JUN 28

OCLC Research at ALA Annual 2013

This event has passed.

28 June-1 July

Chicago, IL

The following OCLC Research staff will attend, present at or host the meetings listed below at ALA Annual in Chicago, IL 28 June-1 July 2013:

Start Date

28 June 2013

End Date

01 July 2013


Anaheim, CA

Friday, 28 June

Time Meeting

8:30–11:30 a.m. 

Heads of Technical Services of Large Research Libraries

From 8:40-10:00 a.m., Lorcan Dempsey, Vice President, OCLC Research, and Chief Strategist, and Judith Nadler, Director and University Librarian, The University of Chicago, will present their thoughts on the Transformation of  Research Libraries, and in particular the role of TS in those futures. This will be followed by a general discussion among the Heads of Technical Services.

Location: Sheraton Chicago, Ballroom 1-2

Contact: Lorcan Dempsey

1:30–2:30 p.m. 

OCLC Research Library Partners Metadata Managers Focus Group
By Invitation Only

Location: Palmer House Hilton Honore Ballroom

Contact: Karen Smith-Yoshimura

Saturday, 29 June

Time Meeting

8:30–9:30 a.m. 

Library Research Round Table Data-Driven Research Forum

Libraries collect data on usage of collections, services, and physical space. However, much of these data are not utilized to capacity. This session will feature three research papers that demonstrate how to leverage user-centered data to develop services.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room S404bc

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway, moderator

1:00–2:30 p.m. 

Library Research Round Table Mentorship Program Forum

Senior Research Scientist Lynn Silipigni Connaway will moderate this forum at ALA Annual which will launch the Mentorship Program, including: a discussion of the mentor/protégé relationship, i.e., responsibilities, commitment, etc. It will also include a discussion of the research process; discussion time for the mentors and protégés to meet and possibly connect (Discussion tables will be identified by research topics with mentors seated at each table so that protégés may select their topic of interest); wrap-up session with suggestions on how the mentors and protégés can continue to work together and submit papers for publication in conference proceedings, journals, and to the LRRT Research Forums.

Location: Hyatt Regency McCormick Place, Regency Ballroom B

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway

4:00–5:30 p.m. 

SHARES Roundtable
Open to OCLC Research Library Partners and Prospective Partners Only

The agenda includes:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • New sharing special collections report
  • Discussion: Lending e-books
  • SHARES Cheat Sheet
  • Round robin: reports from your shops
  • Other business
  • Announcements

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room N131

Contact: Dennis Massie

4:30–5:30 p.m. 

Faceted Subject Access Interest Group
Eric Childress and Edward O'Neill presented FAST Users Study.

View Eric and Ed's slides (.pptx: 3.9MB/14 slides).

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room N137

Contact: Eric Childress

Sunday, 30 June

Time Meeting

10:30–11:30 a.m. 

Research Round Table Creative Problem Solving Research Forum

OCLC Senior Research Scientist Lynn Silipigni Connaway will moderate this forum.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room S102a

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway

10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 

BIBFRAME: Library of Congress Bibliographic Framework Initiative Update Forum

The Library of Congress will host this meeting. The official time is 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. but speakers will be available untill noon. OCLC Senior Research Scientist Jean Godby will present BIBFRAME experimentation, linked data navigation and future OPACs.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room E352

Contact: Jean Godby

1:00–2:30 p.m. 

Top Technology Trends & LITA Awards Presentation

Vice President, Research, and Chief Strategist Lorcan Dempsey will moderate a LITA technology experts panel for this program that features LITA's ongoing roundtable discussion about trends and advances in library technology by a panel of LITA technology experts. The panelists will describe changes and advances in technology that they see having an impact on the library world, and suggest what libraries might do to take advantage of these trends. Presentation of LITA Awards and Scholarships will take place prior to the Top Tech Trends program.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room S105a-c

Contact: Lorcan Dempsey

Monday, 1 July

Time Meeting

10:30–11:30 a.m. 

OCLC Research Update

OCLC Research is one of the world's leading research centers addressing issues of import to libraries and archives. This session will provide a brief introduction to what OCLC Research is and does and provide a focused presentation on two or three noteworthy projects. The agenda includes:

  • OCLC Research Introduction by Lorcan Dempsey
  • Walk This Way: Detailed Steps for Transferring Born-Digital Content from Media You Can Read In-house by Juliana Barrera-Gomez
  • "Tiers for Fears: Sensible, Streamlined Sharing of Special Collections" by Dennis Massie
  • "Oh Lord! Please Don't Let MARC Be Misunderstood" by Roy Tennant
  • Q&A as time permits

Register to attend.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room E350

Contact: Eric Childress

12:30–2:00 p.m. 

OCLC Research Library Partnership Systems Meeting

This meeting will cover issues of interest to systems librarians of OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions, including OCLC services of particular importance to this group. Open to any OCLC Research Library Partnership staff working in systems/IT, not just the heads of units.

Location: OCLC Red Suite

Contact: Roy Tennant

1:00–2:30 p.m. 

Library Research Round Table Committee Meeting

Lynn Silipigni Connaway will chair this meeing.

Location: McCormick Place Convention Center, Room N130

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway