
Works in Progress Webinar: Prototype to Production: OCLC Work with the International Image Interoperability Framework (video)
In this webinar, members of the OCLC Research and Product teams discuss the history and strategy behind bringing IIIF support to CONTENTdm, the relationship between OCLC Research and the Product team in building a production service, and the upcoming work to implement the IIIF Discovery API specification at scale and to advance the standard.
Topics: IIIF, Works in Progress

Acquiring RDM Services for Your Institution (video)
In the third and final webinar of the three-part Realities of Data Management webinar series, we examine how institutions are making decisions about infrastructures, services, and personnel to support local RDM services.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

Identifying and Acting on Incentives when Planning RDM Services (video)
In the second webinar of the three-part Realities of Data Management webinar series, we continue to explore the factors influencing institutional decision making when developing resources and support for research data management. Here we present an incentives model that shapes local needs.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

Lessons Learned from a Linked Data Prototype for Managing Bibliographic Data (video)
Several research libraries have joined with OCLC in a joint research project prototyping a new suite of linked data services. In this webinar, learn about this unique project uses the out-of-the-box services from Wikibase and a high-quality set of name entities available from FAST, VIAF, and Wikidata.
Topics: Linked Data, Wikimedia, Works in Progress

Walk through 2018 International Linked Data Survey for Implementers Responses (video)
OCLC Research’s 2018 International Linked Data Survey for Implementers attracted responses from 81 institutions in 20 countries. Together, they described 104 linked data projects or services that have been or are being implemented. In this webinar, Karen Smith-Yoshimura goes over the results of the survey.
Topics: Linked Data, Works in Progress

Understanding Institutional Research Data Management Services (video)
This webinar is first in a three-part series based upon The Realities of Research Data Management series published by OCLC Research in 2017-18, and is of interest to library leaders and scholarly communications librarians.
Topics: Research Data Management, Works in Progress

OCLC Research Library Partnership Update from the Executive Director (video)
Rachel Frick, Executive Director of the OCLC Research Library Partnership, hosts this webinar that provides an RLP program overview, information about RLP programs and events, and how the RLP is refining its focus.
Topics: Works in Progress

The OCLC RLP Special Collections and Archives Work Agenda (video)
In this “office hours” style webinar, Chela Scott Weber gives an overview of the Research and Learning Agenda for Archives, Special, and Distinctive Collections in Research Libraries, and hosts a conversation for RLP members to ask questions and give input on where action from the RLP is most beneficial for their institutions.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Works in Progress

Sharing Special Collections is an Idea Whose Time Has Come (video)
In this webinar, learn how libraries involved in SHARES, the Big Ten Academic Alliance, and the Ivy Plus Libraries have found some solutions to the tricky issues of loaning legacy formats such as a/v, microformat, or curriculum, created some freely available tools, and implemented programs to facilitate the sharing of these rare, and often deeply needed, items.
Topics: SHARES, Works in Progress

Outcomes from the OCLC Research Library Partnership Web Archiving Metadata Working Group (video)
In this webinar, members of the OCLC Research Library Partnership Web Archiving Metadata Working Group focus on their recently issued recommendations for descriptive metadata that uniquely meet the needs of web content.
Topics: Metadata, Web Archiving, Works in Progress