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Guides to Quality in Visual Resource Imaging

� 2000 Council on Library and Information Resources

Adelstein, Peter, and Franziska Frey. 1998. "New Developments on Standards for the Permanence of Electronic Media." In Proceedings IS&T's 1st PIC Conference, 127-32, Portland, Or. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

ANSI/NAPM IT9.21-1996, Life Expectancy of Compact Discs (CD-ROM)-Method for Estimating, Based on Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity. New York, N.Y.: American National Standards Institute.

ANSI/PIMA IT9.23-1998, Polyester Base Magnetic Tape-Storage Practices. New York, N.Y.: American National Standards Institute.

ANSI/PIMA IT9.25-1998, Optical Disc Media-Storage. New York, N.Y.: American National Standards Institute.

Austen, Ian. 2000. "Making Monitors Pass the Screen Test." The New York Times (Technology/Circuits section), Feb. 10.

Ayris, Paul. 1998. Guidance for Selecting Materials for Digitisation. Paper presented at the Joint Research Libraries Group and National Preservation Office Preservation Conference, September 28-30, 1998, University of Warwick.

Bearman, David. 1999. NISO/CLIR/RLG Technical Metadata for Images Workshop, April 18-19, 1999.

Blatner, D., and B. Fraser. 1999. Real World Photoshop 5. Berkeley, Ca.: Peachpit Press.

Brown, C. W., and B. J. Sheperd. 1995. Graphics File Formats, Reference and Guide. Greenwich, Conn.: Prentice Hall.

Campbell, Laura. 1999. Panel: Standards for Imaging Projects. Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts (EVA) Conference, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 21, 1999.

Carpenter, Mikki, Linda Serenson Colet, Kate Keller, and Erik Landsberg. 1997-98. "Direct Digital Capture: Decisions, Decisions! Conclusions???" MCN Spectra 25(2):28-32.

Carpenter, Mikki, and Linda Serenson Colet. 1998. Managing Digital Imaging Projects (Workshop). Museum Computer Network Conference, Santa Monica, Ca., September 23, 1998.

Cartolano, Robert, Janet Gertz, and Susan Klimley. 1997. Oversized Color Images: Addressing Issues of Preservation and Access, New York State Museum Bulletins Project. New York State Museum Bulletins. Available from

Chapman, Stephen, Paul Conway, and Anne Kenney. 1999. "Digital Imaging and Preservation Microfilm: The Future of the Hybrid Approach for the Preservation of Brittle Books." RLG DigiNews 3(1) (February 15). Available from,323

Conway, Paul. 1999. Digital Technology Made Simpler. Technical Leaflet: Reformatting, Section 5, Leaflet 4. Andover, Mass.: Northeast Document Conservation Center. Available from

Dainty, J. C., and R. Shaw. 1974. Image Science, Principles, Analysis, and Evaluation of Photographic-Type Imaging Processes. London: Academic Press.

Dale, Robin. 1999. "Lossy or Lossless? File Compression Strategies Discussion at ALA," RLG DigiNews, 3(1). Available from,319 .

DeNatale, Carole, and Peter Hirtle. 1998. Selecting a Digital Camera: the Cornell Museum Online Project. RLG DigiNews 2(6) (December 15). Available from,316 .

Ester, Michael. 1990. "Image Quality and Viewer Perception." Leonardo: Digital Image-Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, 51-63.

Ester, Michae.l 1994. "Digital Images in the Context of Visual Collections and Scholarship," Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation-Special Issue: Issues in Electronic Imaging, Christine L. Sundt, Ed., X (1):25-39. Yverdon, Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers SA.

Ester, Michael. 1996. Digital Image Collections: Issues and Practice. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.

Fleischhauer, Carl. 1998. Digital Formats for Content Reproductions (July 13 version). American Memory White Papers. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress. Available from

Frey, Franziska. 1997. "Digital Imaging for Photographic Collections: Foundations for Technical Standards." RLG DigiNews (December). Available from,297 .

Frey, Franziska, and James Reilly. 1999. Digital Imaging for Photographic Collections: Foundations for Technical Standards. Rochester, N.Y.: Image Permanence Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology.

Frey, Franziska, and Sabine Süsstrunk. 1999. Color Management Panel: Do you know what color your pixels are? Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts (EVA) Conference, the Museum of Modern Art, New York, May 20, 1999.

Frey, Franziska, and Sabine Süsstrunk. 1997. "Color Issues to Consider in Pictorial Image Data Bases." In Proceedings IS&T's Fifth Color Imaging Conference, 112-5, Scottsdale, Ariz. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

Frey, Franziska, and Sabine Süsstrunk. 1996. "Image Quality Issues for the Digitization of Photographic Collections." In Proceedings IS&T 49th Annual Conference, 349-53, Minneapolis, Minn. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

Frey, Franziska, and Sabine Süsstrunk. 1996. "Image Quality Issues for Digitization of Photographic Collections." Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging, SPIE 2663:2-7.

Gann, Robert G. 1999. Desktop Scanners: Image Quality Evaluation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR.

Gertz, Janet. 1995. Oversize Color Images Project: Addressing Issues of Preservation and Access. Revised version (2/5/97) available from

Gertz, Janet. 1996. Oversize Color Images Project Phase II, 1996. Available from

Gescheider, G.A. 1985. Psychophysics-Method, Theory, and Application, 2d Ed., London, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Gill, Tony, Anne Gilliland-Swetland, and Murtha Baca. 1998. Introduction to Metadata: Pathways to Digital Information. Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute.

Hazen, Dan, Jeffrey Horrell, and Jan Merrill-Oldham. 1998. Selecting Research Collections for Digitization. Washington, D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources. Available from

Hedstrom, Margaret, and Sheon Montgomery. 1998. Digital Preservation Needs and Requirements in RLG Member Institutions. Study commissioned by the Research Libraries Group. Available from

Hermanson, Sarah. 2000. Personal communication with Linda Serenson Colet, January.

Holm, Jack. 1996 a. "Factors to Consider in Pictorial Digital Image Processing," Proceedings IS&T 49th Annual Conference, 298-304. Minneapolis, Minn.

Holm, Jack. 1996 b. "Survey of Developing Electronic Photography Standards." In Standards for Electronic Imaging Technologies, Devices, and Systems, 120-52. The International Society for Optical Engineering [SPIE] Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, No. 61. Bellingham, Wa.

Image Quality Working Group of ArchivesCom, a Joint Libraries/AcIS Committee. 1997 (April). Technical Recommendations for Digital Imaging Projects. Available from

International Color Consortium. 1999. Available from

ISO 3664. (forthcoming, 1999). Viewing Conditions-for Graphic Technology and Photography.

ISO 12233/FDIS, ISO/TC42. 1999. Photography-Electronic Still Picture Cameras-Resolution Measurements.

ISO 12234-2/DIS, ISO/TC42. November 1998. Photography-Electronic Still Picture Imaging-Removable Memory-Part 2: Image Data Format-TIFF/EPS. Available at

ISO 14524/FDIS, ISO/TC42. 1999 (January). Photography-Electronic Still Picture Cameras-Methods for Measuring Opto-Electronic Conversion Functions (OECFs).

ISO 15739/CD, ISO/TC42. 1999 (June). Photography-Electronic Still Picture Cameras-Noise Measurements.

ISO 16067/WD, ISO/TC42. 1999 (September). Photography-Electronic Still Picture Cameras-Spatial Resolution Measurements, Part 1: Scanners for Reflective Media.

ISO 17321/WD, ISO/TC42. 1999 (April). Graphic Technology and Photography-Colour characterization of digital still cameras (DCSs) using colour targets and spectral illumination.

Kay, David C., and John R. Levine. 1995. Graphics File Formats, 2d ed. Blue Ridge Summit, Pa.: McGraw Hill. Photographic and Imaging Manufacturers Association (PIMA). PIMA/IT10, Technical Committee on Electronic Still Picture Imaging. Available from

Landsberg, Erik. 2000. Personal communication with Linda Serenson Colet, May.

Library of Congress, National Digital Library Program. 1997. NDLP Project Planning Checklist (January). Available from

Mintzer, Fred C., et al. 1996. Towards On-line, Worldwide Access to Vatican Library Materials. IBM Journal of Research and Development 40(2):139.

Puglia, Steven, and Barry Roginski. 1998. NARA Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access. Available from

Rhyne, C.S. 1996. Computer Images for Research, Teaching, and Publication in Art History and Related Disciplines. Visual Resources 12(1):19-51. Available from

Serenson Colet, Linda, Kate Keller, and Eric Landsberg. 1997-1998. "Digitizing Photographic Collections: A Case Study at the Museum of Modern Art, NY." MCN Spectra 25(2) (Winter 1997/98):22-27.

Smith, Leslie E. 1991. "Factors Governing the Long-Term Stability of Polyester-Based Recording Media," Restaurator 12:201-18.

Stephenson, Christie, and Patricia McClung, eds. 1998. MESL: Delivering Digital Images: Cultural Heritage Resources for Education. Los Angeles: Getty Information Institute.

Süsstrunk, Sabine. 2000. Personal communication with Linda Serenson Colet, May.

Süsstrunk, Sabine. 1998. "Imaging Production Systems at Corbis Corporation." RLG DigiNews, 2(4) (August 15). Available from,306 .

Süsstrunk, Sabine, R. Buckley, and S. Swen. 1999. "Standard RGB Color Spaces," In Proceedings IS&T's Seventh Color Imaging Conference, Scottsdale, Ariz.: 127-34. The Society for Imaging Science and Technology.

Technical Working Group, Visual Information Access Project. 1998. Harvard Library Digital Initiative Image Scanning Guidelines, version 1.0. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University. .

Yehling Allen, David. 1998. "Creating and Distributing High Resolution Cartographic Images." RLG DigiNews 2(4) (August 15). Available from,305 .

Universal Preservation Format. Available from

Van Bogart, John W. 1995. Magnetic Tape Storage and Handling. Washington, D.C.: Commission on Preservation and Access.

Williams, Donald. 1998. "What is an MTF… and why should you care?" RLG DigiNews, v.2, no. 1 (Feb. 15). Available from,299 .

Further Readings and Web References

ANSI/PIMA IT9.26-1997, Life Expectancy of Magneto-Optic (MO) Disks-Method for Estimating, Based on Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity.

Arms, Caroline, ed. 1999. Enabling Access in Digital Libraries. Washington D.C.: Council on Library and Information Resources.

Baxes, G. A. 1994. Digital Image Processing. New York, N.Y.: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

D'Amato, Donald P., and R. C. Klopfenstein. 1997. An Evaluation of Digital Image Quality Requirements for Illustrations of the Smithsonian Institution, in Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging II, edited by V. Ralph Algazi, Sadayasu Ono, and Andrew G. Tescher. SPIE Proceedings 3025:2-10.

Gann, Robert. 1999. Desktop Scanners: Image Quality Evaluation. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall PTR.

Holst, Gerald C. 1996. CCD Arrays, Cameras, and Displays. Winter Park, Fla.: JCD Publishing.

International Color Consortium. 1998. File Format for Color Profiles (ICC.1:1998-09). Available from

IP Lab Spectrum. Scanalytics, Inc., 8550 Lee Highway, Suite 400, Fairfax, VA 22031. Phone: 703-208-2230. Information available from

Kang, H.R. 1997. Color Technology for Electronic Imaging Devices. Bellingham, Wash.: SPIE Optical Engineering Press.

Maitre, H., F. J. M. Schmitt, and J. Crettez. 1997. High Quality Imaging in Museum: From Theory to Practice, in Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging II, edited by V. Ralph Algazi, Sadayasu Ono, and Andrew G. Tescher. SPIE Proceedings 3025:30-9.

Mitre Corporation. Information available from

NIH Image. Information available from

Olivès, J., B. Lamiscarre, and M. Gazalet. 1997. Optimization of Electro-Optical Imaging System with an Image Quality Measure. In Very High Resolution and Quality Imaging II, edited by V. Ralph Algazi, Sadayasu Ono, and Andrew G. Tescher. SPIE Proceedings 3025:158-67.

Olsson, S., M. Stroppiana, and J. Baïna. 1997. Objective Methods for Assessment of Video Quality: State of the Art. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, 43(4):487-95.

Puglia, S., and B. Roginski. 1998. NARA Guidelines for Digitizing Archival Materials for Electronic Access. Adelphi, Md.: National Archives and Records Administration. Available from

Russ, C. 1995. The Image Processing Handbook, 2d Ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press.

Scion Image. Scion Corporation, 82 Worman's Mill Court, Suite H, Frederick, MD 21701. Phone: 301-695-7870; fax: 301-695-0035. Information available from

Sine Patterns LLC, 3800 Monroe Ave., Pittsford, NY 14534. Phone: 716-385-1110; fax: 716-385-9528. Information available from

Thorell, L. G., and W. J. Smith. 1990. Using Computer Color Effectively. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall.

Wyszecki, G., and W. S. Stiles. 1982. Color Science, Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae. New York: John Wiley and Sons.