MAR 16

Works in Progress Webinar: Holistic approaches to born-digital appraisal and accessioning -- revising the UC Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing

Viewers will learn about the revisions to the “Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries” and about new recommendations for accessioning and appraising born-digital materials.

This event has passed.


Slides - download pptx file
Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries, 2020
Demystifying Born-Digital (OCLC Research, 2012)
Research and Learning Agenda for Archives, Special, and Distinctive Collections in Research Libraries (OCLC Research, 2017)
Digital Processing Framework (Cornell University Library, 2018)
UC Guidelines for Born-Digital Archival Description (2019)
Levels of Born-Digital Access (DLF, 2020)
Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections (OCLC Research, 2021)


Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez, Assistant University Archivist, UC Irvine
Kate Dundon, Supervisory Archivist, UC Santa Cruz 
Shira Peltzman, Digital Archivist, UCLA


In 2012, a group of librarians seeking to tackle significant backlogs published the “Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing in the University of California Libraries.” This document served as a touchstone for archival staff both within the University of California and beyond. Over time language and linked references in the document became outdated, and the recommendations began to feel out of touch with emerging discussions of holistic collection management. In 2018, this shift in the profession, coupled with the increasing prevalence of born-digital collection materials, led a group of UC archivists to embark on a two-year-long revision project to make key changes in the document to address the impact that appraisal, accessioning, and over-collecting have on the existence and growth of backlogs.

This webinar will provide an overview of the revisions to the Guidelines for Efficient Archival Processing, making the case for a more holistic approach to collections stewardship that emphasizes the interrelatedness of each stage in the archival lifecycle. Presenters will focus on the process of developing recommendations for born-digital appraisal and accessioning, and provide context on the decision to structure the document in a way that reflects the interconnected nature of born-digital and physical collections care.

This webinar will be of interest to anyone working in Special Collections and/or managing, acquiring, and processing born-digital materials.

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series to talk about work happening in OCLC Research – we'd like to present our work informally and get feedback from you, our Partners. We'd also like this to be a venue for Partner institutions. What are you working on that everyone should know about? What input would help you move forward? Let us know!


16 March 2021


1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]


Live webinar sessions are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.