
Lynn Silipigni Connaway to serve as Dominican University's School of Information Studies 2023-24 Follett Chair

Dr. Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Executive Director, OCLC Research, will join Dominican University's School of Information Studies as the 2023-24 Follett Chair.

As Follett Chair, Connaway will teach a course in research methods for Ph.D. students in Dominican's School of Information Studies and lead a writing workshop. In the spring she will deliver the Follet Lecture on a topic of her choosing.

"I'm very honored to have been selected and I'm really looking forward to sharing expertise and research methods and how they're applied at OCLC. I also look forward to working with doctoral students, learning from them, and learning from other faculty," Connaway said. "I enjoy that excitement, that inquisitiveness about learning and about solving different challenges and problems within library and information science."

Read the full announcement.