart item as incomplete unless there is evidence that all parts have been published. Occasionally, a publisher may issue a multipart item in which the individual parts bear differing edition statements and are revised and reissued independently. In such cases, only one multipart item record should exist. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see LCRI 2.2.

4.2  Field-by-Field Guidelines for New Records


Differences indicative of a distinct bibliographic item usually occur in more than one field. If a difference occurs in a single field, determine whether there are two separate bibliographic items with only one significant difference or whether the difference is an error or a difference in opinion. If in doubt, do not create a duplicate record, use the existing record.


These guidelines use the following terms:

  • Absence. The data is not found in the WorldCat record, but applies to the resource in hand.
  • Presence. The data is found in the WorldCat record, but does not apply to the resource in hand.
  • Difference. Depending upon context, "difference" indicates either:
    • Substantive distinction between a WorldCat record and the resource in hand; or,
    • Merely apparent but not meaningful disparity between a WorldCat record and the resource in hand that results from such factors as error, matters of judgment, or varying coding of data, placement, or presentation.

Fixed Field


A difference in coding of any fixed-field element, other than those noted, does not justify a new record.

Fixed Field (ALL)

Field 006

Absence or presence of field 006 or an additional field describing another variation or version does not justify a new record. A difference in 006 fields alone does not justify a new record. Specific differences in the physical format of the item may justify a new record. Compare fields 3xx and 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

BLvl: Bibliographic Level (ALL)

A difference in the coding of BLvl alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

CrTp: Type of Cartographic Material (MAP)

A difference in coding of CrTp alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

Ctry: Country of Publication, etc. (ALL)

A difference in the coding of Ctry alone does not justify a new record. Compare field 260 subfield ǂa, field 264 subfield ǂa, field 500, and field 533 subfield ǂb for actual differences in place of publication to justify a new record. If there has been a change of place, serials and integrating resources are coded for the latest place of publication.

Dates: Date 1 and Date 2 • DtSt: Type of Date/Publication Status (ALL)

A difference in the coding of Dates or DtSt, alone or together, does not justify a new record. Compare field 260 subfield ǂc, field 264 subfield ǂc, field 362 subfield ǂa, field 500, and field 533 subfield ǂd for actual differences in dates to justify a new record.

FMus: Format of Music (SCO)

A difference in the coding of FMus alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245, 250, 254, 300, and 348. Specific differences in the format of a score justify a new record.

Form: Form of Item (ALL)

A difference in the coding of Form alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx, 776, and 856 for actual differences to justify a new record.

Freq: Frequency • Regl: Regularity (CNR)

A difference in the coding of Freq or Regl, alone or together, does not justify a new record. A change in the frequency or regularity of a publication does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

Lang: Language Code (ALL)

A difference in coding of Lang alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 041, 240, 245, 377, 500, and 546. Specific differences in the language or text of the item justify a new record.

Proj: Projection • Relf: Relief • SpFm: Special Format Characteristics (MAP)

A difference in coding of Proj, Relf, and SpFm, alone or together, does not justify a new record. Compare fields 250, 255, 300, 340, 342, 343, 500, and 507. An actual difference in projection, relief, or special format characteristics justifies a new record.

S/L: Successive/Latest Entry (CNR)

A difference in the coding of S/L alone does not justify a new record. If the only existing serial record is latest entry cataloging (compare fields 1xx, 247, and 550), you may create successive entry records.

Time: Running Time (VIS)

A difference in the coding of Time alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 300, 306, 500, and 505. Specific differences in the length of motion pictures and video recordings may justify a new record.

TMat: Type of Material (VIS)

A difference in TMat alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 007, 3xx, and 5xx.

Type: Type of Record (ALL)

A difference in the coding of Type alone does not justify a new record. Compare field 006 and fields 245 through 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

For resources with multiple components, a difference in the choice of predominant material does not justify a new record. For example, in a case where a book and a videodisc are issued together and your choice of the predominant material differs from that reflected in an existing bibliographic record, use the existing record and edit it locally.

0xx  Control Numbers and Code Fields


Absence or presence of 0xx fields or an additional 0xx field describing another variation or version does not justify a new record. A difference in 0xx fields alone does not justify a new record. Specific differences in the physical format of the item may justify a new record. Compare fields 3xx and 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

007 Physical Description Fixed Field

Absence or presence of field 007 or an additional field describing another variation or version does not justify a new record. A difference in fields alone does not justify a new record. Specific differences in the physical format of the item may justify a new record. Compare fields 300, 500, and 5xx for actual differences to justify a new record.

010 Library of Congress Control Number

Absence or presence of field 010 does not justify a new record. A difference in control numbers may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

015 National Bibliography Number

Absence or presence of field 015 does not justify a new record. A difference in bibliography numbers may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

016 National Bibliographic Agency Control Number

Absence or presence of field 016 does not justify a new record. A difference in control numbers may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

020 International Standard Book Number

Absence or presence of field 020 does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record. If the only difference is an indication of the type of binding, such as hardback versus paperback, but all other aspects, such as extent and dimensions, are the same or within allowable tolerances, do not input a new record. Be aware that under both RDA LC-PCC PS 2.15 and AACR2 LCRI 1.8, multiple ISBNs representing manifestations other than the one being described in the bibliographic record are transcribed from the resource. The ISBN and parenthetical qualifier for the manifestation being described should be recorded in field 020 subfields ǂa and ǂq, with others in subfield ǂz.

022 International Standard Serial Number

Absence or presence of field 022 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 022 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 1xx, 2xx, and 3xx for other differences to justify a new record.

024 Other Standard Identifier

Absence or presence of field 024 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 024 alone does not justify a new record, but a difference between identifiers of the same type may indicate other variations. Be aware of the different types of identifiers that may be coded in field 024, their bibliographic significance, and any parenthetical qualifiers. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

027 Standard Technical Report Number

Absence or presence of field 027 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 027 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

028 Publisher Number

ALL except REC and SCO. Absence or presence of field 028 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 028 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245, 260, 264, 3xx, and 5xx for differences to justify a new record.

REC and SCO. Absence or presence of field 028 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in numbering, except for minor variations in completeness, justify a new record. Compare differences in fields 245, 260, 264, 3xx, and 5xx to justify a new record.

034 Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data

Absence or presence of field 034 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in scale or coordinates, except for minor variations, justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to fields 255 and 507 for differences to justify a new record.

040 Cataloging Source

Subfield ǂb Language of cataloging

Absence of field 040 subfield ǂb implies that the language of cataloging is English (eng). Presence of field 040 subfield ǂb indicating a language of cataloging other than that used by your institution justifies a new record. Always verify the language of cataloging by checking the language used in the physical description in field 300 and in non-quoted notes in 5xx fields. If the actual language of cataloging is different than that used by your institution, create a parallel record in your institution's preferred language of descriptive cataloging. For more information on parallel records, see chapter 2.6, Language of Cataloging.

Subfield ǂe Description conventions

Absence, presence, or difference in field 040 subfield ǂe does not justify a new record.

041 Language Code

Absence or presence of field 041 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 041 alone does not justify a new record. Compare Lang and fields 130, 240, 245, 250, 5xx, and 7xx with special attention to fields 250 and 5xx. Specific differences in the language of the item justify a new record.

088 Report Number

Absence or presence of field 088 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 088 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

1xx  Main Entry Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in choice or form of 1xx fields does not justify a new record.

For multipart items, a change in field 1xx does not justify a new record.

For serials, the following changes justify a new record:

  • a change in the name access point
  • a change in the corporate name qualifier used in a preferred title
  • a change in the preferred title

A change in other types of qualifiers in preferred titles does not justify a new record.

2xx  Title, Edition, etc. Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 2xx fields, other than those noted below, do not justify a new record.

222 Key Title

Absence or presence of field 222 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 222 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

For serials, compare 1xx fields for a change in the name access point; field 130 for a change in the corporate name qualifier; and fields 240, 245, 250, 300, 310, and 362 for other differences to justify a new record.

For music materials, also compare fields 048, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, and 386 for other differences to justify a new record.

240 Uniform Title

Absence or presence of field 240 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 240 alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

For serials, compare 1xx fields for a change in the name access point and fields 245, 300, 310, and 362 for other differences to justify a new record.

For music materials, also compare fields 048, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, and 386 for other differences to justify a new record.

245 Title Statement

Subfield ǂa, Title • Subfield ǂf, Inclusive dates • Subfield ǂg, Bulk dates • Subfield ǂk, Form • Subfield ǂn, Number of part/section of a work • Subfield ǂp, Name of part/section of a work

Subfields ǂa, ǂn, and ǂp constitute the title proper. Subfields ǂf, ǂg, and ǂk may constitute the title proper alone or in combination with subfields ǂa, ǂn, and/or ǂp.

The following differences do not justify a new record:

  • Absence, presence, or difference in capitalization, diacritics, ellipses, initial articles, punctuation, or special characters
  • Absence, presence, or difference in expanded forms of abbreviations, numerals, etc.
  • Variation in length resulting from judgment of what constitutes the title proper (e.g., a difference in the placement of subfield ǂb)
  • Variation resulting from difference in choice of source of information
  • Variation resulting from difference in selection of title proper (e.g., Keats' poetry versus Poetry)

When a supplied title is given compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record. For RDA cataloging, see instructions and and the related LC-PCC PSs. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 1.1B7 and the related LCRI.

A change in titles among parts of a multipart item or as a result of an integrating resource being updated does not justify a new record. For serial title changes, use the criteria under Guidelines for Continuing Resources and Multipart Items. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.2A and the related LCRI.

Specific differences in the wording of the title proper, other than those noted above, justify a new record.

Subfield ǂb Remainder of title

Absence or presence of subfield ǂb does not justify a new record. Use the criteria under field 245 subfields ǂa, ǂf, ǂg, ǂk, ǂn, and ǂp to justify a new record. Specific differences in the wording of the remainder of title, other than those noted above, justify a new record.

Subfield ǂc Statement of responsibility, etc.

Absence or presence of subfield ǂc does not justify a new record. Statements of responsibility may be present in field 245 subfield ǂc, field 250 subfield ǂb, fields 5xx, or omitted. A difference in subfield ǂc alone does not justify a new record. A difference as a result of cataloging practice (e.g., inclusion or omission of authors or statements of responsibility) does not justify a new record.

A change in the responsibility for a work may justify a new record.

  • For a multipart item, a change in the responsibility for a work does not justify a new record. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.3.
  • For an integrating resource, a change in the responsibility for a work being updated does not justify a new record. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.3.
  • For a serial, a change in responsibility for a work may justify a new record. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and the related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 21.3. Compare the 1xx fields for a change in name access point and field 130 for a change in corporate name qualifier to justify a new record.

Absence or presence of parallel titles and/or statements of responsibility in subfield ǂc does not justify a new record.

For works lacking a comprehensive title, absence, presence, or difference of an additional work in subfield ǂc justifies a new record. If more than one bibliographical work is contained in the physical item at the time of publication, release, issue, or execution, see field 501 for other differences to justify a new record.

Specific differences in the statement of responsibility, other than those noted above, justify a new record.

Subfield ǂh Medium

Absence or presence of subfield ǂh does not justify a new record. A difference in subfield ǂh alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

250 Edition Statement

Subfield ǂa Edition statement

The following differences do not justify a new record:

  • Absence, presence, or difference in expanded forms of abbreviations, numerals, etc. (e.g., 2nd rev. ed. versus Second revised edition)
  • Absence or presence of "book club edition" statements if that is the only difference
  • Absence or presence of "first edition" statements if that is the only difference
  • Absence or presence of edition statements related to binding if that is the only difference (i.e., Paperback edition versus Turtleback edition)
  • Variation in position of edition information in the record (e.g., field 250 versus fields 254, 255, or 500)
  • Variation in edition information for individual volumes or parts of a multipart monograph or integrating resource. In the cooperative environment of WorldCat, follow OCLC practice and apply the second paragraph of LC-PCC PS For multipart monographs, use the following note to specify in a general note the various editions on the bibliographic record for the set: "Includes various editions of some volumes." For integrating resources, make a note about the new edition statement.

The following differences justify a new record:

  • Variation in date designation associated with edition (e.g., Draft, Jan. 1989 versus Draft, May 1989)
  • Variation in numbered edition statements (e.g., 2nd edition versus 3rd edition)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in content (e.g., First edition versus New edition)
  • Variation in statements indicating abridgment, enlargement, etc.
  • Variation in statements indicating versions (e.g., Draft versus Final)
  • Variation in statements indicating geographic coverage (e.g., Midwest edition versus Western edition)
  • Variation in statements indicating language content (e.g., Spanish edition versus Italian edition)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in audience (e.g., Teacher edition versus Student edition)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in a particular format or physical presentation (e.g.,Widescreen version versus Full screen version)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in voice range (e.g., For medium voice versus For low voice)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in format of notated music (e.g., Staff notation versus Tablature notation)
  • Variation in statements indicating a difference in scale (e.g. Small scale edition versus Large scale edition)
  • Variation in description among issues of an edition that indicate a difference in content (e.g., illustrated version versus non-illustrated version, certain sections present or absent, etc.)
  • Presence of a word such as "edition," "issue," "release," "level," "state," "update," etc. or its equivalent in another language

When supplying an edition statement under LCRI 1.2.B4 or RDA, you may input a new record if wording indicates a different edition.

When explicit edition statements differ, even when they involve elements that would be otherwise disregarded (e.g., first edition, paperback edition, etc.), you may create separate records. See also criteria under field 250.

  • Hardcover edition: First Galley Books hardcover edition January 2015
  • Paperback edition: First Galley Books paperback edition July 2015

When edition statements are not the only difference, even when they involve elements that would be otherwise disregarded (e.g., first edition, paperback edition, etc.), you may create separate records. See also criteria under field 250.

  • Hardcover edition with 300 pages
  • Paperback edition with 310 pages

Edition statements appearing on some non-English language publications (e.g., French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, etc.) reflect printing information rather than edition information. These statements may sometimes appear in conjunction with the printer's name and/or the number of copies printed. Statements that reflect only the number of copies printed (e.g., Erstes bis drittes Tausend) or that combine an edition/printing number with the number of copies printed (e.g., 9. édition, 23. mille) may be transcribed in a quoted note or omitted from the WorldCat record entirely. In all cases where statements reflect multiple printings/”editions” with the same year of publication (e.g., 3ème. tir., 5ème. tir., and 7ème. tir., all published in 2003) or in a clear and relatively concise sequence that spans more than a single year (e.g., 1a. edición: septiembre de 2017 through 8a. edición: marzo de 2018), and with all other relevant bibliographic elements being the same, use the existing record. You may omit or remove the printing/edition statement, and optionally add a note such as Edition statements vary on different printings of this edition. In all cases, use judgment. If this type of printing/edition statement is important to your institution, follow the guidelines outlined in section 3.4.1, Copy- or Institution-Specific Information. For additional information, see field 250.

Subfield ǂb Remainder of edition statement

Absence or presence of field 250 subfield ǂb does not justify a new record. A difference in field 250 subfield ǂb may be an indication that a new record is needed. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

254 Musical Presentation Statement

Absence or presence of field 254 does not justify a new record. In RDA cataloging, field 250 is used for musical presentation statements, which are now considered to be edition statements. Specific differences in musical presentation statements (e.g., Study score versus Full score) justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to field 250 for other differences to justify a new record.

255 Cartographic Mathematical Data

Absence or presence of field 255 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in scale or coordinates, except for minor variations, justify a new record.

Variation in placement of scale or coordinants in a record does not justify a new record. Compare field 034 and fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to fields 250 and 507 for other differences to justify a new record.

256 Computer File Characteristics

Absence or presence of field 256 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in file characteristics (e.g., Computer data versus Computer program) may justify a new record. Compare fields 300, 347, and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record. Note: Field 256 was not used in AACR2 records created after late 2004. In current cataloging, appropriate use of fields 300 and 347 is generally preferred.

260 Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint) • 264 Production, Publication, Distribution, Manufacture, and Copyright Notice

In recent years, the increasing globalization and corresponding consolidation of the publishing industry have complicated the issues of the place of publication/distribution/manufacture and the name of the publisher and related entities. When deciding whether to input a new record, consider such factors as multinational publishers with varying levels of corporate subdivisions and offices in many countries. It may sometimes be helpful to consider subfields ǂa and ǂb both separately and together within the context of the choices an individual cataloger may make regarding which places and publishers/distributors/manufacturers to include and to omit, and in what order.

Also consider field 533 and field 534 for items that may be cataloged as a reproduction of an original material.

Field 260 subfield ǂa Place of publication, distribution, etc. • Field 260 subfield ǂe Place of manufacture • Field 264 subfield ǂa Place of production, publication, distribution, manufacture

Absence or presence of field 260 subfield ǂa, field 260 subfield ǂe, or field 264 subfield ǂa does not justify a new record. The following differences in place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture (including printing) do not justify a new record:

  • Absence or presence of a place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture (including printing) if known only from an outside source (e.g., [Ohio?] versus [Place of publication not identified])
  • Change of place among issues or parts of a serial or multipart item
  • Change of place within the same country between printings of the same edition
  • Variation in choice of place for items with more than one place of publication, distribution, etc. (e.g., if an item is published in London and New York, a British library enters only London, but a U.S. library enters London and New York)
  • Variation in multiple places of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture (including printing) as long as the first place is in the same country (e.g., an item published in Denmark may show only Kobenhavn, but the record for the same item published, distributed, etc. in the U.S. shows Kobenhavn and Philadelphia).
  • Variation in the form of the name of the place (e.g., Cologne versus Köln)

Other than what is noted above, if the first place name reflects a different country, create a new record. Note: Differences Between, Changes Within (DBCW) differs from OCLC in suggesting that a new record not be created when only the order of place names differs (e.g., Kobenhavn ; Philadelphia versus Philadelphia ; Kobenhavn). See DBCW Single-part Monographs, A4a and Multipart Monographs, B4a. Follow OCLC policy.

Specific differences in the place of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture (including printing), other than those listed above, justify a new record.

Field 260 subfield ǂb Name of publisher, distributor, etc. • Field 260 subfield ǂf Manufacturer • Field 264 subfield ǂb Name of producer, publisher, distributor, manufacturer

The following differences in name of producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer (including printer) do not justify a new record:

  • Absence or presence of a producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer (including printer), if known only from an outside source (e.g., [A.B. Smith] versus [publisher not identified])
  • Change of producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer (including printer), among issues or parts of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart item
  • Variation in choice among multiple producers, publishers, distributors, or manufacturers (including printers), as long as one on the item matches and when the difference in choice is due to perceived ambiguity of prominence rather than actual differences in order
  • Variation in choice among multiple producer, publishers, distributors, or manufacturers (including printers) when the roles of those entities may be ambiguous
  • Variation in fullness of the producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer (including printer) name (e.g., John Wiley & Sons versus Wiley)

Specific differences in the producer, publisher, distributor, or manufacturer (including printer), other than those noted, justify a new record (e.g., Bailey Film Associates versus BFA Education Media)

Field 260 subfield ǂc Date of publication, distribution, etc. • Field 260 subfield ǂg Date of manufacture • Field 264 subfield ǂc Date of production, publication, distribution, manufacture, or copyright notice

The following differences in date of production, publication, distribution, or manufacture (including printing), or copyright do not justify a new record:

  • Absence or presence of a publication or copyright date
  • Variation in manufacture or distribution date alone
  • Variation in copyright dates if the publication dates are the same. Copyright date can be ignored when field 264 second indicator 4 is used.
  • Variation in opening and closing dates for incomplete multipart items or integrating resources. However, if the date of the same part of a multipart monograph differs, a new record may be justified. Follow OCLC practice and apply LCRI 2.2 and LC-PCC PS

Note: Treat a date as a publication date when not presented as a production, manufacture (including printing), or distribution date on the preferred source of information. For more information, see RDA 2.8.6 and AACR2 1.4F.

3xx  Physical Description Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 3xx fields, other than those noted below, do not justify a new record.

300 Physical Description

Subfield ǂa Extent

The following differences do not justify a new record:

  • Absence or presence of plates alone does not justify a new record unless it is known that there are two versions, one with plates and another without. See also criteria under field 250 if supplying an edition statement to differentiate between versions.
  • Absence or presence of preliminary paging or post paging does not justify a new record.
  • Minor variations in bracketed or estimated data. Note: Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) records may contain estimated data in field 300 subfield ǂa.
  • Minor variations in paging if that is the only difference. There should be no more than a three-page difference when the total number of pages exceeds 10 pages (e.g., 350 pages versus 352 pages or vi, 357 pages versus vii, 357 pages)
  • Variation caused by local binding (e.g., 2 volumes [published as separate volumes] versus 2 volumes in 1 [locally rebound as single volume])
  • Variation in paging due to different methods used to record paging (e.g., 1 volume (various pagings) versus 17, 27, 3 pages)
  • Variation in recording data due to use of different cataloging instructions (e.g., i-iv, 5-167 pages versus 167 pages)
  • Variation in the number of parts for an incomplete multipart item (e.g., record indicates 5 volumes and the library now has volumes 6-7)

Specific differences in the extent of item (other than those noted) justify a new record.

The following differences justify a new record:

  • Difference in binding (e.g., 3 volumes [published as separate volumes] versus 3 volumes in 1 [published as single volume])
  • Difference in paging for items with fewer than 10 pages (e.g., 7 pages versus 8 pages)

Subfield ǂb Other physical details

Absence or presence of field 300 subfield ǂb does not justify a new record.

BKS, CNR, MAP, SCO. A difference in field 300 subfield ǂb alone does not justify a new record. A difference in the recording of types of illustrations does not justify a new record (e.g., illustrations versus illustrations, maps, portraits).

COM, REC, VIS. Specific technical differences justify a new record (e.g., analog versus digital, black and white versus color, mono versus stereo, sound versus silent, 33 1/3 rpm versus 78 rpm, etc.). Compare fields 344, 345, 346, 347, and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

Subfield ǂc Dimensions

Absence or presence of field 300 subfield ǂc does not justify a new record. A difference due to the system of measurement used does not justify a new record (e.g., 4 3/4 in. versus 12 cm).

BKS, CNR, SCO. A difference of more than 2 cm that is not a result of local binding or trimming may justify a new record.

COM, REC, VIS. Specific differences in the size of the medium justify a new record (e.g., 3 3/4 in. versus 5 1/4 in., 4 3/4 in. versus 12 in., 8 mm versus 16 mm).

MAP. Minor variations in size because of different measurement techniques or folded dimensions do not justify a new record (e.g., 70 x 59 cm versus folded to 12 x 16 cm).

Subfield ǂe Accompanying material

Absence or presence of field 300 subfield ǂe indicating substantive accompanying material may justify a new record. Accompanying material may be cataloged separately or described in a note. Compare 5xx fields for actual differences in the absence or presence of accompanying material to justify a new record.

Specific differences in the medium of audio accompaniment justify a new record (e.g., audiocassette versus audio disc).

306 Playing Time

Absence or presence of field 306 does not justify a new record. A difference field 306 may justify a new record. Compare Time and fields 300, 500, and 505 for other differences to justify a new record.

310 Current Publication Frequency

Absence or presence of field 310 does not justify a new record. A change in frequency does not justify a new record; however, a difference may justify a new record. Compare Freq and fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

321 Former Publication Frequency

Absence or presence of field 321 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 321 may justify a new record. Compare Freq and fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

336 Content Type

Absence or presence of field 336 does not justify a new record. Use of a different vocabulary does not justify a new record. Note: The language of the vocabulary should match the language of cataloging in field 040 subfield ǂb.

A different content type may justify a new record. Compare Type and fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

337 Media Type

Absence or presence of field 337 does not justify a new record. Use of a different vocabulary does not justify a new record. Note: The language of the vocabulary should match the language of cataloging in field 040 subfield ǂb.

A different media type may justify a new record. Compare field 007 subfield ǂa and fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

338 Carrier Type

Absence or presence of field 338 does not justify a new record. Use of a different vocabulary does not justify a new record. Note: The language of the vocabulary should match the language of cataloging in field 040 subfield ǂb.

A different carrier type may justify a new record. Compare field 007 subfield ǂb and fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

340 Physical Medium

Absence or presence of field 340 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 340 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

342 Geospatial Reference Data

Absence or presence of field 342 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 342 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

343 Planar Coordinate Data

Absence or presence of field 343 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 343 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

344 Sound Characteristics

Absence or presence of field 344 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 344 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

345 Projection Characteristics of Moving Image

Absence or presence of field 345 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 345 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

346 Video Characteristics

Absence or presence of field 346 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 346 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

347 Digital File Characteristics

Absence or presence of field 347 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 347 may justify a new record. Compare fields 300 subfield ǂb and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

348 Format of Notated Music

Absence or presence of field 348 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 348 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to fields 250, 254, and 300 subfield ǂa for other differences to justify a new record.

362 Dates of Publication and/or Sequential Designation

Absence or presence of field 362 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 362 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

370 Associated Place

Absence or presence of field 370 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 370 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

377 Associated Language

Absence or presence of field 377 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 377 may justify a new record. Compare Lang and fields 041 and 546 for other differences to justify a new record.

4xx  Series Statement Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 4xx fields, other than those noted below, do not justify a new record.

490 Series Statement

Absence or presence of field 490 does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other significant differences. Note: Differences Between, Changes Within (DBCW) differs from OCLC in indicating the presence or absence of a series statement may be a major difference. See Series Area, A6. Follow OCLC policy.

The following differences do not justify a new record:

  • Absence or presence of ISSN
  • Absence or presence of series statement of responsibility
  • Change of series among issues or parts of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart item
  • Variation in form of series statement
  • Variation in tracing decision or form (e.g., field 490 untraced versus traced with field 830)

The following differences may justify a new record:

  • Difference in ISSN
  • Difference in series statement of responsibility

If the item is issued in a different series, a new record is justified.

5xx  Note Fields


Absence or presence of 5xx fields, other than those noted below, do not justify a new record.

  • Choice of a specific 5xx field versus a general field 500 note does not justify a new record
  • Notes indicating differences in the language, edition, format, or content of the item may justify a new record
  • Notes indicating absence, presence, or difference of accompanying material may justify a new record. See also criteria under field 300 subfield ǂe.
  • Notes indicating the need for different equipment in the case of audiovisual media (e.g., Beta versus VHS) justify a new record
  • Notes relating solely to holdings, in-house binding, missing pages, and other imperfections, etc., do not justify a new record. See also criteria under field 300 subfield ǂa.
  • Other differences in the 5xx fields do not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 4xx for other differences to justify a new record.

501 With Note

Absence, presence, or difference in field 501 justifies a new record. The with note should not be used to show local binding practice and does not justify a new record in such cases. Variations used to catalog items lacking a collective title may justify a new record to describe the item as a unit. For RDA cataloging, see instruction and related LC-PCC PS. For AACR2 cataloging, see rule 1.1G2 and related LCRI.

502 Dissertation Note

Absence or presence of field 502 does not justify a new record. The difference due to using a subfielded or unsubfielded dissertation note does not justify a new record. An actual difference in the dissertation note content may justify a new record. Compare fields 100 through 700 for other differences to justify a new record.

505 Formatted Contents Note

Absence or presence of field 505 does not justify a new record. The difference due to using a subfielded or unsubfielded contents note does not justify a new record. A contents note showing less complete contents or coverage does not justify a new record. A contents note showing actual differences in the content of the item justifies a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

506 Restrictions on Access Note

Absence, presence, or difference in field 506 does not justify a new record.

507 Scale Note for Visual Materials

Absence or presence of field 507 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in scale or coordinates, except for minor variations, justify a new record.

Variation in placement of scale in a record does not justify a new record. Compare field 034 and fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to fields 250 and 255 for other differences to justify a new record.

508 Creation/Production Credits Note

Absence or presence of field 508 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in creation or production credits justify a new record.

Variation in placement of creation or production credits in a record does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to field 245 subfield ǂc for other differences to justify a new record.

511 Participant or Performer Note

Absence or presence of field 511 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in participants or performers information justify a new record.

Variation in placement of participants or performers information in a record does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx with special attention to field 245 subfield ǂc for other differences to justify a new record.

513 Type of Report and Period Covered Note

Absence or presence of field 513 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in type of report justify a new record (e.g., Preliminary report versus Final report).

518 Date/Time and Place of an Event Note

Absence or presence of field 518 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in date, time, and/or place of event, justify a new record.

521 Target Audience Note

Absence or presence of field 521 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 521 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

522 Geographic Coverage Note

Absence or presence of field 522 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 522 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

533 Reproduction Note

Absence or presence of field 533 justifies a new record except for provider neutral records. Note: Online resources, print-on-demand resources, and photocopy reproduction should be cataloged according to provider-neutral guidelines. For more information, see PCC Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Records Guidelines.

Variation in placement of reproduction information does not justify a new record. Compare field 260 subfields ǂa and ǂb, field 264 subfields ǂa and ǂb, field 300, field 490, and field 500 for other differences to justify a new record.

  • A difference in polarity of a microform does not justify a new record.
  • A difference in reproduction publication dates does not justify a new record.
  • A difference in reproduction publishers justifies a new record; however, a change in publishers between issues or parts of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart item does not justify a new record.
  • Specific differences in physical format justify a new record (e.g., microfilm versus microfiche).

534 Original Version Note

Absence or presence of field 534 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 534 may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

538 System Details Note

Absence or presence of field 538 does not justify a new record.

COM. Specific differences in system requirements, disk characteristics, technical details, etc., justify a new record (e.g., PC versus Mac, XBox One versus Playstation 4, NTSC-U/C versus NTSC-J). Variation in placement of that information in fields 3xx, 500, or 538 does not justify a new record.

VIS. Specific differences in video recording format, broadcast standard, regional encoding, etc., justify a new record (e.g., DVD versus Blu-ray, NTSC versus PAL, region 1 versus region 3). Variation in placement of that information in fields 3xx, 500, or 538 does not justify a new record.

550 Issuing Body Note

Absence or presence of field 550 does not justify a new record. A change in issuing body does not justify a new record; however, a difference may justify a new record. Compare fields 1xx, 245, 260, 264, 5xx, and 7xx for other differences to justify a new record.

580 Linking Entry Complexity Note

Absence or presence of field 580 does not justify a new record. A difference in field 580 does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

588 Source of Description Note

Absence or presence of field 588 does not justify a new record. A difference in form or pattern of chronological or numerical designation not resulting from a change may indicate the existence of a different serial and may justify a new record (e.g., Volume 100, number 1 (April 1962) versus #103 (1946)). A difference in source of description or date when item was viewed does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx and field 856 for other differences to justify a new record.

6xx  Subject Access Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 6xx fields does not justify a new record. Differences in form and/or genre information and/or medium of performance may indicate the existence of a different item. Compare the Fixed Field and fields 0xx and 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

7xx  Added and Linking Entry Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 7xx fields, other than those noted below, does not justify a new record.

753 System Details Access to Computer Files

Absence or presence of field 753 does not justify a new record. Specific differences in system details justify a new record (e.g., IBM PC versus Apple II).

760-772 and 775-787 Linking Entry Fields

Absence or presence of fields 760-772 and 775-787 does not justify a new record. A difference in linking entry fields alone does not justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record.

773 Host Item Entry

Absence, presence, or difference of field 773 justifies a new record. Variation in placement of host item information does not justify a new record. Compare fields 500 and 580 for other differences to justify a new record.

8xx  Series Added Entry, Holdings, Location, etc., Fields


Absence, presence, or difference in 8xx fields, other than those noted below, does not justify a new record.

856 Electronic Location and Access

Absence or presence of field 856 alone does not justify a new record. A change does not justify a new record; however, a difference in electronic location and access may justify a new record. Compare fields 245 through 5xx for other differences to justify a new record. If the original electronic location and access address now represents a different resource, the difference justifies a new record. For more information, see PCC Provider-Neutral E-Resource MARC Records Guidelines.

For remote electronic resources, when the original electronic address is no longer accessible, but the resource is now accessible at another address, the difference does not justify a new record. When the original electronic address is still active but now represents a different resource, the difference justifies a new record.

9xx  Local Data


Absence, presence, or difference in 9xx fields does not justify a new record.