
Publications from 1980 to 1989


Arms, William Y., Mark H. Kibbey, Thomas J. Michalak, James H. Morris, Dana S. Scott, Marvin A. Sirbu, Martin Dillon, and Michael J. McGill. 1989. "The mercury electronic library". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Belkin, Nicholas J., and Tefko Saracevic. 1989. "Design principles for third-generation online public access catalogs: taking account of users and library use". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Borko, Harold, and Zorana Ercegovac. 1989. "Knowledge-based descriptive cataloging of cartographic publications". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Chan, Lois Mai. 1989. Variations in subject cataloging in non-LC cataloging records in the OCLC database. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A. 1989. "Information services and scholarly services projects". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Crook, Mark A. 1989. "Selecting bibliographic record subsets". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Crook, Mark A. 1989. "Scholarly services project". OCLC Research Review. 2-3.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1989. Bibliographic records: use of data elements in the book world. Bath: Bath University Library.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1989. "Entering new zones: some aspects of bibliographic access in Europe". British Book News.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1989. Currency with coverage: a survey report. [London]: MARC Users' Group.

Dillon, Martin, and Patrick Wenzel. 1989. "Enhanced bibliographic record retrieval". OCLC Research Review. 1-2.

Dillon, Martin, and Patrick Wenzel. 1989. "Enhanced bibliographic record retrieval experiments". OCLC Newsletter. (181).

Dillon, Martin. 1989. "Enhanced bibliographic retrieval". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Dillon, Martin, and Collette Mak. 1989. "Collection analysis CD: a new approach to collection assessment". Library Hi Tech News.

Drone, Jeanette Marie, and Mark A. Crook. 1989. "[Review of] Directory of computer assisted research in musicology [by] Walter B. Hewlett and Elanor Selfridge-Field". Fontes Artis Musicae. 36.

Handley, J. C. 1989. Optical character recognition on noise-free images of documents. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Handley, John C. 1989. "Assessing the performance of OCR systems". OCLC Research Review. 1-2.

Handley, John C. 1989. "Document image processing toolbox". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1989. "Union catalogs on personal supercomputers". OPACs and Beyond : Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1989. "The Experimental Library System (XLS)". OCLC Newsletter. (182).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1989. "Using SGML and tex for an interactive chemical encyclopedia". National Online Meeting Proceedings--1989.

Hjerppe, Roland. 1989. "Bibliographic control and document architecture in hypermedia databases". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Jul, Erik, and Jeanette Marie Drone. 1989. "OCLC publishes music research". OCLC Newsletter. (177).

Jul, Erik, and Trevor Haywood. 1989. "Trevor Haywood investigates library and information science education". OCLC Newsletter. (179).

Larson, Ray R. 1989. "Enhancing topical searching using classification clustering". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Lindeman, Martha J. 1989. "Design of interfaces and databases for electronic media (DIADEM)". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Lindeman, Martha J. 1989. "Interface styles from an interface designer's perspective". Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science. 15.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1989. "Increasing the accessibility of the Library of Congress subject headings in online bibliographic systems". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Markey, Karen. 1989. "Improving the accessibility of library resources". Changing Technology : Opportunity and Challenge.

Markey, Karen. 1989. "Subject searching strategies for online catalogues through the Dewey decimal classification". Online Catalogue : Developments and Directions.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1989. "Untraced references in the machine-readable Library of Congress Subject Headings". Library Resources & Technical Services 33 (1) January 1989.

Molyneux, Robert E. 1989. "Conversion of academic library data to machine-readable form". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

OCLC., British Library, and France. 1989. OPACs and beyond: proceedings of a joint meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC, OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc., Dublin, Ohio, August 17-18, 1988. OCLC library, information, and computer science series, 10. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Olsen, Jan. 1989. "The use of journals by scholars: implications for designing an interface to the electronic journal". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1989. "Duplicate detection". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1989. "Bibliographic relationships: implications for the function of the catalog". Conceptual Foundations of Descriptive Cataloging.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1989. "The impact of spelling errors on databases and indexes". National Online Meeting Proceedings--1989, New York, May 9-11, 1989.

Prabha, Chandra. 1989. "Managing large retrievals". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1989. "Cataloging time and workflow studies". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1989. "Managing large retrievals: a problem of the 1990s". OPACs and Beyond : Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC.

Prabha, Chandra, and Michael J. Prasse. 1989. "Cataloging productivity studies time required for cataloging English language books". OCLC Research Review. 5-6.

Salton, Gerard. 1989. "A syntactic approach to automatic book indexing". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Serebnick, Judith. 1989. "The relationship between library holdings and selection sources". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Taylor, Mary C. 1989. "Graph-text assigned patent". OCLC Newsletter. (178).

Taylor, Mary C. 1989. "Research Advisory Committee meeting". OCLC Newsletter. (178).

Taylor, Mary C. 1989. "Library and Information Science Research program grants awarded June 1989". OCLC Research Review. 3-4.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Karen Markey. 1989. "Characteristics of subject heading records in the machine-readable Library of Congress Subject Headings". Information Technology and Libraries. 8.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Karen Markey. 1989. "Subject authority control in online catalog design". OPACs and Beyond : Proceedings of a Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1989. "Cataloger's assistant". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1988-.

Warner, Amy J., and Patrick Wenzel. 1989. "Management of bibliographic data using Revelation". Special Libraries. 80.


Bernal Rosa, Emilia. 1988. "Converting English subject headings into Spanish". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Bierbaum, Esther Green. 1988. "Applying the revised MARC format for three-dimensional objects in museums". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Bookstein, Abraham. 1988. "Analysis of library data". OCLC Newsletter. (175).

Bunge, John. 1988. Online union catalog subsetting analysis. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Bunge, John. 1988. "Selecting bibliographic records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Bunge, John. 1988. "Duplicate detection and the "species problem". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Crook, Mark A. 1988. "Of note: music research activities". OCLC Newsletter. (175).

Crook, Mark A. 1988. "Research tool for study of the database". OCLC Newsletter. (174).

Crook, Mark A. 1988. Selected descriptive statistics from the OCLC Online Union Catalog. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A. 1988. "Information services project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Crook, Mark A. 1988. "Music research activities recognition". OCLC Research Review.

Dillon, Martin. 1988. "Barriers to the use of research ideas in the design of real systems". Influencing the System Designer : Online Public Access to Library Files : Third National Conference.

Dillon, Martin, and Martha J. Lindeman. 1988. "Advanced interface management". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Dillon, Martin, William Y. Arms, Michael J. McGill, Mark H. Kibbey, Thomas J. Michalak, James H. Morris, Dana S. Scott, and Marvin A. Sirbu. 1988. "Mercury: an electronic library". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Dillon, Martin, David J. Stephens, Kevin Flash, and Mark A. Crook. 1988. "Design issues for a microcomputer-based collection analysis system". Microcomputers for Information Management.

Drone, Jeanette Marie. 1988. "Library of Congress class M subset music". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Drone, Jeanette Marie. 1988. "HyperBach: a prototype, hypermedia music reference system". OCLC Newsletter. (173).

Drone, Jeanette Marie, and Mark A. Crook. 1988. Indexes to the established titles, variant titles, obsolete uniform titles, and work numbers in the Library of Congress Name-Authority File for the works of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert, Tchaikovsky, Telemann. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Gardner-Bonneau, Daryle, and John Robert Bonneau. 1988. "Developing a voice application from scratch: a tale from the trenches /cDaryle Jean Gardner-Bonneau and John Robert Bonneau". Journal of the American Voice I/O Society. 5.

Gordon, Martha J., and Martin Dillon. 1988. "Factors affecting interface design for full-text retrieval". User-Oriented Content-Based Text and Image Handling : RIAO 88.

Handley, John C. 1988. "Assessing the performance of optical character recognition systems". OCLC Newsletter. (176).

Hanley, John C. 1988. "Document facsimile transmission studies". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Herring, Billie Grace. 1988. "Analytical study of bibliographic data on a title page". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1988. "Graph-Text". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1988. "Information display". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Itō, Yūzō. 1988. A report on conversion of Japan MARC records to OCLC-MARC records from July 13 to September 19, 1987. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC. 1988. OPACs and beyond: Joint Meeting of the British Library, DBMIST, and OCLC, August 17 and 18, 1988. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Jul, Erik. 1988. "Library school researchers gather at OCLC". OCLC Newsletter. (171).

Kantor, Paul B. 1988. "National, language-specific evaluation sites for retrieval systems and interfaces". RIAO 88 Program : Conference with Presentation of Prototypes and Operational Demonstrations, User-Oriented Content-Based Text and Image Handling, Massachusetts Institue of Technology, Cambridge, MA, March 21-24, 1988.

Kantor, Paul B. 1988. "Scholars cross-reference system". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1988. Characteristics of subject authority records in the machine-readable Library of Congress subject headings. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1988. "Increasing the accessibility of Library of Congress subject headings in online bibliographic systems". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

McKirdy, Pamela Reekes. 1988. "Subject representations in monographic records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Nelson, Lora J. 1988. Scientific American project report. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center Office of Research.

Olson, Nancy B. 1988. Audiovisual material glossary. OCLC library, information, and computer science series, 7. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1988. "Database quality". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1988. "Quality control in online databases". Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. 23.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1988. "Collection analysis". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1988. "Nonfiction book use". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1988. "Managing large retrievals". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Prabha, Chandra, John Bunge, and Duane Rice. 1988. "Aspects of nonfiction book use: a study of public library patrons". Library & Information Science Research.

Prabha, Chandra, and Duane Rice. 1988. "Assumptions about information-seeking behavior in nonfiction books: their importance to full text systems". ASIS '88 : Proceedings of the 51st ASIS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia October 23-27, 1988.

Prasse, Michael J., Martin Dillon, Martha J. Gordon, Bruce Mortland, and Anthony Repka. 1988. "F-Tas: a full-text access system". National Online Meeting Proceedings--1988, New York, May 10-12, 1988.

Salton, Gerard. 1988. "Automatic phrase construction for the representation of text content". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Sanders, Nancy P., Edward T. O'Neill, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1988. "Automated collection analysis using the OCLC and RLG bibliographic databases". College & Research Libraries.

Shiflett, Orvin Lee. 1988. "Measurement of subject scatter in the Superintendent of Documents Classification". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Smith, Inese A. 1988. A bibliographic study of Latvian records in the OCLC online union catalog. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Smith, Inese A. 1988. "Latvian bibliographic records in the online union catalog". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Stephens, David J. 1988. "Collection analysis system". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.

Svenonius, Elaine. 1988. "Clustering equivalent bibliographic records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1987-.


Bunge, John. 1987. "Online union catalog subsetting analysis". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Chan, Lois Mai. 1987. "Variations in subject cataloging in non-Library of Congress cataloging records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Chirakos, Cheryl. 1987. "OCLC/Office of Research library school grant program". OCLC Research Review.

Cohen, Ralph, and James Sosnoski. 1987. "Vocabularies of criticism and theory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Conference on Information Resources. 1987. Campus of the future. OCLC library, information, and computer science series, 5. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Crook, Mark A. 1987. "Collection analysis system". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Das-Gupta, Padmini. 1987. "Boolean interpretation of conjunctions for document retrieval". Journal of the American Society for Information Science.

Dillon, Martin. 1987. "Advanced interface management". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Drone, Jeanette Marie. 1987. "Library of Congress class M subset music". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1987. "Graph-Text". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Hildenbrand, Suzanne. 1987. "Accessing access to alternative press publications: women's press titles in the OCLC online union catalog". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Kinnucan, Mark T. 1987. "Tables of contents in online public access catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Markey, Karen. 1987. "Online catalog users and subject authority information". Authority Control Symposium : Papers Presented During the 14th Annual ARLIS/NA Conference, New York, N.Y., February 10, 1986.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1987. "Increasing the accessibility of Library of Congress subject headings in online bibliographic systems". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Markey, Karen, and Anh N. Demeyer. 1987. "Library classification as a subject searcher's tool in an online catalog". Information, Communications, and Technology-Transfer.

Markey, Karen, and Karen Calhoun. 1987. "Unique words contributed by MARC records with summary and/or contents notes". ASIS '87 : Proceedings of the 50th ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. October 4-8, 1987.

Markey, Karen. 1987. "Searching and browsing the Dewey Decimal Classification in an online catalog". Cataloging & Classification Quarterly. 73: 37-68.

Michalak, Thomas J., and Dana S. Scott. 1987. "Study Group on the Structure of Electronic Text". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Miksa, Francis L. 1987. "The development and current status of classification theory and method in library and information science [part 1]". OCLC Research Review.

Miksa, Francis L. 1987. "Comparative classification". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Negroponte, Nicholas. 1987. "Media Laboratory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

O'Neill, Edward T., Martin Dillon, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1987. "Class dispersion between the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification". Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 383: 197-205.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1987. "Database quality". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Prabha, Chandra, and F. Wilfrid Lancaster. 1987. "Comparing the scatter of citing and cited literature". Scientometrics. 12.

Prabha, Chandra, John Bunge, and Duane Rice. 1987. How public library patrons use nonfiction books. Dublin, OH (6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin 43017-0702): OCLC, Office of Research.

Prabha, Chandra. 1987. "Nonfiction book use by academic library users". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Prabha, Chandra, John Bunge, and Duane Rice. 1987. "Access to the full text of nonfiction books: design considerations from a study of public library users". ASIS '87 : Proceedings of the 50th ASIS Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass. October 4-8, 1987.

Salton, Gerard. 1987. "Automatic syntax-based phrase construction for content analysis in document retrieval". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Saye, Jerry D. 1987. "Name-authority project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Shaw, Debora. 1987. "Dynamics of the OCLC online union catalog". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Svenonius, Elaine. 1987. "Studies in automatic cataloging". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Taylor, Mary C. 1987. "OCLC researchers explore electronic version of Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology". OCLC Newsletter. (169).

Taylor, Mary C. 1987. "Collection analysis / development conference". OCLC Research Review.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1987. "Applying measures of dispersion to the Library of Congress and Dewey Decimal classification systems". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Wallace, Danny P. 1987. "Holdings as a measure of journal value". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1987. "Automated title page cataloging". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

Yu, C. T. 1987. "Term weighting in document retrieval". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1986-.

OCLC Graph=text: final report. 1987. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC],].


Dillon, Martin, Brigitte L. Kenney, Bruce Mortland, Karen Rankey, Anthony Repka, and Debra Pawlicki. 1986. "Advanced interface design for library retrieval systems project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, John C. Handley, Richard Hale, Lora J. Nelson, Jeffrey Gerckens, Sehchang Hah, Susan McCabe, and Amy Rhine. 1986. "Graph-text project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1986. "Integration of electronic document delivery with existing systems". Electronic Publishing & the UK : Prospects, Economics, & Constraints : Proceedings of a Conference Held in London in December 1984.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and Andrew Calabrese. 1986. "Electronic document delivery: OCLC's prototype system". Library Hi Tech. 4: 65-71.

Kenney, Brigitte L., Edward T. O'Neill, and John Bunge. 1986. "OCLC database use analysis: determination of an appropriate database subset for cataloging on the OCLC M300 workstation". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Kiser, Betsy N., Frederick G. Kilgour, Igor Zuyev, and Mark Basham. 1986. "Electronic information delivery online system (EIDOS) project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Markey, Karen, and Anh N. Demeyer. 1986. "Findings of the Dewey Decimal Classification on-line project". International Cataloging. 152: 15-19.

Markey, Karen. 1986. "Library classification as a subject searcher's tool in an online catalog". OCLC Research Review.

Markey, Karen. 1986. "Users and the online catalog: subject access problems". Impact of Online Catalogs.

Markey, Karen, Anh N. Demeyer, Jeffrey Gerckens, Daryl Poe, and Ralph Gott. 1986. "Dewey decimal classification online project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Markey, Karen. 1986. "Searching and browsing the library classification schedules in an online catalogue". Online Public Access to Library Files : Second National Conference.

Markey, Karen, and Anh N. Demeyer. 1986. Dewey decimal classification online project: evaluation of a library schedule and index integrated into the subject searching capabilities of an online catalog. Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Noreault, Terry, Mark W. Bendig, Michael Oskins, Robert Driscoll, Keith A. Hocter, and Joan Bushek. 1986. "OCLC CD-ROM retrieval system project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

O'Neill, Edward T., Nancy P. Sanders, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1986. "Collection analysis project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

O'Neill, Edward T., Diane Vizine-Goetz, and Craig Henderson. 1986. "Subject access project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Prabha, Chandra, John Bunge, and Duane Rice. 1986. "Nonfiction book use by public library users". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Tolle, John E., Karen Rankey, Ralph Gott, and Michael J. Prasse. 1986. "Display formats project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Tolle, John E., and Karen Rankey. 1986. "CONSER abstracting and indexing title overlap project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Edward T. O'Neill. 1986. "Subject analysis of the OCLC database". Database Management : Building, Changing and Using Databases : Collected Papers and Abstracts, 15th Mid-Year Meeting, American Society for Information Science, May 11-14, 1986, Portland, Oregon.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1986. "Class dispersion between the Library of Congress Classification and the Dewey Decimal Classification". OCLC Research Review.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, Martin Dillon, and Edward T. O'Neill. 1986. "Class dispersion between the Library of Congress classification and the Dewey Decimal classification project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.

Weibel, Stuart L., Diane Vizine-Goetz, Mike Oskins, and Craig Henderson. 1986. "Automated title page cataloging". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1985-.


Cochrane, Pauline A., and Karen Markey. 1985. "Preparing for the use of classification in online cataloging systems and in online catalogs". Information Technology and Libraries. 42: 91-111.

Hildreth, Charles R. 1985. "The user interface in online catalogues: the telling difference". Online Public Access to Library Files : Conference Proceedings : the Proceedings of a Conference Held at the University of Bath 3-5 Septmeber 1984.

Markey, Karen, and Anh N. Demeyer. 1985. "Dewey decimal classification online project: integation of a library schedule and index into the subject searching capabilities of an online catalogue". International Cataloguing. 143: 31-34.

Markey, Karen, and Anh N. Demeyer. 1985. "Searching the Dewey decimal classification in an online catalog". ASIS '85 : Las Vegas, Nevada, October 20-24, 1985.

Markey, Karen. 1985. "Keyword searching in an online catalog enhanced with a library classification". Proceedings of the RTSD-Sponsored Preconference on Classification, Chicago, July 1985.

Tolle, John E., and Sehchang Hah. 1985. "Online search patterns: NLM Catline database". Journal of the American Society for Information Sciences.


Hildreth, Charles R. 1984. User feedback in the design process. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources.

Hildreth, Charles R. 1984. "Pursuing the ideal: generations of online catalogs". Online Catalogs, Online References : Converging Trends.

Lantz, Anna E., Edward T. O'Neill, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1984. "Addresses, elctures, essays and other variant subject headings". Academic Libraries : Myths and Realities : Proceedings of the Third National Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries.

Markey, Karen. 1984. "Interindexer consistency tests: a literature review and report of a test of consistency in indexing visual materials". Library & Information Science Research.

Markey, Karen. 1984. "The Dewey decimal classification as a library user's tool in an online catalog". 1984 Challenges to an Information Society : Proceedings of the 47th ASIS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 21-25, 1984.

Markey, Karen. 1984. "Barriers to effective use of online catalogs". Online Catalogs, Online Reference : Converging Trends : Proceedings of a Library and Information Technology Association Preconference Institute, June 23-24, 1983, Los Angeles.

Sanders, Nancy P. 1984. "OCLC's collection analysis project". Research Libraries in OCLC. (15).

Tolle, John E. 1984. "Monitoring and evaluation of information systems via transaction log analysis". Research and Develompent in Information Retrieval : Proceedings of the Third Joint BCS and ACM Symposium, King's College, Cambridge 2-6 July 1984.

Tolle, John E. 1984. "Monitoring usage of online information systems: NLM Catline database". 1984 : Challenges to an Information Society : Proceedings of the 47th ASIS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 21-25, 1984.

Tolle, John E. 1984. Public access terminals: determining quantity requirements. OCLC library, information, and computer science series, 3. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.


Borgman, Christine L. 1983. Research report prepared for OCLC on end user behavior on the Ohio State University Libraries' online catalog: a computer monitoring study. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Research.

Cochrane, Pauline A., and Karen Markey. 1983. "Catalog use studies since the introduction of online interactive catalogs: impact on design for subject access". Library & Information Science Research.

Cochrane, Pauline A. 1983. LCSH entry vocabulary project: final report to the Council on Library Resources and to the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library Resources.

Hildreth, Charles R., and Robert A. Allison. 1983. "Activity searching on OCLC public terminals". Research Libraries in OCLC. (12).

Kaske, Neal K., and Nancy P. Sanders. 1983. A comprehensive study of online public access catalogs: an overview and application of findings. Final report to the Council on Library Resources, v. 3. Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Markey, Karen. 1983. Online catalog use: results of surveys and focus group interviews in several libraries. Final report to the Council on Library Resources, v. 2. Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Markey, Karen. 1983. Research report on the process of subject searching in the library catalog: final report of the subject access research project. Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Markey, Karen. 1983. "Computer-assisted construction of a thematic catalog of primary and secondary subject matter". Visual Resources. 3.

Markey, Karen. 1983. "Favorable experiences with online catalog features from the perspective of library patrons and staff". Productivity in the Information Age : Proceedings of the 47th ASIS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 2-6, 1983.

Markey, Karen. 1983. "Thus spake the OPAC user". Information Technology and Libraries.

McGrath, William E., and Thomas Butler Hickey. 1983. Research report prepared for OCLC on multidimensional mapping of libraries based on shared holdings in the OCLC Online Union Catalog. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Research.

Meadow, Charles T. 1983. Research report prepared for OCLC on a study of user adaptation to an interactive information retrieval system. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Planning and Research.

Sager, Donald J. 1983. Public library administrators' planning guide to automation. OCLC library, information, and computer science series, 2. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Tolle, John E. 1983. Current utilization of online catalogs: transaction log analysis. Final report to the Council on Library Resources, v. 1. Dublin, OH: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Tolle, John E. 1983. "Understanding patrons use of online catalogs: transaction log analysis of the search method". Productivity in the Information Age : Proceedings of the 46th ASIS Annual Meeting 1983, Washington, D.C. October 2-6, 1983.

Tolle, John E., Nancy P. Sanders, and Neal K. Kaske. 1983. "Determining the required number of online catalog terminals: a research study". Information Technology and Libraries.

Widing, Robert E., and W. Wayne Talarzyk. 1983. Research report prepared for OCLC on videotex project reviews II. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Research.


Bendig, Mark W. 1982. "Taking it to the streets: videotex and the reference librarian". Reference Librarian.

Hildreth, Charles R. 1982. Online public access catalogs: the user interface. OCLC library, information, and computer science series. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Kaske, Neal K., and Charles R. Hildreth. 1982. Online public access systems: data collection instruments for patron and system evaluation : final report to the Council on Library Resources. Dublin, Ohio (6565 Frantz Rd., Dublin 43017): OCLC, Office of Research.

Sager, Donald J. 1982. Research report on the American public library. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Research.


Dillon, Martin. 1981. "Serving the information needs of scientific research". Special Libraries. 72.

Fenichel, Carol Hansen, and Stephen P. Harter. 1981. Research report prepared for OCLC on survey of online searching instruction in schools of library and information science. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC, Development Division.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1981. Research report on field, subfield, and indicator statistics in OCLC bibliographic records. Dublin, OH: OCLC, Office of Planning and Research, Research Dept.

OCLC. 1981. Channel 2000: description and findings of a Viewdata test conducted by OCLC in Columbus, Ohio, October-December 1980. Dublin, Ohio: Research Dept., OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Rao Aluri. 1981. "Library of Congress subject heading patterns in OCLC monographic records". Library Resources & Technical Services.


Dominick, Wayne D., William David Penniman, and James E. Rush. 1980. Research report on an overview of a proposed monitoring facility for the large-scale, network-based OCLC on-line system. Columbus, Ohio: OCLC, Inc., Research Dept., Office of Planning and Research.

Harnish, Tom, and Peggy Zimbeck. 1980. A research report on a test of digital broadcast corporation's INFOCAST system. Columbus: OCLC, Inc.

Markey, Karen. 1980. Research report on analytical review of catalog use studies. Columbus, Ohio: OCLC, Inc., Research Dept., Office of Planning and Research.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Rao Aluri. 1980. Research report on a method for correcting typographical errors in subject headings in OCLC records. Columbus, Ohio: OCLC, Research Dept., Office of Planning and Research.

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