
049  Local Holdings (NR)

Record Type


Input Standards

Field (Full/Minimal)
1st Indicator  Controls display and label printing
blank character Undefined
0 Display data and label printing from subfield ǂa only
1 Locally defined
2 Locally defined
2nd Indicator  Indicates the completeness of holdings data
blank character Undefined
0 Holdings information complete
1 Locally defined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards (Full/Minimal)
ǂa Holding library (R) Mandatory/Mandatory
ǂc Copy statement (R) Optional/Optional
ǂd Definition of bibliographic subdivisions (R) Optional/Optional
ǂl Local processing data (R) Optional/Optional
ǂm Missing elements (R) Optional/Optional
ǂn Notes about holdings (NR) Optional/Optional
ǂo Local processing data (R) Optional/Optional
ǂp Secondary bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂq Third bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂr Fourth bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂs Fifth bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂt Sixth bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂu Seventh bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂv Primary bibliographic subdivision (R) Optional/Optional
ǂy Inclusive dates of publication or coverage (NR) Optional/Optional


The holding library code, copy designations, and volume designations of items held by your institution. Use to describe holdings when you first catalog an item. Use also to update holdings information. Field 049 is not part of the standard MARC 21 format. Field 049 is not retained in the WorldCat record, but it will be included in the record displayed during the editing session, exported records and records delivered via other services.

Use local holdings records (LHRs) to record detailed holdings for serials or other materials that require frequent updating. Field 049 was previously used to record detailed holdings information as part of retrospective conversion. Field 049 is unlikely to be used for detailed holdings in current cataloging.


Holding library codes

A holding library code is a four-character code that identifies one location or collection within your institution. Each holding library defines a collection or category of material.

When you retrieve a record, the system displays your default holding library code in subfield ǂa. If the default code is XXXM, the system displays:

049     XXXM

If you want to change the holding library code, you may do so in uppercase or lowercase.

Multiple holding library codes

You may enter multiple holding library codes in a single subfield ǂa separated by commas or in separate subfields ǂa without commas.

049     XXXM, xxxr, xxxe, xxx4
049     XXXM ǂa xxxr ǂa xxxe ǂa xxx4
Local holdings information

Use field 049 to keep local holdings information current by entering changes in holding library locations. When you acquire, transfer, or withdraw an item you may identify holding libraries representing current locations in field 049.

Input stamps

An input stamp is textual information associated with an item's call number. Enter input stamps in subfield ǂa in brackets. Your profile determines how input stamps appear in label displays.

Each bracketed input stamp displays on a separate line of text. Typically, textual data entered to the left of the holding library code displays above the call number and data to the right of the holding library code displays below the call number.

049     [Spec. Coll.]XXXM
049     [Rare][Books]XXXM
049     XXXM[Latest][vol. in][Ref.]
049     [Limited Circulation.]XXXM[Request][at Circ.][Desk]

If you need multiple holding library codes and input stamps, use a separate subfield ǂa for each holding library code and its associated input stamps.

049     XXXM[c.1] ǂa xxxr[c.2] ǂa xxxe[c.3] ǂa [Also Main]xxxb[c.4]

An empty pair of brackets causes a blank line. Some profiles specify an automatic blank line above or below an input stamp. A blank line caused by an empty pair of brackets is in addition to a blank line specified in the profile.

049     XXXb[c.5][ ][Also in][Main]

The width of an input stamp below the call number must not exceed the wideth of the area in which it needs to display.

The maximum number of lines for input stamps varies from record to record, according to the area in which is needs to display.

The profile also specifies the position of an input stamp relative to the call number, the automatic stamp and the oversize designation. For example, a holding library XXXR could be profiled for the automatic stamp Ref. and for the following call number-stamp arrangement:

Automatic stamp
Input stamp
Call number
Blank line
Input stamp

The institution could display from a record for an oversize book having the following call number and local holdings information:

049     [Locked][Case]XXXR[c.1]
050 0   NB4556.3 ǂb .P889

The call number and stamps then display as:

Subfields for multipart sets and series

Use local holdings records (LHRs) to record detailed holdings for serials or other materials that require frequent updating. Use of subfields ǂd, ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv are allowed to describe holdings for multipart sets and series. OCLC provides these subfields to record the volumes, parts, and units of items that have appeared in several units. Subfield ǂd describes in words or abbreviations the levels of bibliographic subdivision that relate to each subfield code. Subfields ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv represent the units held at seven levels of bibliographic subdivision.

      ǂd [ ǂv ser. ǂp vol. ǂq no.]
      ǂd [ ǂv Bd. ǂp Heft]

Subfields ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv are related hierarchically. Always use subfield ǂv for the primary bibliographic subdivision, subfield ǂp for the secondary subdivision, subfield ǂq for the third subdivision, etc. Each of these subfields, may represent:

  • A single bibliographic unit at the appropriate level (e.g., ǂv 1)
  • A sequence of such units with commas separating their numbers or other designators (e.g., ǂv 1,2,3,4,5)
  • A range of such units with a hyphen separating the first and last designators in the range (e.g., ǂv 1-3)
  • A combination of sequences and ranges (e.g., ǂv 1 ǂp 2-6,8 ǂv 2 ǂp 1-8)

Use the following guidelines:

  • Summarize holdings at a given level instead of enumerating items at subordinate levels. If portions at the summary level are incomplete, note the incomplete units with a word or abbreviation in brackets following the appropriate unit designators.
      ǂv 1[inc.] ǂv 2-5
      ǂv 1,5[inc.],7-16,17[inc.],18-20
      ǂv 1-15[most]
  • If an accession number applies to a particular unit, enter the accession number in brackets following the appropriate unit designator
      ǂv 1 ǂp 1-4[32157] ǂp 5-8[32158] ǂp 9-12[32159] ǂv 2 ǂp 1-4[46177] ǂp 5-8[46178] ǂp 9-12[46179]
  • If you lack units that were issued, represent the known units in subfields ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv. Indicate the missing units in subfield ǂm.
  • Use subfield ǂy for publication dates in lieu of other numbering or to supplement other numbering
  • Use subfield ǂn for notes that clarify or amplify holdings information

1st Indicator

Controls display and label printing. The print program ignores indicator values. When you retrieve a record the system displays field 049 with blanks in both indicator positions. If you receive OCLC-MARC records, you may want to supply indicator values for local processing. Use indicator blank except where required by local processing.

blank character Undefined
0 Display data and label printing from subfield ǂa only
1 Locally defined
2 Locally defined

2nd Indicator

Indicates the completeness of holdings data
blank character Undefined
0 Holdings information complete
1 Locally defined


ǂa Holding library Code and input stamps associated with the call number. The holding library code may be either upper or lowercase.
ǂc Copy statement

Each subfield ǂc may represent one or more copies. Each subfield ǂc is subordinate to or related to the last preceding subfield ǂa. For example, if holding library XXXM has one copy numbered 1, enter:

049     XXXM ǂc 1

Several subfields ǂc may be subordinate to a single subfield ǂa. For example, if holding library XXXM has three copies numbered 1, 2, and 3, enter:

049     XXXM ǂc 1 ǂc 2 ǂc 3

A single 049 field may have multiple subfields ǂa, each with one or more related subfields ǂc. For example, if holding library XXXM has two copies numbered 1 and 2 and holding library XXXA has one copy numbered 1, enter:

049     XXXM ǂc 1 ǂc 2 ǂa xxxa ǂc 1

If an accession number applies to a copy, you may enter the accession number in subfield ǂc. Enter such numbers in brackets. For example, if holding library XXXM holds copy 1 (accession number 476532) and 3 (accession number 479569) and holding library XXXG holds copy 2 (accession number 477343), enter:

049     XXXM ǂc 1[476532],3[479569] ǂa xxxg ǂc 2[477343]
ǂd Definition of bibliographic subdivisions

Words or abbreviations that customarily appear with the numbering of an item's volumes or parts. Each word or abbreviation relates the subfield code to the level of bibliographic subdivision. Use the following guidelines and examples when entering data in subfield ǂd:

Enter brackets around the entire content of subfield ǂd.

049     XXXM ǂd [ ǂv vol. ǂp pt.]
049     XXXB ǂc 1 ǂd [ ǂv ser. ǂp vol. ǂq no.]
ǂl Local processing data Locally defined processing data. You define data in subfield ǂl and specify the position of subfield ǂl within the field. All subfields except subfield ǂa pertain to the holding library designated in the preceding subfield ǂa.
ǂm Missing elements

Use if you lack units that you know were issued. Use subfields ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv within subfield ǂm to identify the missing units. Use the same rules that apply to the description of existing units. Enter brackets around the entire content of subfield ǂm.

Subfield ǂm is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂc. All the information in subfield ǂm pertains to every copy in subfield ǂc. If no subfield ǂc is present, subfield ǂm is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂa. All the information in subfield ǂm pertains to every holding library in the preceding subfield ǂa.

Use the following examples as guidelines when entering data in subfield ǂm.

  • If holding library XXXG holds one copy numbered 1 and volumes 1-7 have been published each in four numbers. If volume 2 number 3 and volume 5 numbers 1 and 4 are missing:
    049     XXXG ǂc 1 ǂv 1-7 ǂp 1-4 ǂm [ ǂv 2 ǂp 3 ǂv 5 ǂp 1,4]
  • If missing units are numerous or if the description of actually published units is complex, you may list units actually held and dispense with subfield ǂm.

  • The following two examples describe the same holdings information, entered differently. Holding library XXXM holds one copy, numbered 2. The first example shows that the item was published in four volumes. Volumes 1-3 each have six numbers and volume 4 has two numbers. Numerous units are missing. You may enter:
    049     XXXM ǂc 2 ǂv 1-3 ǂp 1-6 ǂv 4 ǂp 1-2 ǂm [ ǂv 1 ǂp 1-2,6 ǂv 2 ǂp 2-5 ǂv 3 ǂp 1, 3-5 ǂv 4 ǂp 1]
    The second example shows the issues actually held. However, it does not identify units published but missing from this set. You may enter:
    049     XXXM ǂc 2 ǂv 1 ǂp 3-5 ǂv 2 ǂp 1,6 ǂv 3 ǂp 2,6 ǂv 4 ǂp 2
  • Use subfield ǂy following subfield ǂm to identify the dates of publication or coverage of the missing units. Use the same rules for formatting subfield ǂy following subfield ǂm as for subfield ǂy. For example, if holding library XXXE holds one unnumbered copy and the publication consists of 34 volumes covering the years 1906/07 through 1939/40 and Volumes 28 and 29 covering 1934/35 and 1935/36 are missing, then enter:
    049     XXXE ǂv 1-34 ǂy 1906/07-1939/40 ǂm [ ǂv 28-29 ǂy 1934/35-1935/36]
ǂn Notes about holdings Notes that amplify or clarify holdings data or that provide information that cannot be expressed in other subfields. Do not enter data in subfield ǂn in brackets. Subfield ǂn is subordinate to subfield ǂa or to subfield ǂc, depending upon the nature of the note.
ǂo Local processing data Locally defined processing data. You define data in subfield ǂo and specify the position of subfield ǂo within the field. All subfields except subfield ǂa pertain to the holding library designated in the preceding subfield ǂa.
ǂp Secondary bibliographic subdivision

Each subfield ǂp is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂv. All the information in subfield ǂp pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂv. Use the following guidelines and examples when entering data in subfield ǂp:

  • If holding library XXXD holds volumes 1-10 and each volume consists of six numbers enter:
    049     XXXD ǂv 1-10 ǂp 1-6
  • If holding library XXXM holds one copy, numbered 1, and copy 1 consists of two volumes each having six numbers; and holding library XXXB holds one copy, numbered 2, and copy 2 consists of volume 2 in six numbers, enter:
    049     XXXM[Reading][Room] ǂc 1 ǂv 1-2 ǂp 1-6 ǂa xxxb ǂc 2 ǂv 2 ǂp 1-6
ǂq Third bibliographic subdivision

Each subfield ǂq is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂp. All the information in subfield ǂq pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂp. For example, if holding library XXXE holds volumes 1-14, but volumes 1-10 each have parts A and B (each part A has six numbers and each part B has 12 numbers), while volumes 11-14 each have parts A and B (each part A has 12 numbers and each part B has 12 numbers), then enter:

049     XXXE ǂd [ ǂv vol. ǂp pt. ǂq no.] ǂv 1-10 ǂp A ǂq 1-6 ǂp B ǂq 1-12 ǂv 11-14 ǂp A-B ǂq 1-12
ǂr Fourth bibliographic subdivision Each subfield ǂr is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂq. All the information in subfield ǂr pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂq.
ǂs Fifth bibliographic subdivision Each subfield ǂs is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂr. All the information in subfield ǂs pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂr.
ǂt Sixth bibliographic subdivision Each subfield ǂt is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂs. All the information in subfield ǂt pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂs.
ǂu Seventh bibliographic subdivision Each subfield ǂu is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂt. All the information in subfield ǂu pertains to every unit in the last preceding subfield ǂt.
ǂv Primary bibliographic subdivision

Use the following guidelines and examples when entering data in subfield ǂv. If holding library XXXF holds tomes 5-26, enter:

049     XXXF ǂd [ ǂv Tome] ǂv 5-26

If holding library XXXB holds volumes 1-13 and volume 8 is incomplete, enter:

049     XXXB ǂv 1-7 ǂv 8[inc.] ǂv 9-13

Subfield ǂv is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂc. All of the information in subfield ǂv pertains to every copy in the last preceding subfield ǂc. If holding library XXXM holds two copies and copy 1 consists of volumes 1 and 2, and copy 2 consists only of volume 1, enter:

049     XXXM ǂc 1 ǂv 1-2 ǂc 2 ǂv 1

If no subfield ǂc is present, subfield ǂv is subordinate to the immediately preceding subfield ǂa. All the information in subfield ǂv pertains to every holding library in the last preceding subfield ǂa. For example, if holding library XXXM holds numbers 15-85 and holding library XXXR holds numbers 1-16, 18-82, and 84-85, enter:

049     XXXM ǂd [ ǂv no.] ǂv 15-85 ǂa xxxr ǂd [ ǂv no.] ǂv 1-16, 18-82, 84-85
ǂy Inclusive dates of publication or coverage

Use dates in subfield ǂy to supplement other numbering in subfields ǂp, ǂq, ǂr, ǂs, ǂt, ǂu, and ǂv or in lieu of other numbering. Enter a hyphen to separate the date of the earliest unit from the date of the latest unit. Use the following examples as guidelines when entering data in subfield ǂy:

  • If holding library XXXA holds 1 copy, numbered 3, published in or covering 1919, enter:
    049     XXXA ǂc 3 ǂy 1919
  • If holding library XXXR holds 1 copy, numbered 1, and this copy consists of 10 volumes each containing six numbers published between or covering 1901-1909, enter:
    049     XXXR ǂc 1 ǂv 1-10 ǂp 1-6 ǂy 1901-1909
  • If holding library XXXM holds 3 copies and copies 1 and 2 each consist of volumes 1-16, published between or covering 1963-1978, and copy 3 consists of volumes 4-8, published between or covering 1966-1970, enter:
    049     XXXM ǂc 1-2 ǂv 1-16 ǂy 1963-1978 ǂc 3 ǂv 4-8 ǂy 1960-1970
  • If a unit covers a range of months or years and a slash separates the terms that define this range, use a slash in field 049. For example, if holding library XXXB holds volumes 1-8, and volume 1 appeared in or covers the fiscal year 1967/68, and volume 8 appeared in or covers the years 1974/75, enter:
    049     XXXB ǂv 1-8 ǂy 1967/68-1974/75
  • If holding library XXXM holds 4 copies of volume 1, number 1, and this issue covers the two-month period, March-April 1979, enter:
    049     XXXM ǂc 1-4 ǂv 1 ǂp 1 ǂy Mar./Apr. 1979


Field 049 is not indexed.


Field 049 is OCLC-defined and therefore not included in MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.