Summary of Research: Findings from the Building a National Archival Finding Aid Network Project
31 May 2023
Chela Scott Weber, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Brooke Doyle, Lesley A. Langa, Merrilee Proffitt, Bruce Washburn, Itza A. Carbajal
Synthesizes OCLC’s findings for the Building a National Finding Aid Network project. The research investigated end user and contributor needs for finding aid aggregations and evaluated EAD encoded finding aid data quality and consistency from existing regional archival aggregators.

EAD Analysis: Findings from the Building a National Archival Finding Aid Network Project
30 May 2023
Bruce Washburn, Merrilee Proffitt, Chela Scott Weber
Analyzes a corpus of EAD encoded collection descriptions provided by regional finding aid aggregators in the US to assess existing EAD data as raw material for building a national finding aid aggregation.

Focus Group Interviews: Findings from the Building a National Archival Finding Aid Network Project
30 May 2023
Chela Scott Weber, Merrilee Proffitt, Lesley A. Langa, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Brittany Brannon, Brooke Doyle
Investigates the needs of archivists and others who might contribute to a national archival aggregator through focus group interviews with archivists and archives administrators from across the United States.

Reimagine Descriptive Workflows: A Community-informed Agenda for Reparative and Inclusive Descriptive Practice
5 April 2022
Rachel L. Frick, Merrilee Proffitt
This community agenda contextualizes the challenges facing the library and information field in inclusive and reparative metadata work and offers a framework of guidance can help frame institutions’ local priorities and areas for change.

Archives and Special Collections Linked Data: Navigating between Notes and Nodes
21 July 2020
OCLC Research Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group
This publication shares the findings from the Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group, which explored key areas of concern and opportunities for archives and special collections in transitioning to a linked data environment.

The Transformation of Academic Library Collecting: A Synthesis of the Harvard Library’s Hazen Memorial Symposium
2 August 2017
Constance Malpas, Merrilee Proffitt

Shifting Gears: Gearing Up to Get into the Flow, Second Edition
8 June 2017
Ricky Erway, Jennifer Schaffner, Merrilee Proffitt

Shaping the Library to the Life of the User: Adapting, Empowering, Partnering, Engaging
16 December 2015
Merrilee Proffitt, Jim Michalko, Melissa Renspie

Taking Stock and Making Hay: Archival Collections Assessment
26 September 2011
Martha O'Hara Conway, Merrilee Proffitt
This report identifies projects and methodologies that can be used as-is or serve as models for librarians, archivists and others who are considering collections assessment to meet one or several institutional needs. The goal of the report is to encourage a community of practice and to make it easier for institutions of all types to undertake collections assessment.