2008 OCLC Research Publications List

Beyond the Silos of the LAMs: Collaboration Among Libraries, Archives and Museums
1 September 2008
Diane M. Zorich, Giinter Waibel, Ricky Erway
The COVID-19 pandemic impacted libraries of all types around the world, requiring library leaders to respond to rapidly shifting community and institutional needs. This briefing shares how leaders adapted during the pandemic and what they envision moving forward to help libraries plan strategically.

From Awareness to Funding: A study of library support in America
20 June 2008
Cathy De Rosa, Joanne Cantrell, Matthew Carlson, Peggy Gallagher, Janet Hawk, Charlotte Sturtz
OCLC was awarded a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to explore attitudes and perceptions about library funding and to evaluate the potential of a large-scale marketing and advocacy campaign to increase public library funding. The findings of this research are now available in the latest OCLC report, From Awareness to Funding: A study of library support in America. Though this study was based on data from the United States, there are findings in the report that could be applicable to any library seeking to understand the connections between public perceptions and library support.

Keeping Research Data Safe: A Cost Model and Guidance for UK Universities
9 April 2008