FEB 27

RLP Leadership Roundtable: Addressing Total Cost of Stewardship

In this 90-minute RLP Leadership Roundtable discussion, RLP affiliates will discuss efforts to implement resource sensitive collecting practices, including challenges, needs, and strategies. [Participants must be current members of the Research Library Partnership]


Backlogs of uncatalogued and unprocessed material are a persistent challenge in archives and special collections, with many repositories struggling to manage legacy and new collecting. Recent discussion in the field has focused on the need to shift to a more resource-sensitive approach to bring collecting into balance with stewardship resources. In 2021, OCLC Research released the Total Cost of Stewardship suite of tools, designed to help archives and special collections align their collecting ambitions with their stewardship capacity and better understand and advocate for their resourcing needs. In this leadership roundtable discussion, we will focus on how people are approaching resource-sensitive collecting, including needs, challenges, and progress.

How to join the discussion

  • This opportunity is offered exclusively to RLP member institutions.
  • Participants must be nominated by their RLP institutional partner representative. To be nominated, your partner representative should email Chela Scott Weber, Senior Program Officer, OCLC Research
  • Most participants are in leadership or strategy roles, such as directors, associate deans, associate university librarians, heads of specialized units or libraries, or similar.  


The following questions will guide our discussion: 

  • Has your institution started shifting to a more resource sensitive collecting approach? If not, what is preventing you from doing so?
  • How are you approaching implementation, or what might be your first steps? What parts of your program have adjusted or will have to adjust to work in this way?
  • What challenges have you encountered, and what benefits or successes have you seen?

Following a traditional roundtable format, representative(s) from each institution will have 3-5 minutes to offer brief comments about their relevant institutional practices. These are not formal presentations; the focus is on information sharing.

RLP leadership roundtable discussions generally follow the Chatham House Rule, to support open, trusted conversations.


Dates and times

Each leadership roundtable will be offered at four separate times to accommodate affiliates across many time zones. We request that participants from each institution select one session to attend as a group.

Registration will be made available to nominated individuals.

Participants choose any one session that works best. 

  • Tuesday, 25 Feb, 12:30–2 pm EST / 5:30–7 pm GMT / 9:30–11 am PST / 4:30–5 am AEDT (Wed, 26 Feb)
  • Wednesday, 26 Feb, 11 am–12:30 pm EST / 4–5:30 pm BST / 8–9:30 am PST / 3–4:30 am AEDT (Thu, 27 Feb)
  • Wednesday, 26 Feb, 5:30–7pm EST / 10:30–12pm GMT / 2:30–4pm PST / 9:30–11am AEDT (Thu, 27 Feb)
  • Thursday, 27 Feb, 11 am–12:30 pm EST / 4–5:30 pm GMT / 8–9:30 am PST / 3–4:30 am AEDT (Fri, 28 Feb)


A post-event summary will be published on Hanging Together, the OCLC Research blog.


27 February 2025


11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Eastern Standard Time, North America [UTC -5]

Registration will be made available separately to nominated individuals.

This roundtable discussion will not be recorded, however, a post-event summary will be published on Hanging Together, the OCLC Research blog.