
Works in Progress Webinar: Ngangaanha (to care for)--Improving cultural safety at the University of Sydney Library
The Library has recently published Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols, which demonstrate its commitment to embedding culturally competent practice in all it does across services, spaces, and resources.
Topics: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Works in Progress

Works in Progress Webinar: Slavery, abolition, emancipation, and freedom—Primary sources from Houghton Library
Berry talks about lessons learned from the planning and remote management of a project to create digital access to hidden African American special collections
Topics: Works in Progress, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion

Works in Progress: Research to advance the Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) project
This webinar will be of interest to library and archive workers, and to those who manage or assess user needs for discovery systems for archival materials.
Topics: Works in Progress, User Research, Archives and Special Collections

Works in Progress Webinar Research Information Management in the United States
In this webinar, lead authors of the forthcoming OCLC Research report series Research Information Management (RIM) in the United States discuss findings from their examination of the RIM practices, goals, stakeholders, and uses prevalent in the decentralized US landscape.
Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress

Lighting the Way-- Improving discovery and delivery for archives and special collections
This webinar will be of interest to library and archive workers, those who manage and allocate resources to special collections, and those who are considering new modes of meeting facilitation and collaboration.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Works in Progress

Corrective collecting: A practical, holistic, EDI-centered strategy for community archives
This webinar will be of interest to administrators, curators, collection managers, and anyone working to steward, administer, and provide access to archives, and special and distinctive collections.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
Works in Progress Webinar: Holistic approaches to born-digital appraisal and accessioning -- revising the UC Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing
Viewers will learn about the revisions to the “Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries” and about new recommendations for accessioning and appraising born-digital materials.
Topics: Works in Progress

It’s Here! The OCLC Interlibrary Loan Cost Calculator
Watch this webinar to learn about the OCLC Interlibrary Loan Cost Calculator, a free internet-based tool that has the potential to act as a virtual real-time ILL cost study.
Topics: Resource Sharing, Works in Progress

Case study—Developing and sustaining RDM services at Arizona and Illinois through partnership with the Office of Research
Representatives from the University of Illinois and the University of Arizona will share how the libraries have cultivated relationships with the Research Office at their respective institutions.
Topics: Works in Progress

What comes next? Grappling with data, reconsidering workflows, and expanding collaboration following a large-scale collection survey
Learn how assessment data can inform future collection development decisions, collection management activities, and preservation priorities.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Collection Management, Works in Progress