“A little bit of communication can go a long way.” The importance of Library Community Involvement and Relationship Building
Te Puna Libraries, New Zealand
In this presentation, Lynn Silipigni Connaway describes the different roles libraries play, and how libraries are centering themselves in the life of their users in several important ways. She also provides an overview of the OCLC Research Library Partnership.
Topics: Student Support
“It [library tour] wasn't what do you do when you need to make a literature review…” Proactively Positioning the Library in the Life of the User
Athens, Greece
In this keynote presentation, Lynn Silipigni Connaway provides context for the state of information seeking, and makes a case for positioning the library as more than just a place. She also provides examples for both academic and public libraries that are meeting the users where they are.
Topics: Information Literacy, Student Support
Update on ACRL's Value of Academic Libraries Initiative: Communicating Assessment Results to Stakeholders
Washington, DC (USA)
This update on the ACRL Value of Academic Libraries Initiative focuses on defining assessment, categorizing stakeholders and outlining their concerns and goals, as well as delving into library data and communication.
Topics: Student Support, Assessment
Information Literacy -- Visual Context Matters
Seattle, WA
Led by Lynn Silipigni Connaway: An IMLS-funded research project found that while students feel confident judging the credibility of online resources, they struggle to identify an online document's origin and measure its value due to a lack of visual context—an outcome called “container collapse.”
Topics: User Research, Information Literacy, Student Support
Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research
Ramat Gan (Israel)
Silipigni Connaway provides an update on the ACRL initiative on Academic Library Impact, including details on how the research was conducted and areas of focus for libraries.
Topics: Student Support
Update on Value of Academic Libraries Initiative
Denver, CO (US)
Silipigni Connaway gives an update on the ACRL initiative on Academic Library Impact, including details on how the research was conducted; and she describes areas of focus for libraries, which include communication, collaboration, mission strategy & alignment, teaching & learning, student success, and learning analytics.
Topics: Student Support
Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort
Columbus, Ohio (USA)
This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas
Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: A Collaborative Effort
Wrocław (Poland)
This presentation covers an agenda for action-based research on student success and how libraries can communicate and collaborate better across the institution about their role in student learning and success.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas
Academic Library Impact: Improving Practice and Essential Areas to Research
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
An OCLC Research team shares their work on exploring how academic libraries demonstrate alignment with and impact on institutional outcomes.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas
Communicating Library Impact Beyond Library Walls: Findings from an Action-oriented Research Agenda
Chicago, Illinois (USA)
Learn about a project initiated by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) and led by OCLC Research to identify specific themes and trends related to the current state of library value studies and connect them to student learning and success, create a research agenda, and more.
Topics: Student Support, Research Agendas