
247  Former Title (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
Required if applicable/Required if applicable
1st Indicator  Title added entry
0 No added entry
1 Added entry
2nd Indicator  Note controller
0 Display note
1 Do not display note
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Title (NR) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂb Remainder of title (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂf Date or sequential designation (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂg Miscellaneous information (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂh Medium (NR) Do not use/Do not use
ǂn Number of part/section of a work (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂp Name of part/section of a work (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂx International Standard Serial Number (NR) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ7 Data provenance (R) Optional/Optional
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


A former title proper when one bibliographic record represents several titles associated with a resource.

For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below.


Continuing resources

Field 247 is commonly found in records for continuing resources (serials or integrating resources). In AACR2 and RDA continuing resource records, the field may be found in the following circumstances:

  • If an electronic serial is reformatted so that all evidence of the earlier title is removed, an added entry for the earlier title proper is recorded in field 247

  • In an integrating resource, former titles are noted in field 247. Former titles proper are sometimes also recorded in field 547. Field 547 is most often used when multiple former titles are described in a single note.

Arrange data so that dates or volume designations follow the title. Do not enter identifying phrases (e.g., Title varies). Do not enter a period at the end of the field unless the field ends with an abbreviation. Enter each former title or title variation in a separate 247 field.

Since 1981, all current cataloging for serials affected by major changes in title or preferred access point must be successive entry cataloging, where separate bibliographic records are created for each title or preferred access point. Do not use field 247 when separate records are made for each title or preferred access point change. Instead use the linking entry fields 780 and 785 to show the preceding and succeeding entries. For minor title changes in serials, see field 246.

Use the following guidelines to determine when to use successive versus latest entry cataloging for existing records:

  • If you find only a latest entry record, you may use that record or enter a separate successive entry record for each title held by your institution. Treat these successive entry records as current original cataloging.

  • If you find successive entry records for some but not all of the titles that your institution holds, enter separate successive entry records for the titles not already represented.

  • If you have a printed latest entry record, and you find successive entry records for all of the titles represented, do not enter the latest entry record. Use the successive records for your institution's holdings.

  • If you are transcribing printed cataloging copy that has a latest entry record, and you do not find successive entry records for all the titles represented, you may follow CONSER practice and create a latest entry record.

Early serial bibliographic records in the WorldCat database may have followed former cataloging practices where the serial was cataloged under the latest title, with former titles being recorded in field 247 on the same record.

Archival materials

Use field 247 to record an earlier devised title for an archival resource when an institution considers it important to provide the earlier title. A devised title may change due to additions to the resource being described, changes in cataloging instructions, an institution's decision to change the title due to offensive terms, etc.

040     XXX ǂb eng ǂe dacs ǂc XXX
245 0 0 Magnes collection on the Brandeis-Bardin Institute, ǂf 1954-1988
247 1 0 Brandeis-Bardin Institute records
Former title complexity note

When an intelligible note cannot be system generated from the data in field 247 due to a complex relationship between varying titles, use 2nd indicator value 1 and enter the note in field 547. For example, use field 547 for a title varies note if the note has titles in more than one language or describes a title variation for a parallel title.

247 0 1 Rapport annuel ǂf 1967
247 0 1 Annual report ǂf 1967
547     Title varies: 1967, rapport annuel. Annual report

1st Indicator

Title added entry. A value that specifies whether a title added access point is made.


No added entry. No title access point is made.

247 0 0 Statistical bulletin of the American Tariff League ǂf November 1928-February 1931
710 2 2 American Tariff League. ǂt Statistical bulletin of the American Tariff League

Added entry. A title access point is made.

2nd Indicator

Note controller. A value that specifies whether or not a note is made from data in this field. Whenever an intelligible note cannot be made from data in this field, a textual note is recorded in field 547 and this indicator is set to value 1.


Display note. A note is displayed.


Do not display note. A note is not displayed.


ǂa Title

The title proper and alternative title, excluding the designation of the number or name of the part. The title proper should be long enough to identify the item and should be comprehensible. Enter alternative titles in subfield ǂa. Do not repeat subfield ǂa.

247 1 0 Medical world news annual review of medicine
247 0 0 William A. Carter papers
040     XXX ǂb eng ǂe dacs ǂc XXX
245 1 0 Collection of Ambrose Bierce papers, ǂf 1875-1925 ǂg (bulk 1890-1913)
247 1 0 Ambrose Bierce collection of letters and papers
ǂb Remainder of title

Other title information (e.g., subtitles, parallel titles, etc.). Do not repeat subfield ǂb. Enter multiple subtitles and/or parallel titles in the same subfield ǂb. If the other title information has a part or section number or name, enter the number or name in subfield ǂb, not in subfield ǂn or ǂp.

247 1 0 CJPI : ǂb criminal justice periodical index
247 1 0 Accession list = ǂb Liste d'acquisitions ǂf July 1979-June 1981
ǂf Date or sequential designation

The dates or volume and issue numbers that relate the former variant title to the record. Do not enter punctuation at the end of subfield ǂf except a hyphen or an angle bracket where appropriate. Enter incomplete data in angle brackets.

247 1 0 British Columbia financial times ǂf 1914-June 1951
247 1 0 British Columbia economic times ǂf July 1951-1952
247 1 0 Everywoman's magazine ǂf v. 5, no. 6 (1963)-v. 10, no. 1 (1967)
247 0 0 Credit unions new sourcebook ǂf <2013->
ǂg Miscellaneous information

Data not identified in other subfields.

247 0 0 Chemical age yearbook ǂg (varies slightly)
ǂh Medium

Do not use.

ǂn Number of part/section of a work

A number designation for a part or section of a former title. Numbering is defined as an indication of sequencing in any form, e.g., Part 1, Supplement A, Book two.

247 0 0 Customs and excise circular. ǂn Part 2 ǂf 1923-1925
ǂp Name of part/section of a work

Name of a part or section of a former title.

247 1 1 Annual report of scientific research grants, Ministry of Education. ǂp Sciences
247 1 1 Commercial construction markets survey. ǂn 2, ǂp Local markets
ǂx International Standard Serial Number

The International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the serial title.

247 0 0 Industrial medicine and surgery ǂx 0019-8536
ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ7 Data provenance

For information about subfield ǂ7, see the Data Provenance Subfields section of Control Subfields.

ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For records containing ISBD punctuation, follow these instructions:

  • Precede subfield ǂb beginning with other title information by a space-colon-space
  • Precede subfield ǂb beginning with a parallel title by a space-equals-space
  • Enclose the text in subfield ǂg in parentheses
  • Precede subfield ǂn by a period-space unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbreviation or initial), or question mark
  • Precede subfield ǂp following subfield ǂn by a comma-space
  • Precede subfield ǂp not following subfield ǂn by a period-space unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbreviation or initial), or question mark
  • Precede any parallel statement within a subfield by a space-equals-space
  • Precede any unit of other title information within a subfield by a space-colon-space
  • Include incidental punctuation needed within any subfields, e.g., commas, periods (following abbreviations or initials), etc.
  • Omit punctuation preceding subfields ǂf, ǂg, and ǂx unless the preceding subfield ends with an ellipsis, exclamation point, hyphen, period (following an abbreviation or initial), question mark, closing bracket, or closing parenthesis
  • Omit the terminal period at the end of the field unless the last word is an abbreviation or initial
247 1 0 CJPI : ǂb criminal justice periodical index
247 1 1 Printing trades blue book. ǂp New York edition ǂf 1916

For records containing non-ISBD punctuation, see the cataloging instructions used to create the record.

For records containing minimal or no punctuation, include brackets and punctuation needed within any subfields. Otherwise, omit the punctuation outlined in the ISBD punctuation section above

247 1 0 CJPI ǂb criminal justice periodical index
247 1 1 Printing trades blue book ǂp New York edition ǂf 1916

For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 247.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 247.