APR 25

OCLC ResearchWorks: Shaping an applied research agenda

ResearchWorks convened practitioners and disciplinary researchers in order to help shape an applied research agenda that charts engagement with data science and a range of computational methods.

This event has passed. Download the slides below.


Thomas Padilla, Practitioner Researcher-in-Residence, OCLC Research

Welcome and Introductions:

Andrew Pace, Exectutive Director, Technical Research 

Rachel Frick, Executive Director, OCLC Research Library Partnership


ResearchWorks convened practitioners and disciplinary researchers to help shape an applied research agenda that will chart engagement with data science and a range of computational methods. The possibilities for libraries and their users are many. Machine learning multiplies connections between research outputs—allowing for enhanced demonstration of impact; computer vision surfaces structured data from collections—allowing for expanded discoverability; new tools increase access to collections - allowing for progress on global information equity; and a range of methods are used to analyze collections at scale—allowing for actionable insights that support sustainability and the realization of core values. 

In order to move forward as a community key challenges must be identified. Challenges must be matched with questions, questions must be matched with methods, and actions must be matched with contexts for collaboration. All of the above must be grounded by carefully considered ethical commitments.

What happened at the meeting?  

Attendees gave input that will shape a draft applied research agenda. The agenda will be the product of feedback from a community working group, synchronous and asynchronous community engagements, and input from OCLC Research, Production, and other staff experts.  

In addition to shaping the agenda, the following questions were explored:     

  • Thinking broadly, what big questions do you think should be addressed?
  • Thinking specifically, what could ResearchWorks achieve in the next year, three years, five years?
  • In your view, what would success look like?
  • How should OCLC Research and the library community collaborate? What principles and norms should guide collaboration?


About ResearchWorks

ResearchWorks is an OCLC initiated effort that aims to foster collaborative, community-wide, applied research. ResearchWorks combines domain expertise with data science and other computational methods in order to develop solutions that address our most pressing challenges. OCLC contributes staff, compute, and data resources to this effort.   

About OCLC    

OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large. We are librarians, technologists, researchers, pioneers, leaders and learners. With thousands of library members in more than 100 countries, we come together as OCLC to make information more accessible and more useful.

Start Date

25 April 2019

End Date

26 April 2019


OCLC, Dublin, Ohio


Conference Center at OCLC, Lakeside Room.

25 April 2019 (OCLC Smith Conference Center, Dublin, OH)
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Meeting
5:00 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. OCLC Data Center Tour (Kilgour Building)
6:30 p.m. Dine Arounds

26 April 2019 (OCLC Conference Center, Lakeside Room)
8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Meeting