

A diagram listing the research support services offered by Montana State University

Works in Progress Webinar: Partnering across the research enterprise to create robust research support at Montana State University

By Jason Clark, Nicole Motzer, Coltran Hophan-Nichols, Chatanika "Nika" Stoop, Anna Tuttle

Learn about Montana State University’s newly established Research Alliance, an example of how libraries are establishing “beyond the library” operational structures to support institutional priorities.

Topics: Works in Progress, Research Support

Striving for Inclusivity: Supporting Research and Teaching Within Local and Global Ecosystems

Striving for Inclusivity: Supporting Research and Teaching Within Local and Global Ecosystems

By Lynn Silipigni Connaway

iConference 2023
UOC Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain

In this keynote, Connaway discusses how new model libraries and information centers within local and global networks and ecosystems can accommodate the diverse needs and expectations of users, who are embedded in communities in various ways.

Topics: Research Support, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

Case studies in cross-institutional collaboration

“OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO” together: Case studies in cross-institutional collaboration

By Rebecca Bryant, Alison Hitchens, Ian Milligan, Anne Rauh

2022 Charleston Conference

This presentation includes a brief introduction to social interoperability followed by two rich case studies of successful cross-campus collaboration by panelists at Syracuse and Waterloo Universities.

Topics: Research Support, Research Information Management, Research Data Management