
Outcomes from the OCLC Research Library Partnership Web Archiving Metadata Working Group (video)
In this webinar, members of the OCLC Research Library Partnership Web Archiving Metadata Working Group focus on their recently issued recommendations for descriptive metadata that uniquely meet the needs of web content.
Topics: Metadata, Web Archiving, Works in Progress

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata for Web Archiving
Portland, Oregon (USA)
Dooley and colleagues share their work into best practices for metadata when archiving online materials, drawing from a report that comprehensively advises on these best practices.
Topics: Web Archiving, Metadata

Best Practices for Descriptive Metadata
London (UK)
Learn about how web archives are being used, the issues with discoverability, and best practices for web archiving descriptive metadata that are community-neutral and standards-neutral.
Topics: Metadata, Web Archiving