
042  Authentication Code (NR)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
Required if applicable/Required if applicable
1st Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Authentication code (R) Required if applicable/Required if applicable


One or more authentication codes indicating that the record, existing in a national database, has been reviewed in a specific way. Used for codes associated with specifically designated authentication agencies. Field 042 is an agency-assigned data element.


These codes should not be used if your institution is not a national library or part of a cooperative program or project that uses one of these codes. For codes not listed on this page, see MARC Authentication Action Code List.

anuc Australian National Union Catalog. Descriptive elements have been edited and all headings verified against the relevant authority file to prepare the record for inclusion in the Australian National Bibliographic Database. The Australian National Bibliographic Database authenticates records for Australian imprints, and bibliographic and authority records of Australian interest.
cyac Children's and Young Adults' Cataloging Program (Washington DC: Library of Congress). Record is handled as part of the program whereby summaries and children's subject headings are added to facilitate discovery of a resource by a juvenile audience. This program was formerly called the Library of Congress Annotated Card Program (LCAC).
dc Dublin Core. Record is converted from a simple resource description record in another syntax (e.g., HTML or SGML) using the Dublin Core metadata element set. The content of the record (descriptive elements and headings) may or may not follow any cataloging standard (e.g., AACR2 or RDA). The OCLC system supplies code dc whenever a user creates a record using Dublin Core.
dlr Digital Library Registry. Record is created according to the best practice guidelines developed by the Digital Library Federation for a registry of digitally reformatted and born digital monographs and serials.
isds/c ISSN Canada. CONSER ISSN Network data elements are verified by ISSN Canada. ISSN Canada authenticates ISSN data elements for Canadian imprints. The code reflects the ISSN Network's earlier name, ISDS (International Serials Data System).
issnuk ISSN UK Centre. ISSN Network data elements have been verified by ISSN UK. ISSN UK authenticates ISSN data elements for United Kingdom imprints.
lac Library and Archives Canada monographs. Descriptive elements and headings on a bibliographic record have been verified by Library and Archives Canada. LAC authenticates full monograph records for Canadian imprints and records of Canadian interest.
lccopycat LC Copy Cataloging. Record is based on another cataloging agency's record. Headings are verified with the relevant authority file, except those subject headings not from Library of Congress Subject Headings.
lccopycatnm LC Copy Cataloging-Near Match. Record is based on an existing record that is not an exact match of the item in hand. The record used can be from LC or another cataloging agency and can be for another edition, version, or format of the item. The records are updated to a full encoding level to reflect the item in hand. Headings are verified with the relevant authority file, except those subject headings not from Library of Congress Subject Headings.
lcderive LC Derived Cataloging. Record from another cataloging agency, essentially used as is. Headings and uniform titles are processed through special software to verify that they match all existing LC authority records and conform to all cataloging rules.
lcnccp LC National Coordinated Cataloging Program. Obsolete. Do not use. Project replaced by Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).
lcnuc National Union Catalog. Descriptive elements are edited and headings are verified through the relevant authority file to prepare the record for input into LC's National Union Catalog file.
lcode LC Overseas Data Entry. Record is from an LC overseas field office. Descriptive elements follow AACR2 or RDA. Headings are processed through special software to verify that they match LC's name authority file.
msc CONSER Minimal Authority Application. Descriptive elements have been verified by LC or an authenticating CONSER participant. Headings have been checked against the relevant authority file, but an authority record was not found for one or more headings.
nlc Library and Archives Canada. CONSER descriptive elements and headings have been verified by Library and Archives Canada, which authenticates records for Canadian imprints and records of Canadian interest.
nlmcopyc National Library of Medicine copy cataloging. Record is based on another cataloging agency's record. Headings are verified with the relevant authority file, except those subject headings not from the National Library of Medicine.
nsdp National Serials Data Program. ISSN Network data elements are verified by the United States National Serials Data Program (NSDP). NSDP authenticates records for U.S. imprints. NSDP also authenticates ISSN assignments and key titles for records received from other ISSN Network centers, with the exception of Canadian imprints authenticated by ISSN Canada.
nst New Serial Titles. Obsolete. Do not use.
ntccf LC National Translations Center Citation File. Descriptive elements are derived from the LC National Translations Center Citation File. Name headings are not verified through LC's name authority file.
nznb New Zealand National Bibliography. Descriptive elements have been edited and all headings were verified against the relevant authority file to prepare the record for inclusion in the New Zealand National Bibliography.
pcc Program for Cooperative Cataloging. Record is authenticated under the auspices of the program. All name and series headings have been verified through the appropriate national level authority file. Authority records have been created if they do not already exist. Subject headings are checked for authorized forms and combinations supported by the relevant authority.
premarc LC PreMARC Retrospective Conversion Project. Record was converted to machine-readable form as part of an LC retrospective conversion project. Source records used in the initial phase of this project (1978–79) were printed catalog cards taken from the LC general, atlas and map, and music shelflists. Printed catalog cards from various other manual LC files were subsequently used as the source for additional records converted.
scipio Scipio Art and Rare Book Sales Catalogs. Descriptive elements conform to rules for inclusion in Scipio. For more information, see the Scipio Cataloging Formats and Standards.
toknb Tokelau National Bibliography. Descriptive elements have been edited and the record authenticated for inclusion in the Tokelau National Bibliography.
ukblcatcopy British Library derived cataloging. British Library has used another organization's catalog record essentially as is for its cataloging. All name headings have been checked against the relevant authority file.
ukblderived British Library derived cataloging. British Library has re-used another organization's catalog record for its cataloging. Headings have been validated against the relevant authority file.
ukblsr British Library Standard Record. Record conforms to the definition for the British Library Standard Record and all name and subject headings have been verified against the relevant authority file.
ukscp UK Legal Deposit Libraries' Shared Cataloging Programme Record. Record conforms to the definition for the UK Legal Deposit Libraries' Shared Cataloguing Programme Record.
zdb Zeitschriftendatenbank. Record is part of the Zeitschriftendatenbank (German Union Catalogue of Serials) and was authenticated by a national curation team.

Codes beginning with the letter x signify the agency does not consider the item to be a serial. Subsequent developments may cause the title to be recataloged as a serial.

xisds/c ISSN Canada does not consider item a serial
xlc LC does not consider item a serial
xnlc Library and Archives Canada does not consider item a serial
xnsdp NSDP does not consider item a serial
CONSER authentication

Authentication is the process by which LC, Library and Archives Canada and CONSER participants enter their new and updated serial records into WorldCat. Those records are then selected for distribution by the MARC Serials Distribution Service. Authenticated records meet the national and international standards and practices agreed upon by CONSER participants and are documented in the CONSER Manual and the MARC Serials Editing Guide.

1st Indicator

Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character


2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa Authentication code

The authentication code. Do not delete the existing authentication code when adding a new code to the record. Enter a new instance of subfield ǂa following any other instances of ǂa (e.g., lcode ǂa pcc).

042     anuc
042     cyac ǂa pcc
042     dc
042     dlr
042     lac ǂa pcc
042     lccopycat
042     nlc
042     nznb
042     pcc ǂa dlr
042     scipio
042     toknb
042     ukblsr ǂa dlr
042     xnsdp ǂa pcc
042     zdb


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, field 042.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 042.