JUN 21

OCLC Research at ALA Annual 2012

This event has passed.

Anaheim Convention Center
Anaheim, CA USA


The following OCLC Research staff presented at and/or hosted the meetings listed below at ALA Annual in Anaheim, California, 21-16 June 2012:

Start Date

21 June 2012

End Date

26 June 2012


Anaheim, CA

Friday, 22 June

Time Meeting

2:30–4:30 p.m. 

OCLC Research Library Partnership Metadata Managers Focus Group
By Invitation Only

Location: Disneyland Hotel, Adventure Room

Contact: Karen Smith-Yoshimura

Saturday, 23 June

Time Meeting

7:00–8:30 a.m. 

Dewey Breakfast/Update

This meeting provided an overview of what's new with Dewey, including DDC 23 WebDewey 2.0 and Abridged 15, as well as the opportunity for participants to share ideas and notes with their colleagues.

Location: Sheraton Park Hotel, Plaza Rooms A/B

Contact: Diane Vizine-Goetz

1:30–3:30 p.m. 

Transformation: Revenge of a "Fallen" Code. Morphing Our Current MARC Reality into a New RDA-enabled Future.

A presentation by Senior Research Scientist Jean Godby titled, "Library standards in post-MARC data models" was presented at this meeting by OCLC's Director of WorldCat Quality Management, Glenn Patton.

Location: Anaheim Convention Center, 213AB

Contact: Jean Godby

4:00–5:30 p.m. 

SHARES Roundtable
Open to OCLC Research Library Partners and Prospective Partners Only

Location: Hyatt Regency Orange County, Grand Ballroom G

Contact: Dennis Massie

Sunday, 24 June

Time Meeting

8:00–10:00 a.m. 

ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee Meeting

OCLC Senior Research Scientist Lynn Silipigni Connaway chaired this meeting.

Location: Disneyland Hotel, Columbia Room

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway

8:00–10:00 a.m. 

ALCTS program on "Current Research on and Use of FRBR in Libraries"

As libraries explore new bibliographic metadata standards, new questions are emerging related to uses of FRBR, data migration, and the design of discovery systems. This panel session featured presentations from FRBR researchers from universities and real-world service providers, including OCLC and eXtensible Catalog. Panelists discussed current research and practice in the field and explored the next important steps in facilitating and implementing FRBR adoption. OCLC Research Chief Scientist Thom Hickey served as a panelist for this meeting.

Location: Anaheim Convention Center, 213AB

Contact: Thom Hickey

1:30–3:30 p.m. 

Top Technology Trends & LITA Awards Presentation

Vice President, Research, and Chief Strategist Lorcan Dempsey served as a panelist on LITA technology experts panel for this ongoing roundtable discussion about trends and advances in library technology. The panelists described changes and advances in technology that they see having an impact on the library world, and suggested what libraries might do to take advantage of these trends. Presentation of LITA Awards and Scholarships took place prior to the Top Tech Trends program.

Location: Anaheim Convention Center, Ballroom A

Contact: Lorcan Dempsey

5:00–6:30 p.m. 

RUSA Reference Service Press Award and Reception

OCLC Researchers Lynn Silipigni Connaway and Patrick Confer, along with research colleagues Marie L. Radford, Susanna Sabolcsi-Boros, and Hannah Kwon of Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, were presented with the RUSA 2012 Reference Service Press Award for their article, "'Are We Getting Warmer?': Query Clarification in Live Chat Virtual Reference."

Location: Disney Grand Californian Hotel, Sequoia South Ballroom D

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway

Monday, 25 June

Time Meeting

10:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. 

OCLC Research Library Partnership Systems Meeting
For OCLC Research Library Partners Only

This meeting covered issues of interest to systems librarians of OCLC Research Library Partnership institutions, including OCLC services of particular importance to this group. It was open to any OCLC Research Library Partnership staff working in systems/IT, not just the heads of units.

Location: Hilton Anaheim, Red Suite

Contact: Roy Tennant

1:30–2:30 p.m. 

ALCTS CCS Subject Analysis Committee Meeting

Senior Research Scientist Diane Vizine-Goetz spoke on her knowledge organization research (much of which makes use of Dewey data). The meeting actually ran through 5:30 but Diane's talk was scheduled at the beginning of the meeting.

Location: Hyatt Regency Orange County, Grand Ballroom C

Contact: Diane Vizine-Goetz

1:30–3:30 p.m. 

Library Research Round Table Committee Meeting

Lynn Silipigni Connaway co-chaired this meeing.

Location: Hilton Anaheim, Santa Barbara Room

Contact: Lynn Silipigni Connaway

1:30–3:30 p.m. 

The Ultimate Debate: Cloud Computing: Floating or Free Falling?

The Ultimate Debate returned for the seventh straight year with a lively discussion over the promises and pitfalls of cloud computing. Four panelists teased out the various components of cloud computing to gave attendees the insight needed to decide if they should be in the clouds or on terra firma. Speakers included: Anne Prestamo, Bernd Becker, Frank Cervone, Robert Lau, and Roy Tennant.

Location: Anaheim Convention Center, 213AB

Contact: Roy Tennant