
OCLC Research: 2011 Activity Report

An OCLC Research Report

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This report presents the work of OCLC Research in a new context and provides an overview of 2011 accomplishments.

The mission of OCLC Research is to expand knowledge that advances OCLC's public purposes of furthering access to the world's information and reducing library costs. We are one of the world's leading centers devoted exclusively to this type of work. Since 1978, OCLC Research has carried out research and made technological advances that enhance the value of library services and improve the productivity of librarians and library users.

To meet these goals, OCLC Research is organized around three roles:

  • To act as a community resource for shared Research and Development (R&D)
  • To provide advanced development and technical support within OCLC itself
  • To enhance OCLC's engagement with members and to mobilize the community around shared concerns.

This report provides highlights of OCLC Research activities, focusing on 2011. The purpose is to dive more deeply into our work, to provide a flavor of important themes, and to point to sources of further information. It reviews our internal work and provides an overview of our external shared work agenda. And it presents recent outputs, which take the form of prototype systems or services, as well as published reports, webinars, podcasts, videos and meetings of all types ranging from task group sessions to our three-day symposium, FutureCast.



Shared community R&D—libraries and archives

The shared work agenda
Collaborative work
Prototypes &software

Advanced development and consultation within OCLC

New service introduction
Advanced technology development: service support

Member and Partner engagement

The OCLC Research Library Partnership
Publications: contributing to the literature
Research grants: supporting library/archival research and education
Making connections: Distinguished Seminar Series and other visiting speakers

OCLC Research people

More information

Report publication announcement:
Newly Published Report Highlights 2011 Work, Engagements of OCLC Research

Suggested citation:
OCLC Research. 2012. OCLC Research: 2011 Activity Report. Dublin, O.: OCLC Research.