
Grants awarded

ALISE Research grants awarded 1985 to 2018

Year Title Type Name
2018 The Critical Catalog: Understanding Metadata for Access to and Promotion of Diverse Library Resources LISRGP

Rachel Clarke
Syracuse University

Understanding the Information Seeking Behavior and Digital Skills of Refugee Migrants during the Job Seeking Process LISRGP

Violeta Trkulja
Juliane Stiller
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Characterizing the Adoption of ORCID iDs in Academic Communities LISRGP Alexander Voss
Anna Clements
University of St Andrews
2017 Challenges of Costing Research Data Management: Two Cases LISRGP Lorraine L. Richards Bornn
Drexel University
Financial Information Literacy Toolkit to Educate boRrowers (FILTER): A Channel for Public Libraries to Partner with Governments for Financial Inclusion in the Developing World LISRGP Devendra Potnis
The University of Tennessee
Investigating Engagement of Public, Academic, and Medical Libraries with Community-based Health and Wellness Activities in Diverse Urban Communities LISRGP Charles Senteio
Rutgers University

Nancy Kranich
Rutgers University

Fostering Library-Wikipedia Integration: Automatic Mapping or FAST Subject Headings to Wikipedia Article

LISRGP Abdulhussain Mahdi
University of Limerick

Arash Joorabchi
University of Limerick

Latino Information Use as Moderated through Social Media and Mobile Technologies

LISRGP Denice Adkins
University of Missouri

Heather Moulaison Sandy
University of Missouri

Universal Accessibility of Digital Libraries: Design of Help Mechanisms for Blind Users

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Rakesh Babu
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Social Aspects of Participation in Online Research Identity Management Systems

LISRGP Besiki Stvilia
Florida State University

Dong Joon Lee
Texas A&M University

Shuheng Wu
Queens College, CUNY

Collaborative Sensemaking in Online Knowledge Groups


LISRGP Pengyi Zhang
Peking University
2015 The "Place" of the Librarian in Deskless Library: Do Roaming Reference Spatial Models Create a More User-Centered Library?


LISRGP Matthew Griffis
University of Southern Mississippi
Appeal Factors: Enabling Cross-media Advisory Services


University of Washington
Easy as Pi: Developing Computational Thinking in the Public Library


LISRGP Eric Meyers
University of British Columbia

A New Role for Libraries: Promoting Teens' Safety and Security in the Digital Age (.pdf)


Denise Agosto
Drexel University

June Abbas
University of Oklahoma

Teen Health Information Behavior and Social Q&A: A Study to Investigate Teens' Assessments of the Accuracy, Credibility, and Reliability of Health Information about Eating Disorders in Yahoo! Answers (.pdf)


Leanne Bowler
University of Pittsburgh

Daqing He
University of Pittsburgh

Jung Sun Oh
University of Pittsburgh

Children's Experiences of and Perspectives on E-book Reading

LISRGP Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie
University of Western Ontario

Can Machine Translation Facilitate Outreach to Newcomers? A Pilot Study Investigating the Needs of Spanish-Speaking Users of the Ottawa Public Library (.pdf: 308 K/29 pp.)

LISRGP Lynne Bowker
University of Ottawa

Social Media as Information Sources: Use and Evaluation of Information from Social Media (.pdf: 1006 K/52 pp.)


Kyung-Sun Kim
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sei-Ching Joanna Sin
Nanyang Technological University

Understanding Health Information Behaviors in Social Q&A: Text Mining of Health Questions and Answers in Yahoo! Answers (.pdf: 487.29 KB/17 pp)

LISRGP Sanghee Oh
Florida State University

A New Unsupervised Approach to Automatic Topical Indexing of Scientific Documents According to Library Controlled Vocabularies


Abdulhussain Mahdi
University of Limerick

Arash Joorabchi
University of Limerick

Reference Competencies from the Practitioner's Perspective: An International Comparison (.pdf: 277 K/19 pp.)


Laura Saunders
Simmons College

Mary Wilkins Jordan
Simmons College

The Biblioblogosphere: A Comparison of Communication and Preservation Perceptions and Practices between Blogging LIS Scholar-Practitioners and LIS Scholar-Researchers


Carolyn Hank
McGill University

Cassidy Sugimoto
Indiana University Bloomington


FOAF in the Archive: Linking Networks of Information with Networks of People (.pdf: 721K/31 pp.)


Cristina Pattuelli
Pratt Institute

Modalities, Motivations, and Materials – Investigating Traditional and Social Online Q&A Services


Chirag Shah
Rutgers University

Text Classification of Digital Reference Interviews: an Investigation of Information Seeking Behavior in the Social Web Environment


Bei Yu
Syracuse University


The Public Library Catalogue as a Social Space: Usability Studies of User Interaction with Social Discovery Systems (.pdf: 186K/28 pp.)


Louise Spiteri
Dalhousie University

Laurel Tarulli
Halifax Public Libraries

Impact of Open Source Library Automation System on Public Library Users (.pdf: 667K/17 pp.)


Hsin-liang Chen
Indiana University

Barbara Albee
Indiana University

Assessing the Reuse Value of Socially Created Metadata for Image Indexing (.pdf: 99K/12 pp.)


Besiki Stvilia
Florida State University

Corinne Jörgensen
Florida State University


Folktales and Facets (.pdf: 834K/46 pp.)


Kathryn La Barre
University of Illinois

Carol Tilley
University of Illinois

Addressing the Metadata Bottleneck by Developing and Evaluating an Online Tool to Support Non-specialists to Evaluate Dublin Core Metadata Records (.pdf: 46K/4 pp.)


Michael Khoo
Drexel University

Investigating Gaze Behavior in Faceted Search Interfaces for Library Catalogs (.pdf: 1.3MB/25 pp.)


Bill Kules
The Catholic University of America


Analyzing Image Searching on the Web: How Do Undergraduates Search and Use Visual Information? (.pdf: 150 K/25 pp.)


Youngok Choi
Catholic University of America

Developing and Evaluating a Query Recommendation Feature to Assist Users with Online Information Seeking and Retrieval (.pdf: 470 K/24 pp.)


Diane Kelly
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

User Based Question Answering: An Exploratory Study of Community Generated Information Exchange in Yahoo!Answers (.pdf: 768 K/45 pp.)


Rong Tang
Simmons College

Sheila Denn
Simmons College

2007 Self-views of Information-Seeking Skills: Undergraduates' Understanding of What It Means to be Information Literate (.pdf: 60K/19 pp.)


Melissa Gross
Florida State University

Don Latham
Florida State University

Investigating the User Needs and Preferences for a Specialized Environmental Library (.pdf: 414 K/53 pp.)


M. Asim Qayyum
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras

Carlos Suarez Balseiro
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras

Tania Garcia-Ramos
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras


Citation Analysis of Library and Information Science Faculty Publications: ISI Databases and Beyond


Lokman Meho
Indiana University

Kiduk Yang
Indiana University

Assessment of Library Support Services for Distance Learners: A Case Study of the University of Nairobi, Kenya LISRGP

Joyce Kanini Mbwesa
University of Nairobi

The Return on Investment of Collaborative Virtual Reference Service (.pdf: 166K/39 pp.)

LISRGP Jeffrey Pomerantz
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

The Use of Collaborative Tagging in Public Library Catalogs (.pdf: 143K/38 pp.)

  • Project presentation at ALISE 2007 Annual Conference (.ppt: 323K/27 slides)
  • Related article: Spiteri, Louise F. 2007. "The Structure and Form of Folksonomy Tags: The Road to the Public Library Catalog." Information Technology and Libraries, 26,3(September): 13-25.
LISRGP Louise Spiteri
Dalhousie University
2005 A Survey of the Extent and Utilization of Cataloging Tools and Resources within Technical Services in the North Texas Public Libraries

Shawne Miksa
University of North Texas

The Mining of Cataloging Knowledge from Bibliographic Data for Automatic Subject Cataloging (.pdf: 1.61MB/103 pp.)

  • Related Article: Wang, Jun and Meng-Chen Lee. 2007. "Reconstructing DDC for Interactive Classification." in Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2007, 137-146. New York: ACM Press.

Jun Wang
Peking University

Hong Xu
University of Pittsburgh

A Dual Approach to Web Query Mining: Towards Conceptual Representations of Information Needs (.pdf: 6.6MB/15 pp.) LISRGP Peiling Wang
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
2004 Developing a Thesaurus for Indexing Images across Diverse Domains (pdf: 272K/50 pp.)
LISRGP Corinne Jorgensen
Florida State University
Consumer Health Information Services in American Public Libraries: An Assessment of Current Status and Educational Needs LISRGP Feili Tu
Nancy Zimmerman
University of South Carolina
Academic Reference Librarians and Extending Access to Primary Sources LISRGP Elizabeth Yakel
University of Michigan

Image Intermediation: Visual Resource Reference Services for Digital Libraries

Other publications based on this research include:

Goodrum, Abby A. 2005. "I Can't Tell You What I Want, But I'll Know It When I See It: Terminological Disconnects In Digital Image Reference." Reference and User Services Quarterly 45,1(Fall): 46-7, 51-3.

Goodrum, Abby A. 2006. "Surrogation, Mediation and Collaboration: Access to Digital Images in Cultural Heritage Institutions." In New Libr@ries and Knowledge Spaces: Critical Perspectives on Information and Education, ed. Cushla Kapitzke and Bertram C. Bruce. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Goodrum, Abby A. 2003. "Visual Resource Reference: Collaboration Between Digital Museums and Digital Libraries." D-Lib Magazine, 9,2(February). Available online at:

LISRGP Abby A. Goodrum
Syracuse University
Vocabulary Alignment via Basic Level Concepts (.pdf: 332K/16 pp.) LISRGP Rebecca Green
University of Maryland
The Thank You Study: User Satisfaction with Digital Reference Service (.pdf: 482K/23 pp.) LISRGP Joseph Janes
The University of Washington
2002 Optimizing Metadata Creation: A Model for Integrating Human and Automatic Processes LISRGP Jane Greenberg
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Operationalizing Barriers in Dissemination of African Research and Scholarship (.pdf: 239K/25 pp.) LISRGP Lorna Peterson
University at Buffalo
Reification of Information Seeking Habits LISRGP Wonsik Shim
Florida State University
2001 Global Collective Resources: WorldCat as the Foundation for International Library Cooperation (.pdf:8 files
36-116K/8-32 pp.)
LISRGP Anna Perrault
University of South Florida
Ease of Use versus User Control: Desired Interface Model and Functionalities for Web-based Online Databases (.pdf: 314K/28 pp.) LISRGP Hong Xie
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Identification of Resource Types of Web Accessible Information LISRGP Hong Xu
University of Pittsburgh

Arlene Taylor
University of Pittsburgh

Clustering Fiction Works to Improve Online Catalog Displays (.pdf: 426K/ 33 pp.)

Other publications based on this research include:

Carlyle, Allyson, and Joel Summerlin. 2002. "Transforming Catalog Displays: Record Clustering for Works of Fiction." Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 33,3/4: 13-25. E-print available online at:

Carlyle, Allyson, and Sara Ranger. 2001. "Facilitating Retrieval of Fiction Works in Online Catalogs." In Advances in Classification Research. Volume 12. Proceedings of the 12th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop, held at the 64th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, November 2-8, 2001, Washington, DC, ed. Efthimis Efthimiadis. Medford, NJ: Information Today, for the American Society for Information Science and Technology: 1-11. E-print available online at:

Carlyle, Allyson. 2000. "Transforming Catalog Displays: Record Clustering for Works of Fiction."  In Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization: Proceedings of the Sixth International ISKO Conference, 10-13 July 2000, Toronto, Canada, eds. Clare Beghtol, Lynne C. Howarth, and Nancy J. Williamson. Wurzburg, Germany: Ergon Verlag: 320-326. E-print available online at:

LISRGP Allyson Carlyle
University of Washington
An LCSH-Based Controlled Vocabulary for the Dublin Core Metadata Record: A Feasibility Study LISRGP Lois Mai Chan
University of Kentucky
An English-Russian Dictionary of LIS Terminology: The First Such Web Based Resource LISRGP John Richardson
University of California
Los Angeles
Tracking the Viability of an Evaluation Tool for Public Library Adult Fiction: The Five-Year Mark LISRGP James Sweetland
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1998 The Applicability of Selected Classification Systems to Image Attributes Named by Naive Users LISRGP Corinne Jorgensen
University of Buffalo-State University of New York
Genre as Interface Metaphor: Exploiting Form and Function in Digital Environments LISRGP Elaine Toms
Dalhousie University
Object Description on the Internet: A Study of Current Standards and Proposed Metadata Cores in a Digitized Historical Fashion Collection LISRGP Marcia Lei Zeng
Kent State University
1997 Examining the Attributes of Information Resources on the World Wide Web and Testing for Their Usefulness as Metadata LISRGP Francis Miksa
University of Texas at Austin
Computational Representation of Web Objects in an Interdisciplinary Digital Library: A Survey and Experiment in Polymer Science LISRGP Jian Qin
University of Southern Mississippi
1996 Library Research Seminar Misc. Arthur Young and Jane Robbins
Workshop for Metadata for Networked Images/Imagebases Misc. Paul Evan Peters
A Descriptive Study of the Usability of Geospatial Metadata LISRGP Myke Gluck
Florida State University
A Demonstration System for the Explicit Control of Bibliographic Works and Relationships LISRGP Gregory H. Leazer
University of California
Los Angeles
Quality Criteria for Evaluating Information Resources and Services Available from Federal Websites Based on User Feedback LISRGP Charles R. McClure
Syracuse University
1995 A Computer-Generated Subject Validation File Based on Frequency of Occurrence of Assigned Library of Congress Subject Headings
Phase II: Error Correction and Analysis
Misc. Lois Mai Chan
University of Kentucky
A Relational Thesaurus: Modeling Semantic Relationships Using Frames LISRGP Rebecca Green
University of Maryland
The Impact of Electronic Journals on Scholarly Indiana University Communication: A Citation Study LISRGP Stephen P. Harter
Graphical Table of Contents for Electronic Documents LISRGP Xia Lin
University of Kentucky
Analyzing the Viability of Using Peer Group Holdings as an Evaluation Tool for Public Library Adult Fiction LISRGP James Sweetland & Judith Senkevitch
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
1994 Feasibility of a Machine-Generated Subject Validation File Based on Frequency of Occurrence of Assigned Library of Congress Subject Headings Misc. Lois Mai Chan
University of Kentucky
Hypertext Bibliographic Retrieval: A Comparison of Linkage Environments LISRGP Alexandra Dimitroff & Dietmar Wolfram
University of Wisconsin
End-user Understanding of Subject Headings LISRGP Karen M. Drabenstott & Amy J. Warner
University of Michigan
Developing Control Mechanisms for Intellectual Access for Discipline-based Virtual Libraries--A Study of the Process LISRGP Lei Zeng
Kent State University
1993 An Empirical Test of Gopher Search Using Three Organization Schemes LISRGP Carolyn O. Frost
University of Michigan
A Study on Network Publication Misc. F. W. Lancaster
University of Illinois
Toward the Bibliographic Control of Works: Derivative Bibliographic Relationships in the Online Union Catalog LISRGP Richard P. Smiraglia
Long Island University
Information Visualization Misc. Ben Shneiderman
Consortium Research University of Maryland at College Park
Evaluating Public Library Fiction Collections: Is There a Core List of Classics? LISRGP James H. Sweetland & Judith J. Senkevitch
University of Wisconsin
1992 Enhancing a New Design for Subject Access to Online Catalogs LISRGP Karen M. Drabenstott
University of Michigan
References to Information in Scientific Articles Misc. Frederick Kilgour
University of North Carolina
Electronic Texts and Traditional Indexes: A Study of Applicability and Performance LISRGP Elizabeth D. Liddy
Syracuse University
Measuring Diversity in Collections in OCLC Public Libraries LISRGP Judith Serebnick
Indiana University
Implementation and Performance Evaluation of an Image Decompression Algorithm Misc. Clement T. Yu
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1991 A Descriptive Study of the Functional Components of Browsing LISRGP Barbara Kwasnik
Syracuse University
The Art of Back-of-the-Book Indexes (grant extension - add. funding) Misc. Elizabeth D. Liddy
Syracuse University
The Future Role of Public Libraries in the Use of Non-Bibliographic
Internet/NREN Information Services
LISRGP Charles McClure
Syracuse University
A Study of the Quality of Chinese Records in the OCLC Database and a Proposal for a Rule-Based Validation System LISRGP Edie Rasmussen
University of Pittsburgh
1990 Optimal Selection of Records for CD-ROM Misc. Abraham Bookstein
University of Chicago
Determining the Content of Machine-Readable Subdivision Records LISRGP Karen Markey Drabenstott
The University of Michigan
The Art of Back-of-the-Book Indexes Misc. Elizabeth D. Liddy
Syracuse University
Interface Design for Subject Searching on an Online Catalog LISRGP Padmini Srinivasan
The University of Iowa
A Study of Scholars' Access to the Documents They Cite LISRGP Keith Swigger
Texas Woman's University
Automatic Hierarchical Organization of Phrases Using Machine-Readable Dictionary Information LISRGP Amy J. Warner
The University of Michigan
Data Compression Misc. Clement Yu
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1989 Design Principles for Third Generation Online Public Access Catalogs Misc. Nicholas Belkin
The Current State of Resource-sharing/ Collaboration/ Cooperation Within the Library Community Misc. Richard M. Dougherty
The University of Michigan
Investigation of a Rule-Based System for the Use of DDC as a Subject Approach to Search On-Line Catalogs Misc. Elizabeth E. Duncan
University of Pittsburgh
Advanced Retrieval Methods for Online Catalogs Misc. Edward A. Fox
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
The General Structure of a Knowledge Base for Anglo-American Cataloging Rules LISRGP Ling Hwey Jeng
University of Maryland
Identifying Barriers to Effective Subject Access in Library Catalogs LISRGP F. W. Lancaster
University of Illinois
The Federal Roles in Support of Public Library Services Misc. R. Kathleen Molz
Columbia University
An Investigation into the Structure of LCC and LCSH to Support the Development of a Classification Knowledge Base LISRGP Dagobert Soergel
University of Maryland
Toward Integration of Online Resources: Development of Procedures for Linking Database References to Records in Online Catalogs LISRGP Linda Smith
University of Illinois
The Language Distribution of Serial Records in the OCLC Online Union Catalog LISRGP Gretchen Whitney
The University of Arizona
Compression of Data for Retrieval Misc. Clement Yu
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1988 Research of Knowledge-based Descriptive Cataloging of Cartographic Publications: An Experimental Advice-giving System
LISRGP Harold Borko
University of California
Los Angeles
An Automatic Method of Enhancing Topical Searching for Online Catalogs Based on Classification Clustering LISRGP Ray R. Larson
University of California
The Use of Journals by Scholars: Implications for Designing an Interface to the Electronic Journal Misc. Jan Kennedy Olsen
Cornell University
Automatic Syntax Based Phrase Construction for Content Analysis (grant extension - add. funding) Misc. Gerard Salton
Cornell University
The Relationship between Library Holdings of Small Indiana University Publishers' Books and Selection Sources
Particularly Reviews
LISRGP Judith Serebnick
Indiana University
An Analysis and Profile of the Library of Congress Classification Misc. Nancy J. Williamson
University of Toronto
Adaptive Term Weighting Retrieval Misc. Clement Yu
The University of Illinois at Chicago
1987 Convertibility of OCLC Online Union Catalog Subject Headings to Non-English Language Subject Headings LISRGP Emilia Bernal-Rosa
University of Puerto Rico
Rio Piedras
An Investigation of the Application of the Revised MARC Format for Three-dimensional Objects to Museum Collections LISRGP Esther G. Bierbaum
The University of Iowa
Iowa City
Analytical Study on Perceptions of Bibliographic Data on a Title Page LISRGP Billie Grace Herring
The University of Texas at Austin
Subject Representations in OCLC Monographic Records LISRGP Pamela Reekes McKirdy
Simmons College
Conversion of Data from Louisiana State University and ACRL Misc. Robert E. Molyneux
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge
A Guide to the Machine Readable Version of the ACRL Statistics Misc. Robert E. Molyneux
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge
Automatic Syntax Based Phrase Construction for Content Analysis Misc. Gerard Salton
Cornell University
Name-Authority Project Misc. Jerry D. Saye
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Measurement of Scatter in the Superintendent of Documents Classification LISRGP Lee Shiflett
Louisiana State University
Extent of Variations in Personal and Corporate Names Found in the OCLC Bibliographic File LISRGP Arlene G. Taylor
Columbia University
Brief Checklists for Setting and Verifying Collection Levels LISRGP Howard D. White Drexel University
Term Weighting in Document Retrieval Misc. Clement Yu The University of Illinois at Chicago
1986 Variations in Subject Cataloging on Non-LC Cataloging Records in the OCLC Database LISRGP Lois Mai Chan
University of Kentucky
Assessing Access to Alternative Press Publication: Women's Press Titles in the OCLC Database LISRGP Suzanne Hildenbrand
State University of New York at Buffalo
Tables of Contents in OPACs LISRGP Mark T. Kinnucan
University of Western Ontario
Dynamics of the OCLC Online Union Catalog LISRGP Debora Shaw University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Studies in Automatic Cataloging LISRGP Elaine Svenonius
University of California
Los Angeles
Holdings as a Measure of Journal Value LISRGP Danny P. Wallace
Louisiana State University
1985 An Expert System Approach to Syntactic Parsing and Information Retrieval Misc. Douglas Metzler
University of Pittsburgh