OCLC Cataloging Community Virtual Meeting
Hear cataloging members discuss current cataloging trends and hear cataloging updates from OCLC staff.
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On Friday, 18 June 2021 OCLC held our third virtual Cataloging Community Meeting. During this meeting, cataloging members had an opportunity to share information on pertinent cataloging topics with OCLC staff and over a thousand catalogers around the globe.
A sincere thank you to all who were able to join the discussions and to our speakers for their important and informative presentations. For those who were unable to attend (or would like to share with colleagues), please see below for links to meeting recordings, slide decks, and meeting notes.
Topic 1: Using WorldCat updates in WorldShare Collection Manager
- Becky Culbertson, Serials Cataloging Librarian from the California Digital Library, shared why (and how) she uses WorldCat updates to automatically receive customized MARC records as they are improved by OCLC and the library community.
- Video Link
- Presentation Deck
- Meeting Notes
Topic 2: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Metadata – a panel discussion
- Presenters from the Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library included Celeste L Brewer (Processing Archivist), Yingwen Huang (Processing Archivist) and Kevin W. Schlottmann (Head of Archives Processing) who shared how they identify married women by their full names in a presentation titled “Inclusive Description at the Rare Book and Manuscript Library.”
- Jennifer W. Baxmeyer (Assistant University Librarian for Metadata Services from Princeton University) provided an update on the Mellon Grant to reimagine descriptive workflows. Jennifer is a member of the advisory group for the grant.
- Presenters from the Triangle Research Library Network, including Cory Lown (Application Development Project Lead from Duke University) and Lynn Whittenberger (Associate Head, Acquisitions and Discovery (Monographs) from North Carolina State University), discussed “Remapping LC subject headings in TRLN discovery.”
- Video Link
- Presentation Deck
- Meeting Notes
Topic 3: OCLC Cataloging news and updates
- OCLC Staff members shared cataloging news and updates including information on the Connexion client, WorldShare Record Manager, and WorldCat Metadata Quality.
- Video Link
- Presentation Deck
- Meeting Notes
18 juni 2021
2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Eastern Daylight Time, North America [UTC -4]