


Get involved with OCLC

Membership resources

Stay up to date on core membership information, guiding principles and governance documents, member groups, and other resources related to OCLC's Global and Regional Councils.

Becoming an OCLC member

Membership in OCLC brings many benefits to a library and its users, including global access to information, high quality research, participation in governance, and the value of shared resources. Institutions establish and maintain membership through a subscription to a qualifying OCLC product or service.

While there is no separate membership fee, OCLC members contractually agree to participate in cooperative services as set forth in Membership Criteria annually reviewed by the Board Membership Committee.  

Maintain your voting contact

One of the most unique and important benefits of OCLC membership is electing member representatives to your Regional Council. Delegates elected from these councils (Americas; Asia Pacific; and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa) reflect your interests through the OCLC Global Council, which works on behalf of members worldwide. Elections take place each year, and each member institution receives one vote.

Provide or update your institution's voting contact information

Opt out of participating in membership activities

OCLC Canada Advisory Council

The OCLC Canada Advisory Council provides OCLC with advice on how to facilitate cooperation and collaboration within and outside Canada. This advice is communicated directly to OCLC through OCLC Americas Regional Council Members and OCLC Canada employees who attend the Council meetings, and through the OCLC Canada delegates to OCLC Global Council.

Visit the OCLC Canada Advisory Council page