
WorldCat.org users can now purchase books from independent bookstores through Bookshop.org

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WorldCat.org now offers users the option to purchase books from independent brick and mortar bookstores across the US through Bookshop.org. Links to Bookshop.org display in the "Buy this item" section of item details on WorldCat.org search results for items available from Bookshop.org. This provides purchase options for people who would like to have their own copy of a book or cannot borrow it from favorite libraries.

When users click to Bookshop.org from WorldCat.org, they can select a bookstore to receive the full profit from their book purchase. If no bookstore is selected, the purchase will contribute to a profit-sharing pool that helps all participating bookstores.

OCLC plans to add Bookshop.org to "buy it now" links on the WorldCat Find mobile app in the coming months.

Learn more about WorldCat.org at oc.lc/worldcat-org.