
Works in Progress Webinar: Case study—Developing and sustaining RDM services at Arizona and Illinois through partnership with the Office of Research

Representatives from the University of Illinois and the University of Arizona shared how the libraries have cultivated relationships with the Research Office at their respective institutions.

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Download Univ. of Arizona Slides (pptx)
Download Univ. of Illinois Slides (pptx)

Social Interoperability in Research Support: OCLC Research report plus links to webinars and other resources.

University of Arizona links:

OCLC Research Webinars called out during this session:


Heidi Imker, Director, Research Data Service, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Chris Kollen, Data Curation Librarian, University of Arizona
Fernando Rios, Research Data Management Specialist, University of Arizona


In this webinar, representatives from the University of Illinois and the University of Arizona will share how the libraries have cultivated relationships with the Research Office at their respective institutions. 

At Illinois, library leaders began laying the groundwork for RDM in AY2012 with formation of a campus committee and engagement in a Year of Data Stewardship effort, facilitating greater awareness and support for RDM services. Since the establishment of the Research Data Service in the library in 2014--with financial underwriting by the Office of Research--the library has stewarded relationships and demonstrated its value as a unit for sustaining new projects. An overview of the Illinois RDM history and service offering was published in the OCLC Research report The Realities of Research Data Management: Selected RDM Service Profiles in 2017. 

The University of Arizona will share how it has similarly worked to build awareness and support through campus committees and library leadership in providing resources like the DMPTool. Additional support has accrued through information gathering via campus surveys and data management pilots with research teams. They’ve also partnered with others on campus to collaboratively educate on data management practices as components of RFIs and responsible conduct of research. Following grant support from the provost, the Research Data Management Services unit in the library is working toward a sustainability plan and implementation of a local data repository. 

This webinar is part of a series offered by the OCLC Research Library Partnership focusing on cross-campus collaboration in research support, in conjunction with the publication Social Interoperability in Research Support: Cross-campus partnerships and the university research enterprise, which examines the growing imperative for cross-campus, cross-domain institutional collaboration in the provision of successful research support services.

This webinar will be of interest to anyone interested in cultivating positive campus partnerships to support research activities. We expect this to be of particular interest to library leaders and librarians working in research data management and scholarly communications. 

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series

Live webinar sessions are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.

Works in Progress: An OCLC Research Occasional Webinar Series to talk about work happening in OCLC Research – we'd like to present our work informally and get feedback from you, our Partners. We'd also like this to be a venue for Partner institutions. What are you working on that everyone should know about? What input would help you move forward? Let us know!


09 February 2021


11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]


Live webinar sessions are exclusively for OCLC Research Library Partners, but the recordings are publicly available to all.