
Rachel Frick

Executive Director, Research Partnerships and Engagement

Rachel Frick

Rachel Frick directs OCLC's work and engagement with the Research Library Partnership, a venue for research libraries to undertake significant, innovative, collective action to benefit libraries, scholars and researchers everywhere.

Rachel has nearly 20 years of broad-based library experience, most recently with Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) where she was the Director of Business Development. In this position, she worked on DPLA’s sustainability plan, forged new relationships and developed strategic partnerships in order to build DPLA’s visibility and impact, such as the Open eBooks program. Prior to DPLA, Rachel served as the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Program Director at the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) for four years. In her capacity as DLF Director, she was instrumental in building a large and diverse community of practitioners, working to advance research, teaching and learning through the application of digital library research, technology and services. She also held senior positions at the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the University of Richmond, among other roles.

Contact Rachel


OCLC Research Update: Convening, understanding, and sharing

OCLC Research Update: Convening, understanding, and sharing

By Rachel Frick, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Andrew Pace, Sharon Streams

ALA Midwinter

Amid the swirl of rapidly changing circumstances that unfolded dramatically during 2020, OCLC Research undertook new projects and transformed existing projects to help library staff and decision makers respond to the broad changes unfolding around them, while also identifying implications for the library mission, and ultimately, library resources and services. From REALM, to adapting resource sharing practices, to innovations in linked data, to describing the New Model Library, to creating pathways to civil legal justice, these projects all involve activities to understand emerging needs and contexts, convene library stakeholders to synthesize diverse perspectives and ideas, and share information and resources broadly with library leaders, staff, and researchers. This January 2021 update session includes presentations on:

  • Community Stories: Resource Sharing
  • Transition and Transformation: Realigning to develop a New Model Library
  • Linked Data Research
  • Library Learning during COVID-19

Session presenters:
Rachel Frick, Executive Director, OCLC Research Library Partnership;
Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Director of Library Trends and User Research;
Andrew Pace, Executive Director for Technical Research;
Sharon Streams, Director of WebJunction and OCLC Project Director for REALM.

Topics: Resource Sharing, New Model Library, Linked Data

Round up, OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series

Round up, OCLC-LIBER Open Science Discussion Series

By Rachel Frick, Astrid Verheusen, Titia van der Werf, Rebecca Bryant

This concluding webinar to the LIBER-OCLC Open Science Discussion Series provided an overview of the small group discussions, highlighted some of the visions developed, challenges identified and collaboration opportunities identified, and outlined next steps and future opportunities for engagement.

Topics: Open Access

View all of Rachel's presentations >>