Querying OCLC Web Services for Name, Subject, and ISBN
by: Ya'aqov Ziso, Ralph leVan, and Eric Lease Morgan
Using Web services, search terms can be sent to WorldCat’s centralized authority and identifier files to retrieve authorized terminology that helps users get a comprehensive set of relevant search results. This article presents methods for searching names, subjects or ISBNs in various WorldCat databases and displaying the results to users. Exploiting WorldCat’s databases in this way opens up future possibilities for more seamless integration of authority-controlled vocabulary lists into new discovery interfaces and a reduction in libraries’ dependence on local name and subject authority files.
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Suggested Citation:
Ziso, Ya'aqov, Ralph leVan, and Eric Lease Morgan. 2010. "Querying OCLC Web Services for Name, Subject, and ISBN." Code4Lib Journal, 9 (2010-03-22). Available online at: http://journal.code4lib.org/articles/2481.