Retrospective Accessioning
16 September 2021
Chela Scott Weber
Retrospective accessioning is a practice that holistically identifies and attends to gaps in accessioning practice. This preprint is designed to help develop an appropriate retrospective accessioning project at your institution.

Total Cost of Stewardship: An Annotated Bibliography for Responsible Collection Building
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections - Tool Suite
16 March 2021
Chela Scott Weber, Martha O’Hara Conway, Nicholas Martin, Gioia Stevens, Brigette Kamsler.
The Total Cost of Stewardship framework is a holistic approach to understanding the resources needed to responsibly acquire and steward archives and special collections. Included materials: Research Report, Annotated Bibliography, and Tool Suite, which includes a Manual, Cost Estimators, and Communication Tools.

Archives and Special Collections Linked Data: Navigating between Notes and Nodes
21 July 2020
OCLC Research Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group
This publication shares the findings from the Archives and Special Collections Linked Data Review Group, which explored key areas of concern and opportunities for archives and special collections in transitioning to a linked data environment.

The Metadata is the Interface Better Description for Better Discovery of Archives and Special Collections, Synthesized from User Studies
30 June 2020
Jennifer Schaffner
Identifies the descriptive information that users need for research and proposes that structured metadata is the essential interface that connects users to collections.

Research and Learning Agenda for Archives, Special, and Distinctive Collections in Research Libraries
31 October 2017
Chela Scott Weber

Taking Stock and Making Hay: Archival Collections Assessment
26 September 2011
Martha O'Hara Conway, Merrilee Proffitt
This report identifies projects and methodologies that can be used as-is or serve as models for librarians, archivists and others who are considering collections assessment to meet one or several institutional needs. The goal of the report is to encourage a community of practice and to make it easier for institutions of all types to undertake collections assessment.