539 Fixed-Length Data Elements of Reproduction Note (R)
Record Type |
Input Standards |
Field (Full/Minimal) | ||
Optional/Optional | ||
1st Indicator Undefined | ||
Undefined | ||
2nd Indicator Undefined | ||
Undefined | ||
Subfields (R=Repeatable NR=Nonrepeatable) | Input Standards (Full/Minimal) | |
ǂa | Type of date/Publication status (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂb | Date 1/Beginning date of publication (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂc | Date 2/Ending date of publication (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂd | Place of publication, production, or execution (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂe | Frequency (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂf | Regularity (NR) | Required if applicable/Required if applicable |
ǂg | Form of item (NR) | Optional/Optional |
Definition |
A note with coded information about the reproduction described in field 533. OCLC implemented field 539 in place of field 533 subfield ǂ7 of the MARC 21 format. Each 539 field must follow its associated field 533. One-time reproductions of serials and integrating resources are coded according to the continuing resources guidelines below. For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below. |
1st Indicator |
Undefined. The 1st indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.
2nd Indicator |
Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.
Subfields |
ǂa Type of date/Publication status | A one-character alphabetic code that indicates the type of dates in subfield ǂb and subfield ǂc, or the publication status of the reproduction. For non-continuing resources, use codes described in the fixed field element DtSt, except codes c, d, r, and u. For continuing resources, use codes c, d, and u described in DtSt.
ǂb Date 1/Beginning date of publication | A date in the form yyyy specified by the value in subfield ǂa. For non-continuing resources, use for information associated with the reproduction. This information corresponds to information in subfield ǂd of field 533. For continuing resources, use for the beginning date of publication of the issues that have been reproduced. This information corresponds to information in subfield ǂm of field 533.
ǂc Date 2/Ending date of publication | A date in the form yyyy specified by the value in subfield ǂa. For non-continuing resources, use for information associated with the reproduction. This information corresponds to information in subfield ǂc of field 533. Omit subfield ǂc if it would be coded with blanks. For continuing resources, use for the ending date of publication of the issues that have been reproduced. This information corresponds to information in subfield ǂm of field 533.
ǂd Place of publication, production, or execution | A two- or three-character alphabetic code that indicates the place of execution, production, or publication. Follow the guidelines for the fixed field element Ctry.
ǂe Frequency | A one-character code that indicates the frequency of the reproduction. Use subfield ǂe in conjunction with subfield ǂf. For non-continuing resources, always use code n. For continuing resources, follow the guidelines for the fixed field element Freq. If the reproduction is a one-time reproduction, use code u. If the reproduction is irregular, omit subfield ǂe.
ǂf Regularity | A one-character code that indicates the regularity of the reproduction. Use subfield ǂf in conjunction with subfield ǂe. For non-continuing resources, do not use this subfield. For continuing resources, follow the guidelines for the fixed field element Regl. If the reproduction is a one-time reproduction, use code u. If the reproduction is irregular, use code x.
ǂg Form of item | A one-character code that specifies the form of material. Follow the guidelines for the fixed field element Form.
Punctuation |
Omit all punctuation in field 539.
For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation. |
Indexing |
Field 539 is not indexed. |
MARC 21 |
For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 533, subfield ǂ7. |