Works in Progress Webinar: Gears and gigabytes—Preserving multimodal robotics collections
View this webinar to learn about Carnegie Mellon University’s work to establish a robotics collecting program and the best practices developed to support it.
Topics: Works in Progress, Archives and Special Collections, Collection Management
Works in Progress Webinar: Towards diversifying collections—Implementing strategies
In this webinar, colleagues from University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) and South Puget Sound Community College (SPSCC) discuss their ongoing efforts to identify and implement sustainable practices for building diverse collections, including work at SPSCC to utilize reparations-informed practices.
Topics: Works in Progress, Collection Management, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion
What comes next? Grappling with data, reconsidering workflows, and expanding collaboration following a large-scale collection survey
Learn how assessment data can inform future collection development decisions, collection management activities, and preservation priorities.
Topics: Archives and Special Collections, Collection Management, Works in Progress
OCLC RLP Collection Building and Operational Impacts Working Group Update (video)
In this webinar, the Collection Building and Operational Impacts Working Group shares its work to explore the intersections between current collecting and collection management practices; seek ways to better integrate collection management considerations into the collection development process; and bring together colleagues across these important, interdependent functions.
Topics: Collection Management, Works in Progress