Definition |
A personal name used as an authorized access point. The access point is assigned according to various cataloging rules to give access to the bibliographic record from personal names. Use for the following types of personal names:
- Names of persons
- Phrases having the structure of forenames or surnames
- Phrases used to indicate a person
- Names of families
- Persons named in sacred scriptures or apocryphal books
- Fictitious and legendary persons or characters
- Real non-human entities, such as named animals
OCLC also makes available nonstandard MARC fields to use for additional access points not supported by cataloging rules (e.g., donor or gift information or variant form). Enter information in fields 696, 790, 796, or 896 as you would in the corresponding standard MARC fields. These fields are not retained in the WorldCat record. However, they are retained in exported records and records delivered via other services. This page does not cover the title portion of personal name/title access points. Refer to the Preferred Titles--General Information for further information on constructing title access points and title related subfields. For information on punctuation, see the Punctuation section below. |
Guidelines |
Guidelines and links to guidelines for applying all content designators are given below. A field-specific list of content designators and guidelines for applying the 1st and 2nd indicator positions are provided under the description for fields that contain a personal name. For current cataloging, construct personal names according to Resource Description and Access (RDA), Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2), Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH), and Library of Congress/Program for Cooperative Cataloging (LC/PCC) practice. Search the OCLC Authority File to verify forms of authorized access points. Use the current RDA, AACR2, or AACR2-compatible forms of the authorized access points. If an access point is not found, construct it according to RDA or AACR2. For retrospective cataloging, search the OCLC Authority File to verify forms of authorized access points. Use the current RDA, AACR2, or AACR2-compatible forms of the authorized access points. If an access point is not found, you may enter the pre-RDA form, but you are encouraged to construct the access point according to RDA or AACR2. For help in coding ambiguous access points, see the Subject Headings Manual, H 405. |
Modifications |
If constructing personal name access points according to pre-RDA instructions, make the following modifications to dates used with a personal name:
- Spell out the names of months
- Use active instead of fl.
- Use approximately instead of ca.
- Use century instead of cent.
- Use complete dates, e.g., 1886 or 1887-1945 instead of 1886 or 7-1945
- Use hyphens when indicating a birth date, e.g., 1972- instead of b. 1972
- Use hyphens when indicating a death date, e.g., -1901 instead of d. 1901
1st Indicator |
Type of personal name entry element. Value that identifies the form of the entry element of the field. The values distinguish among forenames, surnames, and family names used as the entry element. |
0 |
Forename. Use for names structured as forenames in direct order, names that consist of initials in direct order, and characterizing phrases in direct order. If a forename/surname status is in doubt, treat the name as a forename.
100 |
0 |
Father Divine, ǂe correspondent ǂ4 crp |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Joan, ǂc of Arc, Saint, ǂd 1412-1431 ǂv Juvenile literature |
700 |
0 |
Smudge ǂc (Comic book artist), ǂe illustrator ǂ4 ill |
800 |
0 |
Plato. ǂt Dialogues. ǂk Selections. ǂl English (Chicago, Ill. : 1986) ; ǂv pt. 1 |
1 |
Surname. Use for names having any inverted order, names known to be surnames but lacking forenames, names consisting of multiple entry elements that include articles or prepositions (e.g., De, La or Van), and names of persons known under sobriquets and nicknames that have the structure of surnames.
100 |
1 |
Carroll, Lewis, ǂd 1832-1898, ǂe author |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, ǂd 1600-1681 ǂv Criticism and interpretation |
700 |
1 |
Van Alfen, Neal K., ǂe editor |
800 |
1 |
King, Stephen, ǂd 1947- ǂt Dark tower ; ǂv 6 |
3 |
Family name. Use for the name of a family, clan, dynasty, house, or other such group. The name may be constructed in direct or inverted order.
100 |
3 |
Borgia (Family : ǂd active 14th century-18th century), ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
600 |
3 |
0 |
Kennedy family ǂv Fiction |
600 |
3 |
0 |
Bourbon, House of |
700 |
3 |
2 |
ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Ciurianni (Family : ǂd 1179-1429). ǂt Libro propio |
2nd Indicator |
The definition of the 2nd indicator position is specific to each field. |
100, 800, 896 |
Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.
Undefined |
600, 696 |
Thesaurus. The thesaurus or established subject terminology used in constructing the subject access point. For more information about subject access points, see 6xx Introduction. |
0 |
Library of Congress Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) and Subject Headings Manual (SHM) practices. This includes headings with or without subdivisions that have been found in the LC authority files for names or subjects or have been constructed following RDA or AACR2.
600 |
1 |
0 |
Martin, George R. R. ǂv Television adaptations |
1 |
LC subject headings for children's literature. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the "Children's Subject Headings" section of Library of Congress Subject Headings practice. This includes access points with or without subdivisions that have been found in the LC authority files for names or subjects or have been constructed following RDA or AACR2.
600 |
1 |
1 |
De Soto, Hernando, ǂd approximately 1500-1542 |
2 |
Medical Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the National Library of Medicine authority practice.
600 |
1 |
2 |
Salk, Jonas, ǂd 1914-1995 |
3 |
National Agricultural Library subject authority file. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to the National Agricultural Library subject authority practice.
600 |
1 |
3 |
Wallace, Henry Agard, ǂd 1888-1965 |
4 |
Source not specified. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to a controlled list, but the source cannot be specified by one of the thesauri or established subject terminologies covered by the other 2nd indicator values or by a code for a specific subject scheme in subfield ǂ2. Use field 653 to record terms that do not conform to an established subject terminology list or practice.
600 |
1 |
4 |
Sackville-West, V. ǂq (Vita), ǂd 1892-1962 |
5 |
Canadian Subject Headings. The formulation of the subject access point conforms to Canadian Subject Headings practice. Do not use. |
6 |
Répertoire de vedettes-matière. Subject access point conforms to the Répertoire de vedettes-matière that is maintained by the Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval and/or French name authority files maintained by libraries in Canada.
600 |
1 |
6 |
Cameron, Julia Margaret, ǂd 1815-1879 ǂv Catalogues raisonnés |
7 |
Source specified in subfield ǂ2. Subject access points or terms based on other subject authorities (i.e., on authorities other than those listed here). Identify the source in subfield ǂ2 using codes found in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes.
600 |
1 |
7 |
Alfonso ǂb VIII, ǂc Rey de Castilla y Leó, ǂd 1155-1214 ǂv Novela ǂ2 bidex |
700, 790, 796 |
Type of added entry. The values distinguish between no information provided and an analytical entry. |
No information provided. Either the access point is not for an analytic or no information is provided as to whether the access point is for an analytic.
100 |
1 |
Fernández de Avellaneda, Alonso, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Nouvelles aventures de l'admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche / ǂc Alain-René Lesage ; édition critique de David Alvarez |
700 |
1 |
2 |
ǂi Adaptation of (work): ǂa Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, ǂd 1547-1616. ǂt Don Quixote |
2 |
Analytical entry. The item contains the work that is represented by the access point.
100 |
1 |
Reverdy, Pierre, ǂd 1889-1960, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
245 |
1 |
0 |
Pierre Reverdy / ǂc by Pierre Reverdy ; edited by Mary Ann Caws |
700 |
1 |
2 |
ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Reverdy, Pierre, ǂd 1889-1960. ǂt Poems. ǂk Selections |
700 |
1 |
2 |
ǂi Container of (expression): ǂa Reverdy, Pierre, ǂd 1889-1960. ǂt Poems. ǂk Selections. ǂl English |
Subfields |
Limited examples are given in this section. Refer to each specific field listed in the Input Standards above for more examples. |
ǂa Personal name |
A surname and/or forename; abbreviations, initials, letters, numbers, or phrases used in place of a name; or a family name.
100 |
1 |
Harraden, Beatrice, ǂd 1864-1936, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Pseudo-Methodius. ǂt Apokalypsis |
700 |
1 |
Ball, Thomas Watson, ǂd 1863-1934, ǂe binding designer ǂ4 bdd |
800 |
1 |
Patterson, James, ǂd 1947- ǂt Alex Cross series |
ǂb Numeration |
A Roman numeral alone or a Roman numeral and a subsequent part of a forename. Use only in a forename access point (i.e., entries with 1st indicator value 0).
100 |
0 |
Frederick ǂb II, ǂc Holy Roman Emperor, ǂd 1194-1250, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Hamengku Buwono ǂb X, ǂc Sultan of Yogyakarta, ǂd 1946- |
700 |
0 |
Gustav ǂb II Adolf, ǂc King of Sweden, ǂd 1594-1632, ǂe author |
ǂc Titles and other words associated with a name |
A word or phrase associated with a personal name, including such qualifiers as:
- Titles designating royalty, nobility, ecclesiastical rank, office, etc. (e.g., queen, sir, soeur, comte)
- Terms of address indicating marital status, gender, relationship, etc. (e.g., Mrs., Ms., Jr.)
- Initials of an academic degree or denoting membership in an organization (e.g., Ph. D., M.P.H., F.L.S.)
- A Roman numeral used with a surname
- Other words or phrases associated with the name (e.g., saint, spirit, agricultural economist)
100 |
0 |
Augustine, ǂc Saint, Bishop of Hippo, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Chocolat ǂc (Clown) |
700 |
0 |
2 |
ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Anne Boleyn, ǂc Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, ǂd 1507-1536. ǂt O death rock me asleep |
800 |
1 |
Thomas, Emily ǂc (Christian author). ǂt Secrets of the Blue Hill Library ; ǂv 1 |
If the access point is a surname followed directly by a prefix without intervening forenames or forename initials, the prefix is contained in subfield ǂc to prevent its being processed as a forename in searching and sorting.
100 |
1 |
Prémont, ǂc de, ǂd active 1698-1701, ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
Multiple adjacent titles or words associated with a name are contained in a single subfield ǂc. Subfield ǂc is repeated only when words associated with a name are separated by subelements contained in other subfields.
100 |
0 |
Beatriz Afonso, ǂc of Castile, Queen, consort of Afonso III, King of Portugal, ǂd approximately 1242-approximately 1300, ǂe author |
700 |
1 |
Mary, ǂc Queen of Scots, ǂd 1542-1587 ǂc (Spirit), ǂe defendant ǂ4 dfd |
ǂd Dates associated with a name |
Birth date, death date, or dates of activity used with a personal name.
100 |
1 |
Techelmann, Franz Mathias, ǂd approximately 1649-1714, ǂe composer ǂ4 cmp |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Lyotard, Jean-François, ǂd 1924-1998 |
700 |
0 |
2 |
ǂi Container of (expression): ǂa Zōen, ǂd active 1204-1213. ǂt Senzui narabini yagyō no zu. ǂl Italian |
800 |
1 |
George, Stefan, ǂd 1868-1933. ǂt Works. ǂf 1982 |
ǂe Relator term |
A designation of function that describes the relationship between a personal name and a work (e.g., author, compiler, defendants). Enter each relator term in a separate subfield ǂe. Prefer terms taken from a controlled vocabulary such as RDA Appendix I. If more than one relator term is appropriate because the same entity has multiple roles, add relator terms in WEMI order (i.e., work, expression, manifestation, item). For more information, see the PCC Training Manual for Applying Relationship Designators in Bibliographic Records. Relator terms in subfield ǂe and relator codes in subfield ǂ4, each specifying a relationship of a personal name to a work, may be included in the same field.
100 |
0 |
Attaboy ǂc (Artist), ǂe author, ǂe artist ǂ4 art |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Kook, Abraham Isaac, ǂd 1865-1935, ǂe author of added commentary |
700 |
1 |
Goldscheider, Aaron, ǂe editor, ǂe translator ǂ4 edt ǂ4 trl |
ǂg Miscellaneous information |
Data not identified in other subfields. Subfield ǂg is most commonly used with family names.
700 |
3 |
Jarvis (Family : ǂg Jarvis, George (George Franklin), 1823-1913), ǂe editor ǂ4 edt |
ǂj Attribution qualifier |
Attribution information when the responsibility is unknown, uncertain, fictitious, or pseudonymous. Use for qualifiers that follow the personal name of a known artist for the work. Do not use subfield ǂj for access points formulated according to AACR2 or RDA.
600 |
1 |
4 |
Notary, J., ǂj pseud. |
700 |
1 |
Dürer, Albrecht, ǂd 1471-1528, ǂj Style of |
[Formulated according to the description guidelines of Cataloging cultural objects] |
ǂq Fuller form of name |
A more complete form or part of the personal name than is in subfield ǂa.
100 |
1 |
Hutchison, Thomas W. ǂq (Thomas William), ǂe author ǂ4 aut |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Koh, Tommy T. B. ǂq (Tommy Thong Bee), ǂd 1937- ǂx Political and social views |
700 |
1 |
Adams, Robert M. ǂq (Robert Martin), ǂd 1915-1996, ǂe editor ǂ4 edt |
800 |
1 |
Anderson, Catherine ǂq (Adeline Catherine). ǂt Harrigan family novel |
ǂu Affiliation |
The affiliation or address of the personal name in subfield ǂa. Subfield ǂu is most commonly used for technical reports.
100 |
0 |
Stevenson, William, ǂe author ǂu Irvine & Stevenson (Firm) ǂ4 aut |
ǂv Form subdivision |
A specific kind or genre of material defined by the thesaurus being used. Use only when a genre/form subdivision is added to a personal name to construct the subject access point. A subfield ǂv is generally the last subdivision in a subject access point. Enter each subsequent form subdivision in a separate subfield ǂv.
600 |
1 |
0 |
Zoega, Georg, ǂd 1755-1809 ǂv Archives |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Constantius, ǂc Saint, Bishop of Perugia, ǂd -170 ǂv Bibliography ǂv Early works to 1800 |
ǂx General subdivision |
A subject subdivision that is not more appropriately contained in subfield ǂv, ǂy, or ǂz. Use subfield ǂx only when a topical subject subdivision term is added to a personal name. Enter each subsequent topical subdivision in a separate subfield ǂx.
600 |
1 |
0 |
Shakespeare, William, ǂd 1564-1616 ǂx Criticism, Textual |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Paalen, Wolfgang, ǂd 1907-1959 ǂx Friends and associates ǂv Exhibitions |
ǂy Chronological subdivision |
A subject subdivision that represents a period of time. Use only when a chronological subject subdivision is added to a personal name.
600 |
0 |
0 |
Catherine, ǂc of Alexandria, Saint ǂx Cult ǂz Germany ǂz Nuremberg ǂx History ǂy 16th century |
600 |
0 |
0 |
Jesus Christ ǂx History of doctrines ǂy 21st century |
ǂy Data provenance |
For information about subfield ǂy, see Data Provenance Subfields. |
ǂz Geographic subdivision |
A subject subdivision that represents a jurisdiction or location. Use only when a geographic subject subdivision is added to a personal name. Enter each subsequent geographic subdivision in a separate subfield ǂz.
600 |
0 |
0 |
Peter, ǂc the Apostle, Saint ǂx Relics ǂz Italy ǂz Rome |
600 |
1 |
0 |
Pound, Ezra, ǂd 1885-1972 ǂx Travel ǂz Italy ǂz Siena |
ǂ0 Authority record control number or standard number |
For information about subfield ǂ0, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ1 Real World Object URI |
For information about subfield ǂ1, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ2 Source of heading or term |
For information about subfield ǂ2, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ3 Materials specified |
For information about subfield ǂ3, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ4 Relationship |
For information about subfield ǂ4, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ5 Institution to which field applies |
For information about subfield ǂ5, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ6 Linkage |
Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields. |
ǂ7 Data provenance |
For information about subfield ǂ7, see Data Provenance Subfields. |
ǂ8 Field link and sequence number |
For information about subfield ǂ8, see Control Subfields. Subfield ǂ8 is used infrequently. |
ǂ9 Special entry |
For information about subfield ǂ9, see Control Subfields. |
Punctuation |
Punctuation of the subelements of an access point is generally dictated by descriptive cataloging or subject system/thesaurus rules. These input conventions clarify MARC punctuation practices. Fields 100, 600, 700, and 800 may optionally end with terminal punctuation. Terminal punctuation consists of one of the following: ellipsis, hyphen, period, closing parenthesis, exclamation point, and question mark. Currently, the control heading process adds terminal periods to access points. If the final subfields are subfield ǂu, ǂ0, ǂ1, ǂ2, ǂ3, ǂ4, or ǂ5, the terminal punctuation precedes the first instance of those subfields. If the final subfield is ǂe, add a comma after the access point unless the access point ends with an open date. Separate multiple relator terms with commas and add a period after the last subfield ǂe. A personal name portion of a name/title access point ends with terminal punctuation. When an authorized access point ends with a quotation mark, the terminal punctuation is placed before the quotation mark. In the case of a personal name input as a subject access point and followed by a subject subdivision, omit the terminal punctuation following the name unless the name ends with an abbreviation or initial/letter. See also 6xx Introduction for specific subject access point guidelines.
- Precede a title of royalty, nobility, or other term indicative of rank, honor, or office by a comma and a space
- Precede the term Saint, a title of religious rank, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation by a comma and a space
- Precede a term of address such as Mrs. by a comma and a space
- Precede a word indicating relationship such as Jr. by a comma and a space
- Precede a date or range of dates by a comma and a space
- Separate a date of birth and a date of death by a hyphen. If a date of birth is not followed by a date of death, follow the date of birth with a hyphen. If a date of death is not preceded by a date of birth, precede the date of death by a hyphen.
- Enclose the term Spirit in parentheses
- Enclose a fuller form of name in parentheses
- Enclose a term indicating occupation or profession in parentheses
- Enclose a designation for a person named in a sacred scripture or an apocryphal book in parentheses
- Enclose a designation for a fictitious or legendary person in parentheses
- Enclose a designation for a real non-human entity in parentheses
- Enclose additions to the name of a family in a single set of parentheses, separating each addition by a space, colon, space
- Separate multiple relator terms with commas
For more information on punctuation, including OCLC policy, see section 2.8, Punctuation. |
Indexing |
For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes for fields: 100, 600, 700, and 800. |
MARC 21 |
For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, x00. |