
RLG Programs Update at ALA Midwinter

Saturday, January 12
Open to all

Philadelphia Marriott Downtown
Room 302–304
1:30–3:30 p.m.

Contact: or .

We tried something different this time around, and had a number of different program officers give updates on a range of projects (rather than focusing on one or two projects).

All program officers attending ALA Midwinter were at this session and gave reports on projects we have recently completed or have underway. Opportunities for engagement with other RLG Programs partners and program officers were discussed, as well as progress on selected projects in the RLG Programs Work Agenda, including...

  • Bringing special collections into the large-scale digitization milieu and "Shifting Gears"
    A summary of a meeting in August and a paper showing how special collections and archives can "shift gears" to get more materials online and in places where people are likely to discover them.
    Discussion led by Jennifer Schaffner
  • Best practices for public/private agreements
    RLG held a meeting in June with a number of institutions who had or were in the midst of negotiating deals with digitization partners. The outcomes from these meetings and recommendations for how libraries can negotiate deals that will benefit the library and the partner have recently been published. A list of resources collected for and since the meeting is also available online.
    Discussion led by Jennifer Schaffner (for Ricky Erway)
  • The current state of shared print
    RLG Programs recently published a report on the current state of off-site storage and organizational structures.
    Discussion led by Constance Malpas
  • Outcomes from collections summit, "When the Print Hits the Fan"
    This summit identified obstacles to moving forward with shared print plans, and ways to move past barriers.
    Discussion led by Dennis Massie
  • Last copies project
    Report on a project to identify unique holdings in WorldCat.
    Discussion led by Constance Malpas
  • SHARES update
    An update on RLG's longest-running initiative; a partnership-wide program of expedited, cost-saving interlibrary lending that also develops innovative new methods to improve collections sharing.
    Discussion led by Dennis Massie
  • Copyright evidence findings
    RLG interviewed institutions investigating copyright evidence for digitization. A report will be available before ALA, and results will be discussed.
    Discussion led by Merrilee Proffitt
  • Findings from metadata survey
    This survey was undertaken to help establish a baseline of current practices, and to provide RLG Programs with information for future directions.
    Discussion led by Karen Smith-Yoshimura
  • Library, Archives, Museums (LAM) service relationships
    Libraries, archives, and museums coexist in a variety of organizational settings and face increasing pressure to provide more integrated access to their collections. A survey of organizational/service relationship between libraries, archives, and museums is highlighting opportunities and surfacing model collaborations.
    Discussion led by Jennifer Schaffner (for Günter Waibel)
  • Museum data exchange project
    Discussion led by Roy Tennant (for Günter Waibel)
  • New York Art Libraries collection analysis
    We are working with four New York City art museum libraries on a collection analysis of their joint bibliographic holdings. A preliminary analysis has been completed as of August, and current work focuses on evaluating the implications of the data. A formal publication of findings will follow in the fall of 2007.
    Discussion led by Constance Malpas (for Günter Waibel)
  • Terminologies meeting outcomes
    In September, RLG Programs held a terminologies meeting. Outcomes from this meeting helped prioritize a pilot project in the area of terminologies services.
    Discussion led by Merrilee Proffitt
  • WorldCat Grid Services and the Developer’s Network
    OCLC is rolling out a major new initiative to expose more data and services directly to software applications called WorldCat Grid Services. In association with this, the Developer’s Network will be a set of support services to help library developers to find out about and use them. RLG staff is involved with this effort given that the primary audience for these services is large research libraries.
    Discussion led by Roy Tennant