

    Research Methods in Library and Information Science, 7th Edition

    12 May 2021

    Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Marie L. Radford

    The seventh edition of this frequently adopted textbook features new or expanded sections on social justice research, data analysis software, scholarly identity research, social networking, data science, and data visualization, among other topics.

    Bibliometrics and Information Retrieval: Creating Knowledge through Research Synergies

    27 December 2016

    Judit Bar-Ilan, Marcus John, Rob Koopman, Shenghui Wang, Philipp Mayr, Andrea Scharnhorst, +

    Mining MARC's Hidden Treasures: Initial Investigations Into How Notes of the Past Might Shape Our Future

    16 December 2016

    Jay Weitz, Jenny Toves, Diane Vizine-goetz, Nannette Naught, Robert Bremer

    Finding, interpreting, and manipulating the rich trove of data already present in MARC bibliographic records to produce systematized forms is an invaluable step in moving MARC toward a post-MARC, Linked Data future. Name access points, especially those fields in a controlled form, are the obvious place to find relationship information, but bibliographic notes and statements of responsibility are relatively overlooked sources of that information, waiting to be parsed and used. The Online Computer Library Center has been investigating means by which to find names and their associated role phrases, to match those names to authorized forms, and to match role terms and phrases to controlled vocabularies.

    Research Methods in Library and Information Science, 6th Edition

    21 November 2016

    Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Marie L. Radford

    What Do We Want to Know: Completing an Action-Oriented Research Agenda

    2 November 2016

    Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Vanessa Kitzie, William Harvey

    Undercounting File Downloads from Institutional Repositories

    11 October 2016

    Patrick Obrien, Kenning Arlitsch, Leila Sterman, Jeff Mixter, Jonathan Wheeler, Susan Borda

    Linking FAST and Wikipedia

    12 August 2016

    Rick Bennett, Eric Childress, Kerre Kammerer, Diane Vizine-Goetz

    This paper describes a research project to develop automated techniques for linking FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) to Wikipedia articles. The research is motivated by libraries’ interest in connecting library resources such as authority files to non-library linked data resources such as GeoNames and DBpedia (a dataset containing structured data extracted from Wikipedia). Of the approximately 183,000 non-subdivided topical headings in the FAST vocabulary, 76,000 terms were matched to Wikipedia article titles with 95% accuracy. Wikipedia links in the FAST authority file and FAST linked data enable people and software applications to take advantage of information in both of these resources.

    Analysis of International Linked Data Survey for Implementers

    1 July 2016

    Karen Smith-Yoshimura

    The International Linked Data Survey for Implementers conducted by OCLC Research in 2014 and 2015 attracted responses from 90 institutions in 20 countries. This analysis of the 112 linked data projects or services described by the 2015 respondents — those that publish linked data, consume linked data, or both — indicates that most are primarily experimental in nature. This article provides an overview of the linked data projects or services institutions or organizations have implemented or are implementing, what data they publish and consume, the reasons respondents give for implementing linked data and the barriers encountered. Relatively small projects are emerging and provide a window into future opportunities. Applications that take advantage of linked data resources are currently few and are yet to demonstrate value over existing systems.

    National Agenda for Continuing Education and Development Across Libraries, Archives, and Museums

    1 July 2016

    Christina Drummond, Bob Beatty, Tom Clareson, Betha Gutsche, Donna McCrea, Anna Shelton, Katherine Skinner

    This National Agenda for Continuing Education and Professional Development across Libraries, Archives, and Museums provides a broad planning and evaluation framework for the systemic strengthening of continuing education and professional development (CE/PD) across the landscape of funders, professional associations, program administrators, and trainers involved.