Radical Access—Leveraging Creative Commons Licenses to Open up Archives
Speakers explain the suite of options available using Creative Commons licensing to allow creators to give their intellectual property to archives and special collections libraries. Webinar participants learned strategies for explaining open licenses to donors (and sellers), negotiating for them, articulating them in archival descriptions, and helping researchers make sense of them.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Works in Progress

Ariadne, an innovative approach to scalable semantic embedding (video)
The OCLC Research project Ariadne Semantic Embedding is a demonstration of a practical solution to support libraries in this field. Watch this webinar to see the potential of this scalable semantic embedding method for other applications such as entity disambiguation, citation recommendation, clustering and collection exploration.
Topics: Data Science, Semantic Embedding, Works in Progress

Managing Archival Technical Services with Agile Software Development Methods at Ohio State University Libraries
In this presentation, library staff from Ohio State University Libraries discuss how implementing Agile helped archival staff to improve productivity overall and increased opportunities for staff members to cross-train, develop skills, and lead projects.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Works in Progress

Designing, Timing, and Determining the Feasibility of Curatorial Interventions to Support Data Reuse
Yakel highlights findings from a case study, including data creation and selection practices that negatively influenced other stages of the data lifecycle and the curatorial interventions that mitigated these practices to create a more positive data reuse experience. Kansa discusses implications the findings have on the design, timing, and feasibility of curatorial interventions during a data’s lifecycle.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

Partnering across campus to enhance institutional reputation—a case study from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
This webinar shows how UNLV libraries are actively working with other campus stakeholders to develop centralized research information management infrastructures, workflows, and metrics to support research, scholarship, and creative activities.
Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress

What Data Reusers Want and How Data Curators Can Use It to Their Advantage
This webinar explains the different types of context information needed to preserve data’s meaning in ways that support data reuse over time and to discuss when and how to best capture this information over the course of the data’s lifecycle.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

The Shift to Open at University and Research Libraries Worldwide (video)
During this webinar, Titia van der Werf will share results pertaining to the category of university and research libraries, which formed the largest group of respondents and provided a powerful and current snapshot of the state of open content support in higher education and research worldwide.
Topics: Open Access, Works in Progress

Scaling Software Preservation and Emulation Services - Introduction to the EaaSI Program of Work
This presentation provides an overview of the EaaSI project goals and outcomes; technological, legal, and inter-institutional challenges encountered; organizational capacity-building activities; and a look ahead at the EaaSI roadmap for the coming year.
Topics: Data Science, Metadata, Works in Progress

Achieving Privacy in the Age of Analytics: Skills, Strategies, and Ethical Approaches
This webinar reports on the activities from the National Forum on Web Privacy and Web Analytics, which brought together stakeholders from the US and Canada to critically address library values and practices related to web analytics.
Topics: Works in Progress

Responding to Researcher Needs Through Continuous Skills Development - A Case Study from the University of Miami
Watch this webinar to learn how one librarian works to actively develop new skills and knowledge needed to support RDM services in a rapidly evolving ecosystem.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress