
Works in Progress Webinar: Lessons learned from implementing an AI reference chatbot at the University of Calgary Library
In this webinar, University of Calgary Library staff reflect on lessons learned from the implementation of the Library’s AI reference chatbot.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: Partnering across the research enterprise to create robust research support at Montana State University
Learn about Montana State University’s newly established Research Alliance, an example of how libraries are establishing “beyond the library” operational structures to support institutional priorities.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: LC Labs AI Planning Framework in action—Understand, experiment, and implement AI tools that support catalogers
Hear about what shaped the Artificial Intelligence Planning Framework and how it is being applied at the Library of Congress to explore computational description.
Topics: Works in Progress, Data Science, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: Operationalizing open at Syracuse University Libraries
View this webinar to hear about how Syracuse University Libraries leverages its digital library as part of a broader narrative about library support for open research.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support, Open Access

Works in Progress Webinar: Supporting campus goals through a library-led Office for Open Research at the University of Manchester
The University of Manchester launched the Office for Open Research in April 2022, an ambitious effort to enable and embed open and reproducible research practices in alignment with institutional goals.
Topics: Works in Progress, Open Access, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: Why don't research impact LibGuides include bias-related resources?
In this presentation, Sheila Craft-Morgan shares insights from her recent investigation into the content of LibGuides on research impact topics at ARL institutions.
Topics: Works in Progress, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: Developing a trusted research impact team at Virginia Tech
In this webinar, the research impact team at the Virginia Tech University Libraries share about their work—and how they have grown their service offerings.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

Works in Progress Webinar: Supporting research analytics at University of Pennsylvania libraries
In this webinar, librarians from the University of Pennsylvania offer compelling examples of the evolving role of the library in providing research analytics services to support both researchers and broader institutional goals.
Topics: Research Support, Works in Progress

Works in Progress Webinar: Developing Research Impact Services—Perspectives from Three OCLC Research Library Partnership Institutions
In this webinar, librarians from three research universities share how their institutions are taking the first steps to develop BRI services, responding to local conditions and working to build relationships and trust across campus. They share about the stakeholders they are engaging with and provide an overview of the services they are offering and relevant tools/subscriptions they are leveraging.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Information Management, Research Support
Lessons learned from establishing a bibliometric and research impact team at Syracuse University
In this webinar, librarians from Syracuse University discuss the approach, tools, and collaborations they’re leveraging in developing services to support university needs around demonstrating and quantifying research impact.
Topics: Works in Progress, Research Information Management, Research Support