
074  GPO Item Number (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa GPO item number (NR) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂz Canceled/invalid GPO item number (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number (R) Optional/Optional


The United States Government Printing Office (GPO) item number. GPO uses the item number to manage the distribution of publications within its depository library system. While the item number relates to categories of publications, it is not an order number or the unique number that identifies each entry in the Catalog of U.S. Government Publications.


Multiple GPO item numbers

Documents distributed to depository libraries in both paper and microfiche have an item number for the paper copy and the microfiche copy. Use the following guidelines for such works:

  • If a document has GPO item numbers for the paper copy and the microfiche copy, enter the item number for the paper copy in the first 074 field.

    074     1033
    074     1033-A (MF)
  • If GPO distributes a publication to depository libraries more than once in the same format, but under different item numbers, enter the item from the first distribution in the first 074 field. Enter the item number from the most recent distribution in the last 074 field.

    074     0466-A-03 (MF)
    074     0455 (MF)
  • If GPO distributes multipart monographs with volumes or parts in the same format, but under different numbers, enter the item numbers in volume or part number order. Indicate the volume or part in parentheses following the item number.

    074     0621 (V.1)
    074     0620 (V.2)
  • If GPO distributes a serial with different volumes or parts in the same format, but having different item numbers over a period of time, enter the item numbers so that the earliest item number is in the first 074 field, and the most recent item number in the last 074 field.

    074     956
    074     956-F
  • If GPO distributes a single volume or part of a serial simultaneously in paper and microfiche, follow the preceding instructions. If GPO distributes the same volume or part of a serial in the same format (i.e., paper or microfiche) under more than one item number, follow the preceding instructions.

  • If GPO distributes a publication under an incorrect GPO item number, do not enter the number in subfield ǂz. The item number the publication is actually distributed under remains in subfield ǂa. Use subfield ǂz only for item numbers that are canceled, invalid, or incorrectly transcribed.

1st Indicator

Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character


2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa GPO item number

The item number.

074     16
074     1051-C (microfiche)
ǂz Canceled/invalid GPO item number

Item numbers that are canceled, invalid, or incorrectly transcribed.

074     0154-H-07 ǂz 0154-H-03
074     0159 ǂz 0156-K-18
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number

For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields.


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 074.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 074.