
886  Foreign MARC Information Field (R)

Record Type


Input Standards

LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
1st Indicator  Type of field
0 Leader
1 Variable control fields (002-00z)
2 Variable data field (010-999 or zzz)
2nd Indicator  Undefined
blank character Undefined
Subfields (R=Repeatable  NR=Nonrepeatable) Input Standards
ǂa Tag of the foreign MARC field (NR) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂb Content of the foreign MARC field (NR) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂc-ǂz Foreign MARC subfield (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ0-ǂ1 Foreign MARC subfield (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ2 Source of data (NR) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ3-ǂ5 Foreign MARC subfield (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ6 Linkage (NR) System supplied/System supplied
ǂ7 Foreign MARC subfield (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ8 Foreign MARC subfield/Field link and sequence number (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only
ǂ9 Foreign MARC subfield (R) LC and OCLC use only/LC and OCLC use only


Data from foreign MARC records for which there are no corresponding MARC 21 or OCLC-MARC fields. LC (Library of Congress) and OCLC use field 886 when converting data from foreign MARC records into MARC 21 or OCLC-MARC formats when it is desirable to retain data for which there is no corresponding field or which cannot be accommodated in MARC 21 or OCLC-MARC formats for some other reason.

1st Indicator

Type of field. The type of foreign MARC field from which the data is converted.


Leader. Information from the foreign MARC Leader


Variable control fields (002-00z). Information from a foreign MARC variable control field.


Variable data field (010-999 or zzz). Information from a foreign MARC variable data field.

2nd Indicator

Undefined. The 2nd indicator position is undefined and contains a blank.

blank character



ǂa Tag of the foreign MARC field

The 3-character tag number (002-999 or zzz) from the foreign record. Subfield ǂa is the second subfield in the field, immediately after subfield ǂ2, and before subfield ǂb. If the 1st indicator value is 0, then subfield ǂa is not present.

886 2   ǂ2 unimrur ǂa 709 ǂb1 blank character ǂa Napalkov (Litvak), Vladimir Nikolaevich: sm.
ǂb Content of the foreign MARC field

Either the 24 characters of the leader, the entire content of the foreign MARC control field (002-00z), or the entire content (indicators, subfield codes, and data) of the foreign MARC data fields (010-999 or zzz).

886 1   ǂ2 intermrc ǂa 004 ǂb 10000a90001
[Field 004 (Corrected Fields) for INTERMARC record]
ǂc-ǂz Foreign MARC subfield

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2.

886 2   ǂ2 ukmarc ǂa 690 ǂb 00 ǂa 00030 ǂd Great Britain ǂz 11030 ǂa butterflies ǂz 21030 ǂa life cycles
[Field 690 (PRECIS String) for UK MARC record]
ǂ0-ǂ1 Foreign MARC subfield

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2.

886 2   ǂ2 ukmarc ǂa 690 ǂb 00 ǂa 00030 ǂd Great Britain ǂz 11030 ǂa butterflies ǂz 21030 ǂa life cycles
[Field 690 (PRECIS String) for UK MARC record]
ǂ2 Source of data

The MARC code of the format used as the source for the MARC record (e.g., Chinese MARC or UK MARC). See Format Source Codes. Subfield ǂ2 is the first subfield in the field.

886 2   ǂ2 canmarc ǂa 910 ǂb 10 ǂz Name changed July 10, 1979 from Dept. of Mines
ǂ3-ǂ5 Foreign MARC subfield

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2.

886 2   ǂ2 ukmarc ǂa 690 ǂb 00 ǂa 00030 ǂd Great Britain ǂz 11030 ǂa butterflies ǂz 21030 ǂa life cycles
[Field 690 (PRECIS String) for UK MARC record] 
ǂ6 Linkage

Data that link fields when non-Latin script is entered. This subfield is system supplied and does not appear in OCLC online displays. Do not manually add subfield ǂ6. For more information about subfield ǂ6, see Control Subfields.

ǂ7 Foreign MARC subfield

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2.

ǂ8 Foreign MARC subfield/
Field link and sequence number

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2. For information about subfield ǂ8 used as field link and sequence number, see Control Subfields.

ǂ9 Foreign MARC subfield

The subfields and their content present in the original foreign MARC field. These subfields are prefaced with subfields ǂ2, ǂa, and ǂb. These subfields are used only when the 1st indicator value is 2.


Field 886 is not indexed.


For more information, including content designator history, see MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data, field 886.