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2019 OCLC Research Presentations List

Practices and Patterns: The Convergence of Repository and CRIS Functions

Practices and Patterns: The Convergence of Repository and CRIS Functions

By Rebecca Bryant, Pablo de Castro, Annette Dortmund, and Michele Mennielli

Open Repositories 2019
Hamburg, Germany

The report Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey, shines a light onto the ever increasing coupling of its workflows to those traditionally associated with research information management (RIM, or CRIS) systems. Learn more about the findings of the survey conducted as part of this research.

Topics: Research Information Management

An "Open" Discussion: Findings from an OCLC Survey of Open Content Costs and Benefits

An "Open" Discussion: Findings from an OCLC Survey of Open Content Costs and Benefits

By Rebecca Bryant

euroCRIS Spring 2019 Memebership Meeting
Espoo/Helsinki (Finland)

OCLC conducted a survey that focused on libraries' ambitions, realities, and investments in support of open content that collected data about library open content activities across multiple internal silos. In this presentation, representatives from OCLC Research share preliminary findings from this global survey.

Topics: Open Access

Research Information Management: Libraries Leading the Way

Research Information Management: Libraries Leading the Way

By Rebecca Bryant, Jan Fransen, Maliaca Oxnam, Anne Rauh

Cleveland, OH (USA)

In this panel discussion, practitioners in the field of research information management (RIM) talk about the different motivations that led to implementations of RIM systems on their campuses and how their libraries are leading the way.

Topics: Research Information Management

Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey

Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey

By Jan Fransen and Rebecca Bryant

CNI Spring 2019 Membership Meeting
St. Louis, MO (USA)

This presentation shares findings from the report Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey, which provides a comprehensive view of international RIM practices and offers insights to coming trends.

Topics: Research Information Management

Leading the 21st Century Research Library

Leading the 21st Century Research Library

By Rachel Frick, Rebecca Bryant, Annette Dortmund, Karen Smith-Yoshimura, and Titia van der Werf

Research Library Partners Satellite Workshop
Marseille (France)

Program officers and researchers share recent OCLC Research into European practices related to linked data, research data management, persistent identifiers, open access, and research information management.

Topics: Linked Data, Research Data Management, Research Information Management, Open Access

Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey

Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey (video)

By Rebecca Bryant, Anna Clements, Jan Fransen

This webinar shares findings from the report “Practices and Patterns in Research Information Management: Findings from a Global Survey,” which provides a comprehensive view of international RIM practices and offers insights for libraries building or considering RIM services.

Topics: Research Information Management, Works in Progress