User Research
Libraries are impacted by the ways in which individuals engage with technology; how they seek, access, contribute, and use information; and how and why they demonstrate these behaviors and do what they do. We're collaborating with librarians to shape their services around a set of expectations that have been influenced by consumer technologies and modern research and learning environments. By providing the library community with behavioral evidence about individuals’ perceptions, habits, and requirements, we can ensure that the design of future library services is all about the user. Our efforts are amplified by strategic partnerships and focus in these two areas:

Visitors and Residents: What Motivates Engagement with the Digital Information Environment?
1 March 2013
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, David White, Donna Lanclos, Alison Le Cornu

'How Much Change Do You Get from 40$?'—Analyzing and Addressing Failed Questions on Social Q&A
30 October 2012
Chirag Shah, Marie L. Radford, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Erik Choi, Vanessa Kitzie

Convergence and Synergy: Social Q&A Meets Virtual Reference Services
30 October 2012
Marie L. Radford, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Chirag Shah

Data Reuse and Sensemaking among Novice Social Scientists
30 October 2012
Ixchel M. Faniel, Adam Kriesberg, Elizabeth Yakel

The Practice, Power, and Promise of Archival Collections Assessment
1 October 2012
Martha O'Hara Conway, Merrilee Proffitt

User-centered Decision Making: A New Model for Developing Academic Library Services and Systems
17 August 2012
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, David White, Donna Lanclos, Alison Le Cornu, Erin Hood

2012 Top Ten Trends in Academic Libraries: A Review of the Trends and Issues affecting Academic Libraries in Higher Education
1 June 2012
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Janice S. Lewis, Stephanie Alexander, Yunfei Du, Brad Eden, Barbara Petersohn, +

'Readers Who Borrowed This Also Borrowed...:' Recommender systems in UK libraries.
1 January 2012
Simon Wakeling, Paul Clough, Barbara Sen, Lynn Silipigni Connaway

Chattin' 'bout my generation: Comparing virtual reference use of Millennials to older adults
1 January 2012