
050-099  Introduction to Call Numbers

Record Type


Call number fields

This section explains the use of call numbers in the following call number fields:

050 Library of Congress Call Number (R)
055 Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada (R)
060 National Library of Medicine Call Number (R)
070 National Agricultural Library Call Number (R)
080 Universal Decimal Classification Number (R)
086 Government Document Classification Number (R)
090 Locally Assigned LC-type Call Number (R)
092 Locally Assigned Dewey Call Number (R)
096 Locally Assigned NLM-type Call Number (R)
098 Other Classification Schemes (R)
099 Local Free-Text Call Number (R)
Call numbers in label displays

Your Connexion authorization or Record Manager account role is profiled as using either Library of Congress (LC), Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC), Government Document (GovDoc), Library and Archives Canada (LAC), National Agricultural Library (NAL), National Library of Medicine (NLM), or Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) call numbers.

Connexion. The system selects a call number for label displays based on the default classification scheme of your authorization number and the following label display priority:

1st 099 099 099 099 099 099 099
2nd 098 098 098 098 098 098 098
3rd 090 092 090 055 070 096 080
4th 050 090
050 090 090 060 090
5th 092
050 092 050 050 090 050
6th           050  

Record Manager. The system selects a call number for label displays based on the default classification scheme of your account role and the following label display priority:

1st 099 099 099 099 099 099 099
2nd 098 098 098 098 098 098 098
3rd 090 092 086 055 070 096 080
4th 050 082 090 090 090 060 090
5th 092 090 050 050 050 090 082
6th     092     050  
Empty call number fields

The system displays an empty call number field each time you retrieve a record from WorldCat. The default classification scheme associated with your Connexion authorization or Record Manager account role determines which field the system displays.

If your authorization number or account role defaults to LC classification, the system displays field 090. If your authorization number or account role defaults to DDC, the system displays field 092 and so forth.

The system-displayed empty call number field does not limit your selection of call numbers for label displays. For example, if you have an authorization or account role with an LC classification default and you are cataloging an item that requires a non-LC call number, then change the field 090 to the appropriate call number field, e.g., field 099.

WorldCat records

When you input a new record, the following call number fields do not become part of the WorldCat record, except as noted:

Field Retention
090 Not retained if the record also has field 050; retained if the record has no field 050 or if field 050 has a word or phrase instead of a call number
092 Not retained if the record also has field 082; retained if the record has no field 082
096 Not retained if record also has field 060; retained if the record has no field 060
098 Not retained
099 Not retained
Multiple call numbers

Certain classification choices are recognized to be local decisions. Multiple call numbers in the same classification scheme in the WorldCat record may be appropriate and are allowed in these circumstances:

  • For resources in monographic series, a classed together call number and a classed separately call number exist in the same record

    050   4 QH1 ǂb .R86 vol. 12, no. 7
    050   4 QL444.M33 ǂb D45 1970
    082 0 4 570.8 ǂ2 23
    082 0 4 595.3/86 ǂ2 23
    050 0 0 TN443.M5 ǂb W4 1970
    050   4 QH1 ǂb .M63 vol.10, no.1
    060 0 0 W1 ǂb ME9615D v.43 1994
    060 1 0 TP 248.65.P76 ǂb P967 1994
  • In LC Classification, a literature number from the range of PA through PT and a literary author number in the PZ range may exist in the same record for works of fiction

    050 0 0 PZ3.C4346
    050 0 0 PS3505.H747
    050   4 PN1 ǂb .D44 first, no.107
    050 0 0 PZ4.A17 ǂb Th 4
    050   4 PR9387.9.A3
    050   4 PL8021.N5 ǂb A24
    050   4 PT2625.U8 ǂb D713 1966
    050 0 0 PZ3.M9737 ǂb Fi
  • For bibliographies, a topical subject class number and a bibliography class number may exist in the same record

    050   4 QA76.9.I58 ǂb A8 1969
    050   4 Z5640.A3 ǂb A84 1969
    050 0 0 Z5862.2.O5 ǂb O88 1996a
    050   4 TD195.P4 ǂb O88 1996a
    082 0 4 016.821/912
    082 0 4 821 ǂb M233
  • An LC minimal-level call number and a member-supplied call number may exist in the same record

    050 0 0 MLCM 2016/41963 (H)
    050   4 HC405.5 ǂb .A77 2012
    050 0 0 WMLC 96/526
    050   4 LD6501.S68 ǂb S68
  • For maps and atlases, a geographic classification number and a subject classification number may exist in the same record

    050   4 G4084.B916:2O3 2015 ǂb .O3
    050   4 HF5430.5.B78 ǂb O35 2015
    050 0 0 G1046.A65 ǂb L58 1995
    050   4 PN56.G48 ǂb L58 1995
    082 0 4 220.95/00223 ǂ2 22
    082 0 4 912/.1 ǂ2 22
  • For serials that have appeared in one or more series over time, the call number of each series may exist in the same record

    050 0 0 PA9 ǂb .G73
    050 0 0 AS141 ǂb .A52 subser.
    050 0 0 P9 ǂb .A24 subser.
    050 0 0 D51 ǂb .D53 ǂ3 Applies to: Items NOT in series: Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon
    050 0 0 AS161 ǂb .B39 subser. ǂ3 Applies to: Items in series: Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon
    082 0 4 084/.1
    082 0 4 930/.05
    082 0 0 084/.1
    082 0 4 410


For indexing and searching information, see Searching WorldCat Indexes, 0xx fields.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, fields 01x-09x.