SHARES Partners
Trinity College Library
OCLC symbol: ERD
Interlibrary Loan Service
The Library
Trinity College Library
College Street
Dublin 2
Interlibrary loan contact
Ms. Maria E. Gannon
+00 353-1-6081654
Fax: +00.353.1.6083524
Noncirculating material
Loans for use in library only. The library declines to lend books published within the last five years, books published before 1930 and certain rare or valuable material; official publications including parliamentary papers; law reports, statutes, etc.; periodicals and newspapers; books with prefixes, B/C, REF, BIB,OL, MS, CAT, Research Floor; banned books; uncataloged books.
International SHARES lending
We decline to lend theses abroad, but users may enquire for an estimate for a photocopy or a microfilm. We will lend items abroad via SHARES for reference use only.
Share Special Collections
The SHARES Sharing Special Collections Working Group has the tools you need to sensibly borrow and lend special collections materials.
SHARES Project Team
SHARES is managed by the SHARES Executive Group.
Contact Us
Please use this form for all your SHARES questions, including inquiring about SHARES, reaching out to a SHARES admin, updating contact details, seeking guidance from an ILL expert, or requesting to be paired with a SHARES buddy.