Record Type |
Bytes |
ALL: Leader/17 |
Input Standards |
ALL: Mandatory. One-character code. Default:  |
Definition |
Code that indicates the fullness of the bibliographic information of the MARC record. |
Codes |
Prior to 2020, the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the Library and Archives Canada, the British Library, the National Library of Australia, the National Library of New Zealand, and the National Serials Data Program used encoding level blank and the numeric codes defined by MARC 21. Libraries participating in the Program for Cooperative Cataloging also used encoding level blank and the numeric codes when entering BIBCO or CONSER records. All other OCLC participants cataloging online entered records with code I for full level, K for minimal level, and 3 for abbreviated level. In 2020, OCLC began work to eliminate OCLC-defined encoding levels I, J, K, and M in favor of those defined by MARC 21. Encoding Levels I, J, and K are no longer valid for use. All OCLC participants may now create records using code blank for full level and code 7 for minimal level. All OCLC participants may use other codes subject to the restrictions outlined below. For more information on creation of full, minimal, and abbreviated-level cataloging, see section 2.4, Full, Minimal, and Abbreviated-Level Cataloging. For information on upgrading records, see section 5.2, Member Capabilities and section 5.3, National Cooperative Programs. The following list identifies and defines the types of codes found in WorldCat records that are entered through online input or through a batch process. |
1 |
Full level, material not examined. The next-most-complete MARC record after full level created from an existing description of the material (e.g., a printed catalog card). All the information found in the existing description is retained, but the material is not reinspected. Code 1 is used primarily in the retrospective conversion of bibliographic data into MARC. Generally, prefer code blank for new cataloging. |
2 |
Less-than-full level, material not examined. A record that falls between minimal-level and full-level cataloging created from an existing description of the material (e.g., a printed catalog card). All of the descriptive access points are transcribed, but the authorized access points may not be up-to-date, and the material is not reinspected. Code 2 is used primarily in the retrospective conversion of bibliographic data into MARC when, for example, only some data elements are transcribed. Generally, prefer code blank or 7 for new cataloging. |
3 |
Abbreviated level. A brief record that does not meet minimal-level cataloging specifications. Access points in the record may reflect established forms to the extent that such forms are available at the time the record was created. |
4 |
Core level. A record that is less-than-full, but greater-than-minimal-level cataloging and meets core record standards for completeness. The core-level record standards are now obsolete. Do not create records with code 4. Prefer code blank or 7 for new cataloging. |
5 |
Partial (preliminary) level. A preliminary cataloging level record that is not considered final by the creating agency. Such records should be upgraded by the agency that created the record or by any other institution. You cannot make assumptions about the status of the access points or the descriptive cataloging level. Generally, prefer the creation of more complete records coded with blank, 3, or 7 as appropriate. |
7 |
Minimal level. The record conforms to OCLC minimal-level input standards, which are based on the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, National Level Full and Minimal Requirements, and is considered final by the creating agency. Access points are checked against an authority file and reflect established forms to the extent that such forms are available at the time the record was created. Use instead of code K. |
8 |
Prepublication level. A record containing bibliographic data supplied prior to publication of the resource. This includes records created through the Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP) program, the National Serials Data Program, or by other providers of prepublication data. When the resource is published, the record will be upgraded, and code 8 will be changed to another appropriate value. Unless you are a participant in such programs or a provider of prepublication data, prefer the creation of more complete records coded with blank, 3, or 7 as appropriate. |
M |
Added from a batch process. An OCLC-defined code that indicates the record was added via an automated process from an institution other than PCC and most national libraries. Beginning in 2022, field 936 with the designation BATCHLOAD has been used to identify records as having been added to WorldCat via a batch process. In the future, code M will become obsolete and field 936 alone will identify records as having been added to WorldCat via a batch process. |
Indexing |
For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, Leader/17. |
MARC 21 |
For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, Leader/17. |