Wikipedia and Libraries
This presentation and paper highlights how libraries and Wikimedia can collaborate to strengthen shared information access goals and shares success stories from libraires and OCLC working with Wikimedia to connect communities of knowledge.
Topics: Wikimedia
Wikipedia Shaming: Authority dilemmas across educational stages
As Wikipedia reaches maturity, celebrating its 21st birthday this coming year, isn't it time to consider its adulthood? Results from our research of 175 students, which used a simulated set of Google search results to see how students select and judge resources for a research project, suggest we should. Since its birth, students have been generally discouraged from using Wikipedia, but as this collaborative reference tool has evolved, so should our consideration of its value.
Topics: Wikimedia, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
Bringing IIIF Manifests to life in Wikidata
In this presentation, research staff discuss and demonstrate a Wikidata user script that, for items that include a IIIF Presentation Manifest URL, will embed the ProjectMirador viewer and load the Manifest JSON so that the images referenced in the Manifest can be viewed in the context of other Wikidata statements about the work.
Topics: IIIF, Wikimedia
Bringing IIIF Manifests to Life in Wikidata with Mirador 3 - 2021 IIIF Annual Conference
This presentation discusses and demonstrates a Wikidata user script that, for items that include a IIIF Presentation Manifest URL, will embed the ProjectMirador viewer and load the Manifest JSON so that the images referenced in the Manifest can be viewed in the context of other Wikidata statements about the work.
Topics: Wikimedia, IIIF