SHARES Partners
Pennsylvania State University
OCLC symbol: UPM
Shipping address
Pennsylvania State University Libraries
Interlibrary Loan Services
127 Paterno Library, Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Fax: 814.865.0071
Interlibrary Loan Services (214 Katz Building)
Penn State Law
Pennsylvania State University
127 Paterno Library, Curtin Road
University Park, PA 16802
Access Services Supervisor: Alison Ruckert
(814) 865-8863
Penn State Dickinson Law
Pennsylvania State University
H. Laddie Montague, Jr. Law Library
150 South College St.
Carlisle, PA 17013
Access Services Supervisor: Jeri Fitzsimons
Interlibrary loan contacts
Meg Massey, Manager, Interlibrary Loan
(814) 863-5634
Shane Burris, Training Liaison & Systems Maintenance Specialist
(814) 863-4296
Mallory Witzig, Delivery Services Coordinator
Overseas SHARES lending
Will provide photocopy. Will loan material if item regularly circulates and the publication date is at least five years old. Seventeen-week loan period.
Note: Closed Christmas week.
Share Special Collections
The SHARES Sharing Special Collections Working Group has the tools you need to sensibly borrow and lend special collections materials.
SHARES Project Team
SHARES is managed by the SHARES Executive Group.
Contact Us
Please use this form for all your SHARES questions, including inquiring about SHARES, reaching out to a SHARES admin, updating contact details, seeking guidance from an ILL expert, or requesting to be paired with a SHARES buddy.