2018 OCLC Research Publications List

Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey
3 December 2018
Rebecca Bryant, Anna Clements, Pablo de Castro, Joanne Cantrell, Annette Dortmund, Jan Fransen, Peggy Gallagher, Michele Mennielli
OCLC and eruoCRIS partnered to conduct an international survey of research information management (RIM) practices to examine the broad global RIM ecosystem. This report details the complexity of RIM practices and the growing need for improved system-to-system interoperability.

Analysis of 2018 International Linked Data Survey for Implementers
8 November 2018
Karen Smith-Yoshimura
Using the 2018 International Linked Data Survey results, this article overviews the linked data projects or services implemented by institutions, what data they publish or consume, why they implemented linked data, challenges faced, and advice for institutions considering a linked data project or service.

A Philosophical Perspective on Visualization for Digital Humanities
21 October 2018
Hein van den Berg, Arianna Betti, Thom Castermans, Rob Koopman, Bettina Speckmann, Kevin Verbeek, Titia van der Werf, Shenghui Wang, Michel A. Westenberg
CatVis is an interdisciplinary digital humanities project that provides resources for librarians to manage vast bibliographic records as well as visualization tools for philosophical research. This paper describes the challenges encountered during the interdisciplinary research project CatVis.

University Futures, Library Futures: Aligning library strategies with institutional directions
18 October 2018
Constance Malpas, Roger Schonfeld, Rona Stein, Lorcan Dempsey, Deanna Marcum
This report proposes a new library services framework for academic libraries in place of a collections model. This report studies the relationship between emerging library service paradigms and different university settings and surveys the importance of library service areas according to library directors.

SolarView: Low Distortion Radial Embeddings with a Focus
13 August 2018
Thom Castermans, Kevin Verbeek, Bettina Speckmann, Michel A. Westenberg, Rob Koopman, Shenghui Wang, Hein van den Berg, Arianna Betti
This research proposes a novel type of low distortion radial embedding that preserves near-exact distances to the focus entity and minimizes distortion between other entities. This data visualization method adapts SolarView to explore high-dimensional metric space of bibliographic entity similarities.

Vers un changement de cap : les bibliothèques, expertes en métadonnées au service de la recherche
11 July 2018
Rebecca Bryant, Brian Lavoie, Contance Malpas
This excerpt of the OCLC Research Report, The Realities of Research Data Management—published in the French journal Archimag—examines the categories of incentives that inspired four research universities to acquire RDM capacity: compliance, evolving scholarly norms, institutional strategy, and research demand.
BolVis: Visualization for Text-based Research in Philosophy
30 June 2018
Pauline van Wierst, Steven Hofstede, Yvette Oortwijn, Thom Castermans, Rob Koopman, Shenghui Wang, Michel A. Westenberg, Arianna Betti
BolVis is a visualization tool for text-based research in philosophy. BolVis helps researchers determine quickly which parts of a text corpus are most relevant by performing a semantic similarity search on words, sentences, and passages, enabling in-depth analysis of texts at a significantly greater scale.

Academic Library Futures in a Diversified University System
25 June 2018
Lorcan Dempsey, Constance Malpas
The future of academic libraries is transitioning from a collections-based model to a more diffuse services-based model. A new model of excellence for libraries will need to be plural, based on strategic fit to the needs of the institution they serve and not on collection size or gate count.

Assessing for Alignment: How to Win Collaborators and Influence Stakeholders
22 June 2018
Stephanie Mikitish, Vanessa Kitzie, Lynn Silipigni Connaway
This chapter, excerpted from Shaping the Campus Conversation on Student Learning and Experience, proposes how academic libraries can leverage the Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success (AiA) approach to advance communication, collaboration, and institutional mission and alignment.

Public Libraries: Marketing and Communications Landscape
20 June 2018
In this report, OCLC shares results from a survey of US public libraries on how they communicate and actively engage with their community. Survey questions covered library marketing concerns and barriers, communication channels, and how libraries use email marketing and social media to increase community library awareness.