
Publications from 1990 to 1999


Chapman, Ann, Nicholas Kingsley, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1999. Full disclosure releasing the value of library and archive collections : a report to the Pathfinding Group of the British Library, Library and Information Commission and the Library and Information Co-operation Council by UKOLN and the National Council on Archives on a national strategy for the retrospective conversion oflibrary and archive catalogues. Bath: UKOLN.

Criddle, Sally, Lorcan Dempsey, and Richard G. Heseltine. 1999. Information landscapes for a learning society: networking and the future of libraries 3 : an international conference held at the University of Bath, 29 June-1 July 1998. London: Library Association Pub.

Dempsey, Lorcan, Rosemary Russell, and Robin Murray. 1999. "A utopian place of criticism: brokering access to network information". Journal of Documentation. 55 (1): 33-70.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1999. "From files to landscapes: network information management at UKOLN". Journal of Documentation. 55: 1-5.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1999. Library places and digital information spaces reflections on emerging network services. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1999. The library, the catalogue, the broker brokering access to information in the hybrid library. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1999. The network and the library working in a new shared space : infrastructure and institutions. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Eisgrau, Adam M., and Bradley C. S. Watson. 1999. "Copyright, the universe, and everything the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Gardner, Tracy, Lorcan Dempsey, Michael Day, and Titia van der Werf. 1999. International information gateway collaboration report of the first IMesh Framework Workshop. D-Lib Magazine. 5 (12).

Godby, Carol Jean. 1999. "Wordsmith Project moving toward an organized terminology base of Web documents". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (241).

Godby, Carol Jean, and Christiane Fellbaum. 1999. "WordNet: an electronic lexical database". Library Quarterly. 69.

Godby, Carol Jean, and Frederic Gomes Cassidy. 1999. "Dictionary of American regional English, Vol.s I, II, edited by Frederic G. Cassidy". Library Quarterly. 69 (1999).

Godby, Carol Jean, Eric J. Miller, and Ray R. Reighart. 1999. "Automatically generated topic maps of World Wide Web resources". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1999. "The role of classification in CORC". Online Information 99 : 23rd International Online Information Meetings : Proceedings, London, 709 December 1999.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, Eric Childress, and Bradley C. Watson. 1999. "The genesis and development of CORC as an OCLC Office of Research project". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Lavoie, Brian F. 1999. "WEB Characterization Project analyzes Net content". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (242).

Lavoie, Brian F., and Edward T. O'Neill. 1999. "How "World Wide" is the Web? trends in the internationalization of Web sites". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Lavoie, Brian F. 1999. "Web Characterization Project needs library input". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (238).

MacColl, John, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1999. Delivering the electronic library the ARIADNE reader. Ariadne (Bath, England). (22).

Marsh, Elizabeth. 1999. "Designing tools to support the transition from paper to electronic information transfer". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (240).

Marsh, Elizabeth. 1999. "Improving communication and classification in the next century". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (237).

Marsh, Elizabeth. 1999. "Research Advisory Committee meets at OCLC". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (238).

McClain, Patrick D. 1999. "Top 100 monographic records in WorldCat". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (240).

McClain, Patrick D. 1999. "Database created by CORC project continues to grow". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Miller, Eric. 1999. "Resource description framework achieving interoperable metadata on the Internet". OCLC Newsletter. (239).

Miller, Eric, David Bearman, Godfrey Rust, Jennifer Trant, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1999. A common model to suport interoperable metadata progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from the Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI communities. D-Lib Magazine. 5 (1).

Miller, Eric J., Eric Childress, and Erik Jul. 1999. "Making progress: the resource description framework (RDF)". Journal of Internet Cataloging. 1.

Newman, William, and Elizabeth Marsh. 1999. "Developing tools for readers and writers using over-the-desk digital cameras". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Noreault, Terry. 1999. "CORC project is significant for libraries and their users". OCLC Newsletter. (239).

Normore, Lorraine. 1999. "Understanding collections description and access". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Normore, Lorraine. 1999. "InfoVis '99: IEEE symposium on information visualization". LITA Newsletter. 21.

Normore, Lorraine, Mark W. Bendig, and Carol Jean Godby. 1999. "Wordview: understanding words in context". IUI 99 : 1999 International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces : Rendondo Beach, Los Angeles, California, January 5-8, 1999.

Normore, Lorraine. 1999. "CORC interface designed for experience catalogers as well as other users". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Normore, Lorraine. 1999. "Reference in Context explores the reference processes". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (237).

O'Neill, Edward T. 1999. "Authority control for the Internet". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

O'Neill, Edward T. 1999. "Technical services today and tomorrow 2d ed. by Michael Gorman". Library Quarterly. 69.

Prabha, Chandra. 1999. "Methods grow for facilitating user-initiated ILL". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (240).

Shafer, Keith E. 1999. "ARMS, OCLC internet services, and PURLs". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Stickley, Lisa, and Karen Markey Drabenstott. 1999. "Karen Drabenstott envisions a multimedia Dewey Decimal Classification". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (240).

Stickley, Lisa, and Norman Paskin. 1999. "Norman Paskin discusses the digital object identifier". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1999. "OCLC research takes experience in classification to the Internet". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1999. "NetLab/OCLC collaboration seeks to improve Web searching". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (240).

Watson, Bradley C., and Adam M. Eisgrau. 1999. "Adam Eisgrau discusses copyright, the universe and everything". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (238).

Webster, Frank, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1999. Virtual library false dawn? : an exchange between. Ariadne (Bath, England). (20).

Weibel, Stuart L. 1999. The state of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative April 1999. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science (Online). 24 (5).

Weibel, Stuart L. 1999. "CORC and the Dublin Core". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (239).

Yu, Liangzhi, Lorcan Dempsey, and Sarah Ormes. 1999. "Community networking: development, potential and implications for public libraries". Journal of Librarianship and Information Science. 312: 71-83.


Bangalore, Nirmala S., and Chandra Prabha. 1998. "Authority work in copy (derived) cataloging: a case study". Technical Services Quarterly. 15.

Chan, Lois Mai, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1998. "Toward a computer-generated subject validation file: feasibility and usefulness". Library Resources & Technical Services. 42 (1998).

Dempsey, Lorcan, Rosemary Russell, and Robin Murray. 1998. "The emergence of distributed library systems: a European perspective". Journal of the American Society for Information Science.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1998. "Widening the networks". Library Association Record. 100: 523-525.

Dempsey, Lorcan, Rosemary Russell, Robin Murray, and Richard Heseltine. 1998. Managing access to a distributed library resource. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Godby, Carol Jean, and Ray R. Reighart. 1998. "The WordSmith toolkit". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Godby, Carol Jean. 1998. "WordSmith Research Project bridges gap between tokens and indexes". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (234).

Godby, Carol Jean, and Ray R. Reighart. 1998. "The WordSmith indexing system". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hawk, Janet. 1998. "The OCLC SiteSearch suite allows libraries to integrate information resources". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (231).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1998. "Cooperative Online Resource Catalog explores uses for catalog of Internet resources". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (235).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1998. "A Java Z39.50 client for browsing large databases". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and David J. Brown. 1998. "Electronic publishing and libraries: planning for the impact and growth to 2003, by David J. Brown : [review". Library Quarterly. 68.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1998. "CORC-- Cooperative Online Resource Catalog". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Kelly, Brian, Lorcan Dempsey, Anne Mumford, Ian Peacock, Alan Robiette, and Chris Rusbridge. 1998. ELIB standards guidelines. [Bath]: UKOLN.

Koch, Traugott, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1998. "Automatic classification and content navigation support of Web services DESIRE II cooperates with OCLC". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

LeVan, Ralph R. 1998. "Searching digital libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

LeVan, Ralph R. 1998. "Monticello Project Database design Encoded Archival Description records". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

LeVan, Ralph R. 1998. "Dublin Core and Z39.50". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Markey, Karen. 1998. "Access to iconographical research collections". Library Trends.

Miller, Eric J. 1998. An introduction to the resource description framework. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science. 25 (1).

Miller, Eric J., and Bradley C. Watson. 1998. "Archive Project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Miller, Eric J., David Bearman, Godfrey Rust, Jennifer Trant, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1998. "A common model to support interoperable metadata progress report on reconciling metadata requirements from Dublin Core and INDECS/DOI communities". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Normore, Lorraine, and Mark W. Bendig. 1998. "Using visualization to understand phrase structure". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Normore, Lorraine. 1998. "Reference in Context Project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

O'Neill, Edward T., Patrick D. McClain, and Brian F. Lavoie. 1998. "A methodology for sampling the World Wide Web". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

O'Neill, Edward T., Brian F. Lavoie, and Patrick D. McClain. 1998. "Web Characterization Project an analysis of metadata usage on the Web". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1998. Characteristics of Web accessible information. IFLA Journal (Online). (24).

Prabha, Chandra, and Edward T. O'Neill. 1998. "Interlibrary borrowing initiated by patrons some characteristics of books requested via OhioLINK". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra, and Edward T. O'Neill. 1998. "OhioLINK joint research on patron-driven resource sharing : [an abstract]". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra, and Barbara Allen. 1998. "Positioning and user satisfaction with patron-initiated interlibrary borrowing the case of the CIC VEL". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Reighart, Ray R., and Victor H. Yngve. 1998. "[Review of] From grammar to science: new foundations for general linguistics by Victor H. Yngve". Library Quarterly. 68.

Renspie, Melissa, and Wendy Pradt Lougee. 1998. "Wendy Lougee provides perspectives on the digital information environment". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (231).

Richardson, John V. 1998. "Question Master an automated reference system". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Russell, Rosemary, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1998. "A distributed national electronic resource: MODELS workshop 6 report, 5-6 February 1998, Bath". Electronic Library. 16 (4): 231-237.

Shafer, Keith E., and Taylor R. Surface. 1998. "Java server side interpreter and OCLC SiteSearch". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1998. Mantis a flexible cataloging toolkit. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC. 

Shafer, Keith E. 1998. "Evaluating Scorpion results". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Shafer, Keith E. 1998. "Mantis Project a toolkit for cataloging". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1998. "Mantis Project provides a toolkit for cataloging". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (236).

Shafer, Keith E., Srividhya Subramanian, and Jon Fausey. 1998. Measures for evaluating automatic subject assignment of electronic resources. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Subramanian, Srividhya, and Keith E. Shafer. 1998. "Clustering". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1998. "Popular LCSH with Dewey numbers subject headings for everyone". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1998. "Subject headings for everyone popular Library of Congress Subject Headings with Dewey numbers". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (233).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1998. "OCLC investigates using classification tools to organize Internet data". Visualizing Subject Access for 21st Century Information Resources.

Watson, Bradley C., and Archie L. Dick. 1998. "Librarianship and information science in South Africa reflections on the parting of the ways". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Watson, Bradley C., and A. S. Pollitt. 1998. "View-based searching a new paradigm for information retrieval based on faceted classification and indexing". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Watson, Bradley C. 1998. "The movement to network-based computing a library perspective". OCLC Newsleter (Online). (231).

Watson, Bradley C. 1998. "The Distance Learning Project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Watson, Bradley C., and Jacques Derrida. 1998. "[Review of] Archive fever: a Freudian impression by Jacques Derrida". Library Quarterly. 36.

Watson, Bradley C. 1998. "Research Advisory Committee meets with OCLC staff to discuss projects, directions". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (235).


Bendig, Mark W. 1997. "Mr. Dui's topic finder". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Chan, Lois Mai, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1997. "Errors and obsolete elements in assigned Library of Congress subject headings: implications for subject cataloging and subject authority control". Library Resources & Technical Services. 41.

Chan, Lois Mai, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1997. "Feasibility of a computer-generated subject validation file based on frequency of occurrence of assigned LC subject headings phase II, nature and patterns of invalid headings". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1997. "The Warwick Metadata Workshop a framework for the deployment of resource description". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1997. Public libraries of Europe a review of the website created by Sheila and Robert Harden. Ariadne (Bath, England).

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Rachel Heery. 1997. Metadata a current view of practice and issues. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Rosemary Russell. 1997. Clumps or-- organised access to printed scholarly material outcomes from the third MODELS workshop. [Bath]: L. Dempsey.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1997. "Net failings that drive the desire to be digital". Times Higher Education Supplement.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1997. Soul and song New library : the people's network. Ariadne (Bath, England). (12).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1997. "Electronic Libraries Programme: learning together". Library Association Record.

Dempsey, Lorcan, Rosemary Russell, and Rachel Heery. 1997. Discovering online resources in at the shallow end : metadata and cross-domain resource discovery. [London]: AHDS.

Fausey, Jon, and Keith E. Shafer. 1997. "All my data is in SGML now what?" Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 48 (7).

Godby, Carol Jean, and Eric J. Miller. 1997. "A metalanguage for describing Internet resources". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Godby, Carol Jean. 1997. "Enhancing the indexing vocabulary of the Dewey Decimal Classification". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Greenstein, Daniel I., and Lorcan Dempsey. 1997. Discovering online resources crossing the great divide : integrating access to the scholarly record. [London]: AHDS.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, Jenny Colvard, and Thomas L. Terrall. 1997. "FirstSearch next generation another look at FirstSearch". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler, Richard Bennett, and Thomas L. Terrall. 1997. "Evaluating a multiprocessor NT server for Z39.50 use". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Lavoie, Brian F., Edward T. O'Neill, and Patrick D. McClain. 1997. "OCLC Office of Research examines Web-accessible information to find order in chaos". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (230).

Lavoie, Brian F., Edward T. O'Neill, Jeffrey A. Young, and Patrick D. McClain. 1997. "Four-figure cutter tables". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Marsh, Elizabeth. 1997. External and collaborative research benefits the library community worldwide. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Marsh, Elizabeth. 1997. Thomas Hickey leads research teams from search keys to FirstSearch and beyond. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

McClain, Patrick D. 1997. "Top 100 monographic records in OCLC libraries". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (227).

McClain, Patrick D. 1997. "Top 100 serials in WorldCat". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (228).

Miller, Eric J. 1997. "Visualizing spatial relationships between Internet objects". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Miller, Eric J. 1997. "The Monticello Project design considerations for a virtual library". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

O'Neill, Edward T., Jeffrey A. Young, and Robert Bremer. 1997. "The Bosnian National Library building a virtual collection". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Ormes, Sarah, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1997. The Internet, networking and the public library. London: Library Association Pub. in association with the UK Office for Library and Information Networking.

Prabha, Chandra. 1997. "Understanding the elements of book publishing". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (229).

Prabha, Chandra. 1997. "Characteristics of articles requested through OCLC interlibrary loan". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra, and Elizabeth Marsh. 1997. "Commercial document suppliers: how many of the ILL/DD periodical article requests can they fulfill?" Library Trends. 45.

Prabha, Chandra, and Gay N. Dannelly. 1997. "Introduction: [resource sharing in a changing environment]". Library Trends. 45.

Prabha, Chandra. 1997. "Characteristics of book collections in academic research libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra, and Gay N. Dannelly. 1997. Resource sharing in a changing environment. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Graduate School of Library and Information Science.

Shafer, Keith E. 1997. "Automatic subject assignment via the Scorpion system". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1997. "Kilroy an Internet research project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1997. "Use of the OCLC PURL service". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1997. Scorpion helps catalog the Web. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Online). 24 (1).

Shafer, Keith E., and Bradley C. Watson. 1997. Collaborating to create and maintain metadata. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Shafer, Keith E. 1997. Evaluating Scorpion results. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Thompson, Roger, Keith E. Shafer, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1997. Evaluating Dewey concepts as a knowledge base for automatic subject assignment. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1997. "Classification research at OCLC". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Carol Jean Godby. 1997. Library classification schemes and access to electronic collections enhancement of the Dewey Decimal Classification with supplemental vocabulary. [Silver Spring, Md.]: American Society for Information Science.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1997. From book classification to knowledge organization improving Internet resource description and discovery. Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (Online). 24 (1).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1997. "The TSW and emerging technologies: a researcher's perspective". Planning and Implementing Technical Services Workstations.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Mark W. Bendig. 1997. "Dewey for Windows". Planning and Implementing Technical Services Workstations.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1997. "OCLC investigates using classification tools to organize Internet data". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (226).

Watson, Bradley C. 1997. Distinguished seminar series focuses on diverse topics. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Watson, Bradley C. 1997. "Research Advisory Committee meets, gets update on OCLC Office of Research projects". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (229).

Watson, Bradley C., and Toni Carbo. 1997. "Toni Carbo speaks about access and government information services". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (227).

Watson, Bradley C. 1997. "Research Advisory Committee meets". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (226).


Chan, Lois Mai, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1996. Feasibility of a computer-generated subject validation file based on frequency of occurrence of assigned LC subject headings. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Chan, Lois Mai, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1996. "Feasibility of a computer-generated subject validation file based on frequency of occurrence of assigned LC subject headings phase II, nature and patterns of invalid headings". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Crook, Mark A. 1996. "Business-oriented research and planning". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Crook, Mark A., and Barbara B. Tillett. 1996. Barbara Tillett discusses cataloging rules and conceptual models. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1996. The information motorway a review of the M25 Consortium website. Ariadne (Bath England).

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Maria Heijne. 1996. "Scientific information supply: building networked information systems". Electronic Library. (4).

Dempsey, Lorcan, Rosemary Russell, and John Kirriemuir. 1996. Towards distributed library systems Z39.50 in a European context. [London]: Aslib.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1996. "Kicking up the dust in a chaotic storehouse". Times Higher Education Supplement.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1996. "From Joyce to joint systems". Library Association Record. 98.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1996. Meta detectors. Ariadne (Bath, England).

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1996. The Warwick Metadata Workshop a framework for the deployment of resource description. D-Lib Magazine.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1996. ROADS to desire some UK and other European metadata and resource discovery projects. D-Lib Magazine.

Erway, Ricky. 1996. Selecting library and archive collections for digital reformatting: proceedings from an RLG symposium held ... 1995 in Washington, DC. Mountain View, Calif: Research Libraries Group.

Fausey, Jonathan R., and Keith E. Shafer. 1996. "World Wide Web access to Fred". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Godby, Carol Jean. 1996. "Using SiteSearch to create a resource discovery tool for the Internet". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and Thomas L. Terrall. 1996. "STORD structured text on relational databases". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1996. "Guidon Web applying Java to scholarly electronic journals". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1996. "The impact of electronic publishing on academic libraries". DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology. 16 (1).

Miller, Eric J. 1996. "Issues of document description in HTML". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Mumford, Anne, Lorcan Dempsey, Alan Robiette, and Chris Rusbridge. 1996. ELIB standards guidelines. [Bath]: UKOLN.

Noreault, Terry, and Bradley C. Watson. 1996. "Electronic publishing: communication in a scholarly environment". AUUG 96 & Asia Pacific World Wide Web : 2nd Joint Conference Proceedings.

Noreault, Terry. 1996. "Use of SGML in digital libraries". Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Libraries and Information Services for the 21st Century.

OCLC. 1996. PURLS a project of OCLC research. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Patrick D. McClain. 1996. "Copy cataloging practices use of the call number by Dewey libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Ormes, Sarah, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1996. "Net use in public libraries". Library Association Record.

Prabha, Chandra. 1996. "Adding holdings information to CIP records before book receipt". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra. 1996. Office of Research studies copy cataloging throughput time for CIP titles. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Prabha, Chandra. 1996. "Characteristics of publications sought through OCLC PRISM interlibrary loan". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E., Stuart L. Weibel, and Erik Jul. 1996. "The PURL project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1996. Kilroy an Internet research project. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Shafer, Keith E. 1996. Scorpion Project explores using Dewey to organize the Web. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Shafer, Keith E. 1996. Fred the SGML grammar builder. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC.

Shafer, Keith E., Roger Thompson, and Vince Tkac. 1996. Scorpion Dewey database design. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Office of Research. 

Shafer, Keith E. 1996. A brief introduction to Scorpion. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC. 

Thompson, Roger, and Keith E. Shafer. 1996. "Embedded systems experience and views". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Joan S. Mitchell. 1996. "Dewey 2000 cataloging productivity tools". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Onine).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1996. "Online classification: implications for classifying and document[-like object] retrieval". Knowledge Organization and Change : Proceedings of the Fourth International ISKO Conference 15-18 July 1996, Washington, D.C., USA.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Joan S. Mitchell. 1996. "Dewey on the road". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1996. Using Library classification schemes for Internet resources. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC.

Watson, Bradley C. 1996. Research Advisory Committee meets. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Watson, Bradley C. 1996. "Arbitrary SGML viewers and their role in online text delivery systems". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Weibel, Stuart L. 1996. "Metadata the foundation of resource description". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Weibel, Stuart L., Erik Jul, and Keith E. Shafer. 1996. PURLs persistent uniform resource locators. [Dublin, Ohio]: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.


Crook, Mark A. 1995. "Accessible document design: a report on an OCLC distinguished seminar presentation". Library Hi Tech News. 120.

Crook, Mark A. 1995. Research Advisory Committee meets. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A., and Carol Tenopir. 1995. Carol Tenopir discusses electronic reference services. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A., and Dylan Owen. 1995. "VOICE Voter Online Information and Communication Exchange". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. The UK, networking and the European Libraries Programme. London: Library Information Technology Centre.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. "Beyond the Internet: developing library services". Law Librarian. 26.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. The public library and the information superhighway. [Bath?]: L. Dempsey.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. "Networking and telecommunications for information systems: an introduction to information networking [by] Steve Harries : [a review]". Journal of Documentation. 51 (3).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. "RADAR reflections: Internet resource, access, discovery and retrieval systems and libraries". Library Networking in Europe : European Conference 12-14 October 1994, Brussels : Proceedings.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1995. "Readbites: the scandal of serials holding data". Catalogue & Index. (118): 9.

Godby, Carol Jean. 1995. "Two techniques for the identification of phrases in full text". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1995. "OCLC's participation in the TULIP Project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1995. "Integrating Guidon with the World Wide Web". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1995. "Present and future capabilities of the online journal". Library Trends. 43 (4).

Hiom, Debra, Lorcan Dempsey, and Frank Norman. 1995. "Road to resource discovery". Library Association Record.

Mitchell, Joan S., and Mark A. Crook. 1995. "A study of libraries using the Dewey Decimal Classification in the OCLC Online Union Catalog preliminary findings". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Noble, Rick, and Keith E. Shafer. 1995. "Consumer online hype and hoopla". Information Today. 12 (10).

O'Neill, Edward T. 1995. "Manifestations of fiction works". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. 1995. "Book deterioration and loss: magnitude and characteristics in Ohio libraries". Library Resources & Technical Services V. 39 (4) October, 1995.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1995. "Cuttering for the Library of Congress classification". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Ormes, Sarah, and Lorcan Dempsey. 1995. Library and Information Commission public library Internet survey first public report, 20th December 1995. [Bath]: UKOLN.

Prabha, Chandra. 1995. "The LC-OCLC CIP project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Prabha, Chandra. 1995. "Evolving issues and trends in interlibrary loan and document delivery". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Shafer, Keith E., and Mohan L. Ahuja. 1995. Implementation of hierarchical F-channels for high-performance distributed computing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag].

Shafer, Keith E., and Roger Thompson. 1995. "Translating ISO 12083 mathematical markup for electronic documents". Fourth International World Wide Web Conference.

Shafer, Keith E. 1995. "Translating mathematical markup for electronic journals". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1995. "HotJava is brewing can new Web browser improve electronic access?" OCLC Newsletter (Online). (216).

Shafer, Keith E. 1995. Creating DTDs via the GB-engine and Fred. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Shafer, Keith E. 1995. "Manipulating tagged text". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Shafer, Keith E. 1995. "OCLC offers free access to Fred, a tagged-text interpreter". OCLC Newsletter (Online).

Taniguchi, Shoichi. 1995. "A system for analyzing cataloging rules a feasibility study (final report of the Cataloging Rules Viewer Development Project)". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1995. "Cataloging productivity tools a Web-tool for describing Internet resources I, Spectrum". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1995. "Cataloging productivity tools II, Subject headings for children". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1995. "Office of Research project develops tools for describing and accessing Internet resources". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (213).

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, Carol Jean Godby, and Mark W. Bendig. 1995. Spectrum: a Web-based tool for describing electronic resources. [Amsterdam]: Elsevier.

Watson, Bradley C., and Keith E. Shafer. 1995. "Creating custom SGML DTDs for documentation products". SIGDOC 95 : the 13th Annual International Conference on Systems Documentation.

Watson, Bradley C. 1995. "Converting ACM authors' articles to SGML". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Weibel, Stuart L. 1995. "The design and implementation of XSCEPTER, an X-Windows graphical user inferface to the CORE project". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Weibel, Stuart L. 1995. "Trends in World Wide Web development: May 1995". Library Hi Tech.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1995. Metadata the foundations of resource description. D-Lib Magazine.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1995. "Scholarly publishing on the World Wide Web". Annual Review of OCLC Research (Online).

Weibel, Stuart L., and Erik Jul. 1995. PURLs to improve access to Internet. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1995. "The World Wide Web and emerging Internet resource discovery standards for scholarly literature". Library Trends. 43.

Weibel, Stuart L., Eric J. Miller, Carol Jean Godby, and Ralph R. LeVan. 1995. An architecture for scholarly publishing on the World Wide Web. [Amsterdam]: Elsevier.


Crook, Mark A., and Yuri Rubinsky. 1994. Yuri Rubinsky explores use of SGML to generate text for sight-impaired. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A., and Terry Noreault. 1994. "Terry Noreault discusses the OCLC Office of Research". OCLC Newsletter. (210).

Crook, Mark A. 1994. Research Advisory Committee meets. Dublin Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Ann Lennon. 1994. "Art and the Internet: some notes on resources and trends". Art Libraries Journal. 19.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1994. "Distributed library and information systems: the significance of Z39.50". Managing Information (London, England).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1994. Network resource discovery a European library perspective. [London]: British Library Board.

Dempsey, Lorcan, Anne Mumford, and Bill Tuck. 1994. "Towards the virtual library: standards for networked library services". Axis (UCISA (Association)).

Dempsey, Lorcan, and Traugott Koch. 1994. "The Nordic WAIS / Traugott Koch, Lorcan Dempsey". Journal of Information Networking. 2 (2).

Dillon, Martin, and Erik Jul. 1994. "Assessing information on the Internet: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Dillon, Martin, Erik Jul, Mark Burge, and Carol Hickey. 1994. "The OCLC Internet resources project: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication". Emerging Communities : Integrating Networked Information into Library Services.

Godby, Carol Jean, and Bradley C. Watson. 1994. "Experimental linguistic indexing for information retrieval: ELIXIR". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1994. "Reference client software design". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Kinnucan, Mark T. 1994. "Modeling users' preferences for document delivery". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Lee, Dik Lun. 1994. "Document ranking using signature files". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Liddy, Elizabeth D. 1994. "Electronic texts and traditional indexes: a study of applicability and performance". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Markey, Karen. 1994. "Determining the content of machine-readable subdivision records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Michalko, James, John D. Haeger, and James Michalko. 1994. The Research Libraries Group: making a difference. [S.l.]: Library Hi Tech.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. 1994. "Book deterioration in Ohio libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

O'Neill, Edward T., Michael Oskins, and Kerre A. Kammerer. 1994. "OCLC authority control". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1994. "Estimating interlibrary loan volume in 1993: academic, public, special, and federal libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Prabha, Chandra, and John E. Ogden. 1994. "Recent trends in academic library materials expenditures". Library Trends. 42.

Serebnick, Judith, and Frank Quinn. 1994. "Measuring diversity in public library collections". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Shafer, Keith E. 1994. "SGML grammar structure". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 2002-.

Shafer, Keith E. 1994. "OCLC awards three research grants". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (212).

Shafer, Keith E. 1994. "OCLC invites applications for Research Fellow Program". OCLC Newsletter (Online). (212).

Sloin, Peggy. 1994. OCLC TULIP project explores electronic access to journals without SGML tags. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Thompson, Roger, and Carol Jean Godby. 1994. "Information Retrieval Research Laboratory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1994. "Cataloging productivity tools". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1994. "The CORE Project: technical shakedown and preliminary user studies". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1992-.

Weibel, Stuart L., Eric J. Miller, Carol Jean Godby, and Ralph R. LeVan. 1994. An architecture for scholarly publishing on the World Wide Web. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center].


Dempsey, Lorcan. 1993. "Impact of local systems on the national networking environment: proceedings of the Library of Congress Network Advisory Committee Meeting, April 1-3, 1991 : [review]". Program. 27 (1): 118-119.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1993. "OBN final report: from project to library users : [book review]". Program. 27 (3).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1993. Networks, standards and end-user information services. Bath: UKOLN.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1993. "The future of library systems: integrated or insulated?" Networking and the Future of Libraries : Proceedings of the UK Office for Library Networking Conference, April 2-5, 1992.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1993. "Research networks and academic information services: towards an academic information infrastructure : part 1". Journal of Economic Networking. 1 (1).

Dempsey, Lorcan, Anne Mumford, and Bill Tuck. 1993. "Standards of relevance to networked library services". Libraries and IT : Working Papers of the Information Technolog Sub-Committee of the HEFcs' Libraries Review.

Dillon, Martin. 1993. Assessing information on the Internet: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Office of Research.

Dillon, Martin, Erik Jul, Mark Burge, and Carol Hickey. 1993. "Assessing information on the Internet: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication : results of an OCLC research project". Internet Research. 3 (1).

Jul, Erik. 1993. "Internet research report available". OCLC Newsletter. (201).

Jul, Erik. 1993. "Research Advisory Committee meets". OCLC Newsletter. (202).

Jul, Erik, and Roger G. Noll. 1993. "Roger Noll speaks on the economics of scholarly publishing". OCLC Newsletter. (203).

Kinnucan, Mark T. 1993. "Demand for document delivery and interlibrary loan in academic settings". Library & Information Science Research. 15.

Markey, Karen, Nancy Sack, and Bonnie A. Dede. 1993. Determining the content of machine-readable subdivision records. Dublin, Ohio: OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Shafer, Keith E., and Mohan L. Ahuja. 1993. "Distributed modeling and implementation of high performance communication architectures". Proceedings : 13th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, May 25-28, 1993, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania.

"Technological developments in library and information work: proceedings of an Irish joint conference held 22-26 April 1991 in Newcastle, Co Down : [review]". 1993. Journal of Documentation. 49 (3).


Australian Library and Information Association, Klaus-Dieter Lehmann, Stuart Macintyre, Patricia Battin, Miriam Abdul Kadir, Wharehuia Hemara, and James Michalko. 1992. [Conference papers: selections]. Australia: ALIA.

Belkin, Nicholas J., and Tefko Saracevic. 1992. "Design principles for third-generation online public access catalogs: taking account of users and library use". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Bookstein, Abraham, Edward T. O'Neill, Martin Dillon, and David Stephens. 1992. "Application of loglinear models to informetric phenomena". Information Processing & Management. 28.

Burgin, Robert, and Martin Dillon. 1992. "Improving disambiguation in FASIT". Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 43.

Calhoun, Karen, and Mike Oskins. 1992. "Rates and types of changes to LC authority files". Information Technology and Libraries. 11.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1992. "Libraries and networking". Library & Information Briefings.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1992. "The bibliographic record and information technology [by] Ronald Hagler: [review]". Program. 26 (3).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1992. Libraries, networks, and OSI: a review, with a report on North American developments. Westport, CT: Meckler in association with the UK Office for Library Networking.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1992. Library bibliographic networks in Europe: a LIBER directory. The Hague: NBLC.

Dillon, Martin. 1992. "The Graphical Browse project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Dillon, Martin. 1992. "Assessing information on the Internet: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Dillon, Martin, Erik Jul, Mark Burge, and Carol Hickey. 1992. "Assessing information on the Internet: toward providing library services for computer-mediated communication". Networking, Telecommunication, and the Networked Information Revolution May 28-30, 1992 Albuquerque, New Mexico : ASIS 1992 Mid-Year Meeting.

Garson, Lorrin R., Michael Lesk, Jim Lundeen, Jan Olsen, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1992. "CORE: the chemistry online retrieval experiment". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and Terry Noreault. 1992. "The development of a graphical user interface for the Online journal of current clinical trials". Public-Access Computer Systems Review. 3 (2).

Jul, Erik, and Ben Shneiderman. 1992. "Ben Shneiderman speaks on user interface design". OCLC Newsletter. (197).

Jul, Erik. 1992. "Project to analyze Internet information is under way". OCLC Newsletter. (196).

Jul, Erik, and Chandra Prabha. 1992. "Office of Research project will determine costs, workflows, and usage data on ILL and document delivery". OCLC Newsletter. (199).

Jul, Erik. 1992. "Librarians assist cataloging experiment". OCLC Newsletter. (197).

Jul, Erik. 1992. "SGML plays important role in electronic publishing". OCLC Newsletter. (200).

Jul, Erik. 1992. "Internet resources project volunteers provide critical support". OCLC Newsletter. (198).

Jul, Erik, and Elliot Soloway. 1992. "Elliot Soloway speaks on new technologies for learning". OCLC Newsletter. (198).

Jul, Erik. 1992. "Electronic publishing". Computers in Libraries. 12.

Kwasnik, Barbara H. 1992. "The functional components of browsing". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Liddy, Elizabeth D. 1992. "The art of back-of-the-book indexes". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Lindeman, Martha J., J. Charles Crabb, John R. Bonneau, and Vera Fosnot Wehrli. 1992. "Designing a scholars' electronic library: the interaction of human factors and computer science tasks". Advances in Human-Computer Interaction. 3.

McClure, Charles R., Joe Ryan, Diana Lauterbach, and William E. Moen. 1992. "Public libraries and the Internet / NREN: defining roles in the network". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. 1992. "Book deterioration in Ohio libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1992. "Database quality control". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

O'Neill, Edward T., Sally A. Rogers, and Michael Oskins. 1992. "Characteristics of duplicate records in OCLC's online union catalog". Library Resources & Technical Services. 37.

Prabha, Chandra. 1992. "Costs workflows and usage data for interlibrary loan document delivery". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1992. "Zero hits". OCLC Research Review.

Prasse, Michael J., and Robert Tigner. 1992. "OCLC Usability Lab: description and methodology". 13th National Online Meeting Proceedings 1992.

Prasse, Michael J. 1992. "Interface design procedures". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Rasmussen, Edie M., and Lei Zeng. 1992. "The quality of Chinese records in the OCLC database: a proposal for rule-based validation". Annual Review of OCLC Research.

Shafer, Keith E. 1992. "Process-channel agent-process model of asynchronous distributed communication". Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems June 9-12, 1992, Yokohama, Japan.

Sproat, Kezia. 1992. "New publication to be test-marketed in Asia". OCLC Research Review. 2-3.

Stephens, David J., and Andrew Wang. 1992. "The Selected Titles Project". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Swigger, Keith. 1992. "Scholars' access to the documents they cite: social scientists' information sources". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Thompson, Roger. 1992. "Information Retrieval Research Laboratory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1992. "Proposal #4: automation implications". Future of Subdivisions in the Library of Congress Subject Headings System : Report from the Subject Subdivisions Conference.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1992. "Cataloging productivity tools". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1992. "Implications of the Subject Subdivisions Conference: the OCLC perspective". Future of Subdivisions in the Library of Congress Subject Headings System : Report from the Subject Subdivisions Conference.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1992. "The Dewey Decimal Classification as an online classification tool". Classification Research for Knowledge Representation and Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International Study Conference on Classification Research, Toronto, Canada, June 24-28, 1991.

Warner, Amy J. 1992. "Automatic hierarchical organization of phrases using machine-readable dictionary information". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1992. "Automated cataloging: implications for libraries and patrons". Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems : Will They Change the Library?.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1992. "CORE project installs database at Cornell". OCLC Newsletter. (197).

Yu, C. T., and Chengjie Luo. 1992. "Implementation and performance evaluation of an image decompression algorithm". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1991-.

"The electronic DDC: building a swifter, friendlier DDC.". 1992. OCLC Research Review.

"Greenwood Press publishes book on user interfaces". 1992. OCLC Research Review.


Bookstein, Abraham. 1991. "Analytical tools for library-generated data". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Bunge, John, and John C. Handley. 1991. "Sampling to estimate the number of duplicates in a database". Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 11.

Chang, Roy. 1991. "Obsolete Library of Congress subject headings". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1991. Publishers and libraries an all-through system for bibliographic data? Bath: UKOLN.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1991. "US information infrastructure: [part 1]". Computer Communications. 14 (5).

Dillon, Martin. 1991. "The current state of interface research". Information Online & on Disc : Proceedings of the Fifth Australasian Information Online and On Disc Conference and Exhibition.

Dillon, Martin, John C. Handley, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1991. "Adapt: automated document architecture processing and tagging". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Dillon, Martin. 1991. "Internet resources". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Garson, Lorrin R., Michael Lesk, Jim Lundeen, Jan Olsen, and Stuart L. Weibel. 1991. "CORE: the chemical online retrieval experiment". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Handley, John C., and Thomas Butler Hickey. 1991. "Merging optical character recognition outputs for improved accuracy". RIAO 91 Conference Proceedings with Presentation of Prototypes and Operational Systems.

Handley, John C., and John Bunge. 1991. "Simulating the performance of estimators of the number of duplicates in a database". Computing Science and Statistics.

Handley, John C. 1991. "Document image processing toolbox". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Handley, John C. 1991. "Sampling by length". Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 42.

Jul, Erik, and Radovan S. Spiridanov. 1991. "OCLC visitor describes computer network development in Yugoslavia". OCLC Newsletter. (190).

Jul, Erik, and John M. Carroll. 1991. "Researcher calls for more science, less art, in designing human/computer interfaces". OCLC Newsletter. (189).

Jul, Erik. 1991. "New members join Research Advisory Committee". OCLC Newsletter No. 193 Sept/Oct 1991.

Jul, Erik. 1991. "OCLC research projects and the future of cataloging". OCLC Newsletter. (192).

Jul, Erik, and Howard Besser. 1991. "Howard Besser paints picture of image databases". OCLC Research Review.

Jul, Erik, and Howard Besser. 1991. "Howard Besser explores the development of image databases". OCLC Newsletter No. 190 March/April 1991.

Jul, Erik. 1991. "State Library of Ohio provides grant for preservation research". OCLC Newsletter. (192).

Jul, Erik. 1991. "U.S. Department of Education provides grant for Internet research". OCLC Newsletter. (192).

Jul, Erik. 1991. "CORE project enters phase III". OCLC Newsletter No. 191 May/June 1991.

Jul, Erik, and Theodor H. Nelson. 1991. "Theodor Nelson describes Xanadu: worldwide hypertext publishing". OCLC Newsletter. (194).

Jul, Erik. 1991. "Graph-text project provides basis for online journal". OCLC Newsletter No. 193 Sept/Oct. 1991.

Lindeman, Martha J. 1991. "Interface styles". Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems : the State of the Art.

Lindeman, Martha J., John R. Bonneau, and Kym Pocius. 1991. "A task analysis for a hyperlibrary system". Interfaces for Information Retrieval and Online Systems : the State of the Art.

Markey, Karen. 1991. "Determining the content of machine-readable subdivision records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1991. "Study of book deterioration in Ohio libraries". OCLC Research Review.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. 1991. "Book deterioration in Ohio libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

O'Neill, Edward T., and Erik Jul. 1991. "OSU and OCLC to study book deterioration in Ohio libraries". OCLC Newsletter. (191).

O'Neill, Edward T. 1991. "Duplicate records in union catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1991. "Record matching for authority control". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Pocius, Kym. 1991. "Personality factors in human-computer interaction: a review of the literature". Computers in Human Behavior. 7.

Prabha, Chandra. 1991. "The large retrieval phenomenon". Advances in Library Automation and Networking. 4.

Prabha, Chandra. 1991. "Authority control practice in libraries". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Prasse, Michael J. 1991. "Achieving better systems development through usability testing". Journal of Systems Management. 42.

Prasse, Michael J. 1991. "Interface design procedures". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Prasse, Michael J., and George A. Walter. 1991. "The Usability Laboratory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Srinivasan, Padmini. 1991. "Expert system interface to Library of Congress subject headings". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Stephens, David J. 1991. "FastCat project: project announcement". OCLC Research Review. 2-3.

Stephens, David J. 1991. "FastCat". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Swigger, Keith. 1991. "Scholars' access to the documents they cite". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Thompson, Roger. 1991. "Information Retrieval Research Laboratory". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1991. "The Dewey decimal classification as an online classification tool". OCLC Research Review.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane, and Karen Markey. 1991. "Computer and manual analysis of subject terms entered by online catalog users". ASIS '91 : Proceeding of the 54th ASIS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 1991.

Vizine-Goetz, Diane. 1991. "Cataloging productivity tools". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Warner, Amy J. 1991. "Automatic hierarchical organization of phrases using machine-readable dictionary information". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Warner, Amy J., and Patrick Wenzel. 1991. "The linguistic analysis and categorization of nominal expressions". ASIS 91 Proceedings of the 54th ASIS Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., October 27-31, 1991.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1991. "ILL micro enhancer barcode reader". OCLC Research Review. 2.

Weibel, Stuart L. 1991. "Capturing tables of contents: pilot study". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.


Bendig, Mark W. 1990. WISDOM: a user interface for CD-ROM and online database searching. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Bookstein, Abraham, and Edward T. O'Neill. 1990. "Loglinear model of library acquisitions". Informetrics 89/90 : Selection of Papers Submitted for the Second International Conference on Bibliometrics, Scientometrics, and Informetrics, London, Ontario, Canada, 5-7 July 1989.

Crabb, J. Charles. 1990. "Advantages of an object-oriented database". OCLC Research Review. 3-4.

Crook, Mark A. 1990. "Information and scholarly services". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Crook, Mark A. 1990. Multimedia computing: an annotated bibliography. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A. 1990. An analysis of table of contents data in archive and bibliographic records. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Crook, Mark A. 1990. "Converting machine-readable dewey decimal files". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1990. "Users' requirements of bibliographic records: publishers, booksellers, librarians". ASLIB Proceedings. 42 (2).

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1990. "Subject to change?: aspects of subject access in the book world". Beyond the Bibliographic Record : Proceedings of the 15th Annual Seminar and Annual General Meeting of the MARC Users' Group, Held at University College, Swansea 5-7 September 1989.

Dempsey, Lorcan. 1990. "Bibliographic access: patterns and developments". Bibliographic Access in Europea : First International Conference.

Dillon, Martin, and Patrick Wenzel. 1990. "Retrieval effectiveness of enhanced bibliographic records". Library Hi Tech.

Dillon, Martin. 1990. "OCLC research projects focus on four areas". OCLC Newsletter. (188).

Dillon, Martin. 1990. "Table of contents database". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Dillon, Martin. 1990. "Enhanced bibliographic records". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Dougherty, Richard M., and Carol Hughes. 1990. "Balancing local needs with the general good". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Duncan, Elizabeth E. 1990. "Using the DDC in online catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Fox, Edward A. 1990. "Advanced retrieval methods for online catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Garson, Lorrin R., Michael Lesk, Martha J. Lindeman, Jim Lundeen, and Jan Olsen. 1990. "CORE: the chemical online retrieval experiment". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Handley, John C., and Thomas Butler Hickey. 1990. Merging optical character recognition outputs for improved accuracy. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Handley, John C., and Stuart L. Weibel. 1990. "ADAPT: automated document analysis processing and tagging". EP90 : Proceedings of the International Conferences on Electronic Publishing.

Handley, John C. 1990. "Document image processing toolbox". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1990. "Experimental library system". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Hickey, Thomas Butler. 1990. "XLS: the experimental library system". OCLC Research Review. 1-3.

Hickey, Thomas Butler, and Chandra Prabha. 1990. "Online public catalogs and large retrievals: methods for organizing, reducing, and displaying". ASIS '90 : Proceedings of the 53rd ASIS Annual Meeting, 1990.

Jeng, Ling Hwey. 1990. "The general structure of a knowledge base for Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Jul, Erik, and Donald A. Marchand. 1990. "Donald Marchand speaks on strategic information management". OCLC Newsletter. (185).

Jul, Erik, and Robert C. Heterick. 1990. "Robert C. Heterick Jr. speaks on information, communication, and control". OCLC Newsletter. (184).

Lancaster, F. Wilfrid. 1990. "Identifying barriers to effective subject access in library catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Liddy, Elizabeth D. 1990. "Back-of-the-book index study". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Lindeman, Martha J. 1990. "DIADEM: design of interfaces and databases for electronic media". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1990. "Improving subject searching in online catalogs". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Markey, Karen, and Diane Vizine-Goetz. 1990. "Search trees for subject searching in online catalogs". Library Hi Tech. (3).

Markey, Karen, Anh N. Demeyer, Jeffrey Gerckens, and Daryl Poe. 1990. "Analysis of a bibliographic database enhanced with a library classification". Library Resources and Technical Services. (34).

McGill, Michael J., and Martin Dillon. 1990. "Library research activities at OCLC Online Computer Library Center". Data Engineering. 13 (1).

O'Neill, Edward T., and Wesley L. Boomgaarden. 1990. "Preservation". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1990. "Duplicate detection". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

O'Neill, Edward T. 1990. "Interactive authority control". Bookmark.

Prabha, Chandra. 1990. "Managing large retrievals". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1990. "Improving the quality and usability of large retrievals". National Online Meeting Proceedings--1990 : New York, May 1-3, 1990.

Prabha, Chandra. 1990. "The interlibrary loan process". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Prabha, Chandra. 1990. "The interlibrary loan process and OCLC". OCLC Research Review. 4-11.

Prasse, Michael J. 1990. "Evaluating system usability: the video analysis method". OCLC Research Review. 1-3.

Prasse, Michael J. 1990. "OCLC Usability Lab". OCLC Newsletter. (185).

Prasse, Michael J. 1990. "The video analysis method determining usability". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Prasse, Michael J. 1990. "Interface design procedures". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1990-.

Prasse, Michael J. 1990. "The video analysis method: an integrated approach to usability assessment". Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th Annual Meeting : Orlando '90.

Smith, Linda C., Kathryn Luther Henderson, and William H. Mischo. 1990. "Toward integration of online resources". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Soergel, Dagobert. 1990. "Investigating the structure of LCC and LCSH: developing a knowledge base". Annual Review of OCLC Research. 1989-.

Stephens, David. 1990. XVT versus Microsoft Windows API. Dublin, Ohio: Office of Research, OCLC Online Computer Library Center.

Taylor, Mary C. 1990. "OCLC's Office of Research active in preservation". OCLC Newsletter. (186).

Previous Publications