
007 Physical Description Fixed Field--Values Table

Record Type


Field 007 Values

This table shows field 007 bytes/positions, corresponding OCLC-defined subfields, and values. Bytes/positions, subfields, and values that are obsolete are not included.



ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Bytes 06-08)

ǂh (Byte 09)

ǂi (Byte 10)

Electronic Resource



a Tape cartridge

b Chip cartridge

c Computer optical disc cartridge

d Computer disc, type unspecified

e Computer disc cartridge, type unspecified

f Tape cassette

h Tape reel

j Magnetic disk

k Computer card

m Magneto-optical disc

o Optical disc

r Remote

u Unspecified

z Other


a One color

b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

g Gray scale

m Mixed

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other


a 3 1/2 in.

e 12 in.

g 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm

i 1 1/8 × 2 3/8 in.

j 3 7/8 × 2 1/2 in.

n Not applicable

o 5 1/4 in.

u Unknown

v 8 in.

z Other


a Sound

u Unknown

Image bit depth

001-999 Exact bit depth

mmm Multiple

nnn Not applicable

--- Unknown

File formats

a One file format

m Multiple file formats

u Unknown

Quality assurance target(s)

a Absent

n Not applicable

p Present

u Unknown

ǂj (Byte 11)

ǂk (Byte 12)

ǂl (Byte 13)

Antecedent/ Source

a File reproduced from original

b File reproduced from microform

c File reproduced from an electronic resource

d File reproduced from an intermediate (not microform)

m Mixed

n Not applicable

u Unknown

Level of compression

a Uncompressed

b Lossless

d Lossy

m Mixed

u Unknown

Reformatting quality

a Access

n Not applicable

p Preservation

r Replacement

u Unknown




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)





a Celestial globe

b Planetary or lunar globe

c Terrestrial globe

e Earth moon globe

u Unspecified

z Other


a One color

c Multicolored

Physical medium

a Paper

b Wood

c Stone

d Metal

e Synthetic

f Skin

g Textile

i Plastic

l Vinyl

n Vellum

p Plaster

u Unknown

v Leather

w Parchment

z Other

Type of reproduction

f Facsimile

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)




u Unspecified




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)





d Atlas

g Diagram

j Map

k Profile

q Model

r Remote-sensing image

s Section

u Unspecified

y View

z Other


a One color

c Multicolored

Physical medium

a Paper

b Wood

c Stone

d Metal

e Synthetic

f Skin

g Textiles

i Plastic

j Glass

l Vinyl

n Vellum

p Plaster

q Flexible base photographic, positive

r Flexible base photographic, negative

s Non-flexible base photographic, positive

t Non-flexible base photographic, negative

u Unknown

v Leather

w Parchment

y Other photographic medium

z Other

Type of reproduction

f Facsimile

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Production/ reproduction details

a Photocopy, blueline print

b Photocopy

c Pre-production

d Film

u Unknown

z Other

Positive/ negative aspect

a Positive

b Negative

m Mixed polarity

n Not applicable




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Bytes 05-08)

ǂg (Byte 09)

ǂh (Byte 10)

ǂi (Byte 11)




a Aperture card

b Microfilm cartridge

c Microfilm cassette

d Microfilm reel

e Microfiche

f Microfiche cassette

g Microopaque

h Microfilm slip

j Microfilm roll

u Unspecified

z Other

Positive/ negative aspect

a Positive

b Negative

m Mixed polarity

u Unknown



a 8 mm

d 16 mm

f 35 mm

g 70 mm

h 105 mm

Microfiche, microopaque, etc.

l 3 x 5 in. or 8 x 13 cm

m 4 x 6 in. or 11 x 15 cm

o 6 x 9 in. or 16 x 23 cm

Aperture card

p 3 1/4 x 7 3/8 in. or 9 x 19 cm


u Unknown

z Other

Reduction ratio range/ Reduction ratio

1st position

a Low reduction ratio

b Normal reduction

c High reduction

d Very high reduction

e Ultra high reduction

u Unknown

v Reduction ratio varies

2nd-4th positions

001-999 Specific reduction ratio

--- Unknown reduction ratio


b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

m Mixed

u Unknown

z Other

Emulsion on film

a Silver halide

b Diazo

c Vesicular

m Mixed emulsion

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other


a First generation (master)

b Printing master

c Service copy

m Mixed generation

u Unknown

ǂj (Byte 12)

Base of film

a Safety base, undetermined

c Safety base, acetate undetermined

d Safety base, diacetate

l Nitrate base

m Mixed base (nitrate and safety)

n Not applicable

p Safety base, polyester

r Safety base, mixed

t Safety base, triacetate

u Unknown

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)

ǂi (Byte 08)

Motion Picture



c Film cartridge

f Film cassette

o Film roll

r Film reel

u Unspecified

z Other


b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

h Hand colored

m Mixed

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Motion picture presentation format

a Standard sound aperture (reduced frame)

b Nonanamorphic (wide-screen)

c 3D

d Anamorphic (wide-screen)

e Other wide-screen format

f Standard silent aperture (full frame)

u Unknown

z Other

Sound on medium or separate

a Sound on medium

b Sound separate from medium

u Unknown

Medium for sound

a Optical sound track on motion picture film

b Magnetic sound track on motion picture film

c Magnetic audio tape in cartridge

d Sound disc

e Magnetic audio tape on reel

f Magnetic audio tape in cassette

g Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film

h Videotape

i Videodisc

u Unknown

z Other


a Standard 8 mm

b Super 8 mm/ single 8 mm

c 9.5 mm

d 16 mm

e 28 mm

f 35 mm

g 70 mm

u Unknown

z Other

Configuration of playback channels

k Mixed

m Monaural

n Not applicable

q Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround

s Stereophonic

u Unknown

z Other

ǂj (Byte 09)

ǂk (Byte 10)

ǂl (Byte 11)

ǂm (Byte 12)

ǂn (Byte 13)

ǂo (Byte 14)

ǂp (Byte 15)

Production elements

a Workprint

b Trims

c Outtakes

d Rushes

e Mixing tracks

f Title bands/ inter-title rolls

g Production rolls

n Not applicable

z Other

Positive/ negative aspect

a Positive

b Negative

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other


d Duplicate

e Master

o Original

r Reference print/ viewing copy

u Unknown

z Other

Base of film

a Safety base, undetermined

c Safety base, acetate undetermined

d Safety base, diacetate

i Nitrate base

m Mixed base (nitrate and safety)

n Not applicable

p Safety base, polyester

r Safety base, mixed

t Safety base, triacetate

u Unknown

z Other

Refined categories of color

a 3 layer color

b 2 color, single strip

c Undetermined 2 color

d Undetermined 3 color

e 3 strip color

f 2 strip color

g Red strip

h Blue or green strip

i Cyan strip

j Magenta strip

k Yellow strip

l S E N 2

m S E N 3

n Not applicable

p Sepia tone

q Other tone

r Tint

s Tinted and toned

t Stencil color

u Unknown

v Hand colored

z Other

Kind of color stock or print

a Imbibition dye transfer prints

b Three-layer stock

c Three layer stock, low fade

d Duplitized stock

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Deterioration stage

a None apparent

b Nitrate: suspicious odor

c Nitrate: pungent odor

d Nitrate: brownish, discoloration, fading, dusty

e Nitrate: sticky

f Nitrate: frothy, bubbles, blisters

g Nitrate: congealed

h Nitrate: powder

k Non-nitrate: detectable deterioration

l Non-nitrate: advanced deterioration

m Non-nitrate: disaster

ǂq (Byte 16)

ǂr (Bytes 17-22)


c Complete

i Incomplete

n Not applicable

u Unknown

Film inspection date





ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

Nonprojected Graphic



a Activity card

c Collage

d Drawing

e Painting

f Photomechanical print

g Photonegative

h Photoprint

i Picture

j Print

k Poster

l Technical drawing

n Chart

o Flash card

p Postcard

q Icon

r Radiograph

s Study print

u Unspecified

v Photograph, type unspecified

z Other


a One color

b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

h Hand colored

m Mixed

u Unknown

z Other

Primary support material

a Canvas

b Bristol board

c Cardboard/ illustration board

d Glass

e Synthetic

f Skin

g Textile

h Metal

i Plastic

l Vinyl

m Mixed collection

n Vellum

o Paper

p Plaster

q Hardboard

r Porcelain

s Stone

t Wood

u Unknown

v Leather

w Parchment

z Other

Secondary support material

a Canvas

b Bristol board

c Cardboard/ illustration board

d Glass

e Synthetic

f Skin

g Textile

h Metal

i Plastic

l Vinyl

m Mixed collection

n Vellum

o Paper

p Plaster

q Hardboard

r Porcelain

s Stone

t Wood

u Unknown

v Leather

w Parchment

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)

Notated Music



u Unspecified




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)

ǂi (Byte 08)

Projected Graphic



c Filmstrip cartridge

d Filmslip

f Filmstrip, type unspecified

o Filmstrip roll

s Slide

t Transparency

u Unspecified

z Other


a One color

b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

h Hand colored

m Mixed

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Base of emulsion

d Glass

e Synthetic

j Safety film

k Film base, other than safety film

m Mixed collection

o Paper

u Unknown

z Other

Sound on medium or separate

a Sound on medium

b Sound separate from medium

u Unknown

Medium for sound

a Optical sound track on motion picture film

b Magnetic sound track on motion picture film

c Magnetic audio tape in cartridge

d Sound disc

e Magnetic audio tape on reel

f Magnetic audio tape in cassette

g Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film

h Videotape

i Videodisc

u Unknown

z Other


a Standard 8 mm film width

b Super 8 mm/ single 8 mm film width

c 9.5 mm width

d 16 mm width

e 28 mm width

f 35 mm width

g 70 mm width

j 2 x 2 in. or 5 x 5 cm slide

k 2 1/4 x 2 1/4 in. or 6 x 6 cm slide

s 4 x 5 in. or 10 x 13 cm transparency

t 5 x 7 in. or 13 x 18 cm transparency

v 8 x 10 in. or 21 x 26 cm transparency

w 9 x 9 in. or 23 x 23 cm transparency

x 10 x 10 in. or 26 x 26 cm transparency

y 7 x 7 in. or 18 x 18 cm transparency

u Unknown

z Other

Secondary support material

c Cardboard

d Glass

e Synthetic

h Metal

j Metal and glass

k Synthetic and glass

m Mixed collection

u Unknown

z Other



ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)

ǂi (Byte 08)

Remote-Sensing Image



u Unspecified

Altitude of sensor

a Surface

b Airborne

c Spaceborne

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Attitude of sensor

a Low oblique

b High oblique

c Vertical

n Not applicable

u Unknown

Cloud cover


1 10-19%

2 20-29%

3 30-39%

4 40-49%

5 50-59%

6 60-69%

7 70-79%

8 80-89%

9 90-100%

n Not applicable

u Unknown

Platform construction type

a Balloon

b Aircraft–low altitude

c Aircraft–medium altitude

d Aircraft–high altitude

e Manned spacecraft

f Unmanned spacecraft

g Land-based remote-sensing device

h Water surface-based remote-sensing device

i Submersible remote-sensing device

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Platform use category

a Meteorological

b Surface observing

c Space observing

m Mixed uses

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Sensor type

a Active

b Passive

u Unknown

z Other

ǂj (Bytes 09-10)

Data type

aa Visible light

da Near infrared

db Middle infrared

dc Far infrared

dd Thermal infrared

de Shortwave infrared (SWIR)

df Reflective infrared

dv Combinations

dz Other infrared data

ga Side-looking airborne radar (SLAR)

gb Synthetic aperture radar (SAR)-Single frequency

gc SAR-multi-frequency (multichannel)

gd SAR-like polarization

ge SAR-cross polarization

gf Infometric SAR

gg Polarmetric SAR

gu Passive microwave mapping

gz Other microwave data

ja Far ultraviolet

jb Middle ultraviolet

jc Near ultraviolet

Data type (continued)

jv Ultraviolet combinations

jz Other ultraviolet data

ma Multi-spectral, multidata

mb Multi-temporal

mm Combination of various data types

nn Not applicable

pa Sonar–water depth

pb Sonar–bottom topography images, sidescan

pc Sonar–bottom topography, near-surface

pd Sonar–bottom topography, near-bottom

pe Seismic surveys

pz Other acoustical data

ra Gravity anomales (general)

rb Free-air

rc Bouger

rd Isostatic

sa Magnetic field

ta Radiometric surveys

uu Unknown

zz Other




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)

ǂi (Byte 08)

Sound Recording



d Sound disc

e Cylinder

g Sound cartridge

i Sound-track film

q Roll

s Sound cassette

t Sound-tape reel

u Unspecified

w Wire recording

z Other


a 16 rpm (discs)

b 33 1/3 rpm (discs)

c 45 rpm (discs)

d 78 rpm (discs)

e 8 rpm (discs)

f 1.4 mps (discs)

h 120 rpm (cylinders)

i 160 rpm (cylinders)

k 15/16 ips (tapes)

l 1 7/8 ips (tapes)

m 3 3/4 ips (tapes)

o 7 1/2 ips (tapes)

p 15 ips (tapes)

r 30 ips (tapes)

u Unknown

z Other

Configuration of playback channels

m Monaural

q Quadraphonic

s Stereophonic

u Unknown

z Other

Groove width/ groove pitch

m Microgroove/fine

n Not applicable

s Coarse/standard

u Unknown

z Other


Discs or reels

a 3 in. diameter

b 5 in. diameter

c 7 in. diameter

d 10 in. diameter

e 12 in. diameter

f 16 in. diameter

Compact digital discs

g 4 3/4 in. or 12 cm diameter


j 3 7/8 x 2 1/2 in.


o 5 1/4 x 3 7/8 in.


s 2 3/4 x 4 in.


n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Tape width

l 1/8 in.

m 1/4 in.

n Not applicable

o 1/2 in.

p 1 in.

u Unknown

z Other

Tape configuration

a Full (1) track

b Half (2) track

c Quarter (4) track

d Eight track

e Twelve track

f Sixteen track

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

ǂj (Byte 09)

ǂk (Byte 10)

ǂl (Byte 11)

ǂm (Byte 12)

ǂn (Byte 13)

Kind of disc, cylinder, or tape

a Master tape

b Tape duplication master

d Disc master (negative)

i Instantaneous (recorded on the spot)

m Mass-produced

n Not applicable

r Mother (positive)

s Stamper (negative)

t Test pressing

u Unknown

z Other

Kind of material

a Lacquer coating

b Cellulose nitrate

c Acetate tape with ferrous oxide

g Glass with lacquer

i Aluminum with lacquer

l Metal

m Plastic with metal

p Plastic

r Paper with lacquer or ferrous oxide

s Shellac

w Wax

u Unknown

z Other

Kind of cutting

h Hill-and-dale cutting

l Lateral or combined cutting

n Not applicable

u Unknown

Special playback characteristics

a NAB standard

b CCIR standard

c Dolby-B encoded

d dbx encoded

e Digital recording

f Dolby-A encoded

g Dolby-C encoded

h CX encoded

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Capture and storage technique

a Acoustical capture, direct storage

b Direct storage, not acoustical

d Digital storage

e Analog electrical storage

u Unknown

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Bytes 03-04)

ǂe (Byte 05)

ǂf (Bytes 06-08)

ǂg (Byte 09)

Tactile Material



a Moon

b Braille

c Combination

d Tactile, with no writing system

u Unspecified

z Other

Class of braille writing

a Literary braille

b Format code braille

c Mathematics and scientific braille

d Computer braille

e Music braille

m Multiple braille types

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Level of contraction

a Uncontracted

b Contracted

m Combination

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Braille music format

a Bar over bar

b Bar by bar

c Line over line

d Paragraph

e Single line

f Section by section

g Line by line

h Open score

i Spanner short form scoring

j Short form scoring

k Outline

l Vertical score

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Special physical characteristics

a Print/braille

b Jumbo or enlarged braille

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)




a Regular print

b Large print

c Braille

d Loose-leaf

u Unspecified

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)




m Multiple physical forms

u Unspecified

z Other




ǂb (Byte 01)

ǂd (Byte 03)

ǂe (Byte 04)

ǂf (Byte 05)

ǂg (Byte 06)

ǂh (Byte 07)

ǂi (Byte 08)




c Videocartridge

d Videodisc

f Videocassette

r Videoreel

u Unspecified

z Other


a One color

b Black-and-white

c Multicolored

m Mixed

n Not applicable

u Unknown

z Other

Videorecording format

a Beta (1/2 in., videocassette)

b VHS (1/2 in., videocassette)

c U-matic (3/4 in., videocassette)

d EIAJ (1/2 in., reel)

e Type C (1 in., reel)

f Quadruplex (1 in. or 2 in., reel)

g Laserdisc

h CED (Capacitance Electronic Disc) videodisc

i Betacam (1/2 in., videocassette)

j Betacam SP (1/2 in., videocassette)

k Super-VHS (1/2 in., videocassette)

m M-II (1/2 in., videocassette)

o D-2 (3/4 in., videocassette)

p 8 mm

q Hi-8 mm

s Blu-ray disc

u Unknown


z Other

Sound on medium or separate

a Sound on medium

b Sound separate from medium

u Unknown

Medium for sound

a Optical sound track on motion picture film

b Magnetic sound track on motion picture film

c Magnetic audio tape in cartridge

d Sound disc

e Magnetic audio tape on reel

f Magnetic audio tape in cassette

g Optical and magnetic sound track on motion picture film

h Videotape

i Videodisc

u Unknown

z Other


a 8 mm

m 1/4 in.

o 1/2 in.

p 1 in.

q 2 in.

r 3/4 in.

u Unknown

z Other

Configuration of playback channels

k Mixed

m Monaural

n Not applicable

q Quadraphonic, multichannel, or surround

s Stereophonic

u Unknown

z Other

This table has been adapted, revised, and expanded, with permission, from a chart developed by Nancy B. Olson for her book, A Cataloger's Guide to MARC Coding and Tagging for Audiovisual Material. DeKalb, Ill. : Minnesota Scholarly Press, ©1993.