Obstacles and Opportunities in Research Information Management in the United States
In this presentation, the lead authors of the RIM reports will share key findings of the project, which documents in detail the RIM practices at five US research universities.
Topics: Research Information Management

Works in Progress Webinar: Ngangaanha (to care for)--Improving cultural safety at the University of Sydney Library
The Library has recently published Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Protocols, which demonstrate its commitment to embedding culturally competent practice in all it does across services, spaces, and resources.
Topics: Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Works in Progress
Advancing Institutional Priorities through Research Information Management (RIM) Infrastructures
This session shares the findings from the OCLC Research report on information management practices in the United States (, published in Fall 2021.
Topics: Research Information Management

Works in Progress Webinar: Slavery, abolition, emancipation, and freedom—Primary sources from Houghton Library
Berry talks about lessons learned from the planning and remote management of a project to create digital access to hidden African American special collections
Topics: Works in Progress, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
Envisioning a New Model Library
Library leaders had to make quick, robust changes to their library workflows, community offerings, and staffing in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Join us for a 60-minute webinar to hear about how library practices have evolved during the pandemic and how their adaptations fit into new models of library operation.
Topics: New Model Library
Collection Directions: Pandemic Effects
Ostend, Belgium
Lorcan Dempsey presents on the effects of the pandemic on collection directions, including the accelerating demand to move more library services online, at Informatie aan Zee 2021.
Wikipedia and Libraries
This presentation and paper highlights how libraries and Wikimedia can collaborate to strengthen shared information access goals and shares success stories from libraires and OCLC working with Wikimedia to connect communities of knowledge.
Topics: Wikimedia

Works in Progress: Research to advance the Building a National Finding Aid Network (NAFAN) project
This webinar will be of interest to library and archive workers, and to those who manage or assess user needs for discovery systems for archival materials.
Topics: Works in Progress, User Research, Archives and Special Collections

Works in Progress Webinar Research Information Management in the United States
In this webinar, lead authors of the forthcoming OCLC Research report series Research Information Management (RIM) in the United States discuss findings from their examination of the RIM practices, goals, stakeholders, and uses prevalent in the decentralized US landscape.
Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress
EBLIDA & OCLC Workshop
As a part of OCLC Research’s work in documenting how libraries as organizations operate, adapt, and evolve, the OCLC Research team met with global library leaders to discuss emerging library models in response to the changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They looked at new and evolving practices and policies, possibilities for collaboration, and how these opportunities can benefit their communities into the future.
Topics: New Model Library