OCLC Research Library Partnership Agreement Form
In order to become a partner in the OCLC Research Library Partnership, you must complete an OCLC Research Library Partnership Agreement Form.
The form must be completed by the individual who will serve as the Partner Representative for your institution (typically the library or archive director).
Partners will receive an invoice for Partnership dues for the OCLC fiscal year (1 July through 30 June). For institutions joining the Partnership after 1 July, your first year's dues will be prorated based on the actual month of joining.
Partnership is renewed automatically each year; decisions to cease affiliation must be communicated six months in advance of the desired closing date of affiliation.
Submitting this form means that your institution is a not-for-profit organization with an educational, research, or cultural mission and has:
- Deep and rich collections and information resources, and a mandate to make them accessible now and into the future.
- A commitment to exploit technology to make these collections accessible for research.
- Resources that enable contribution to the "commons," without immediate gain.
- A commitment to collaboration.
- The capacity to contribute in multiple ways (e.g. collections, metadata/records and generally by sharing expertise and technology infrastructure, helping to set direction for collaboration work, etc.).