mapFAST: A FAST Geographic Authorities Mashup with Google Maps
by: Rick Bennett, Edward T. O'Neill, Kerre Kammerer, and JD Shipengrover
When looking for information about a particular place, it is often useful to check surrounding locations as well. FAST geographic subjects provide clean access points to this material, and a Google Maps mashup allows users to see surrounding locations that are also FAST subjects. Moreover, the Web Service to the underlying data is also open and available for use. The map interface allows for simple selection of a location, with links to enter it directly as a search into either or Google Books.
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Suggested Citation:
Bennett,Rick, Edward T. O'Neill, Kerre Kammerer, and JD Shipengrover. 2011. "mapFAST: A FAST Geographic Authorities Mashup with Google Maps." Code4Lib Journal, 14,2011-07-25.